
  1. 最后一行程把已然气体排出汽缸。

    The third stroke forces burned gases out of the cylinder .

  2. 加进新鲜空气把恶劣的气体排出去。

    The act of supplying fresh air and getting rid of foul air .

  3. 通过肛门将肠内存住的气体排出。

    Expel intestinal gases through the anus .

  4. 于观察孔放置蘑菇头引流管接闭式引流瓶,并鼓励患者咳嗽、屏气以利胸腔内气体排出。

    Leave a mushroom drainage tube , encourage the patient to cough to discharge air .

  5. 非饱和土中水流入渗和气体排出过程的求解

    Numerical Simulation of the Process of Pore Water Infiltration and Pore Gas Flow in Unsaturated Soil

  6. 专家们批评东电把被压抑气体排出电站的动作过于缓慢。

    Experts have criticised TEPCO for being too slow to vent pent-up gas outside the plant .

  7. 结果表明,液态排水是一间歇过程,只有当液滴达到临界体积才会随反应气体排出。

    Results showed that liquid water removal was intermittent and droplet discharged only when it reached the critical size .

  8. 本实用新型的优点是:能调整加热功率且无毒性气体排出。

    The utility model has the advantages that the heating power can be regulated , without toxic gas being discharged .

  9. 无效:仍有引流气体排出,患侧呼吸音弱或消失,胸片肺未复张。

    Ineffective : Still had the drainage gas to discharge , contracts the side respiratory murmur weak or vanishing , the X-ray shows the lung re-distension not enough .

  10. 泵不会过热:压缩空气作动力,在排气时是一个膨胀吸热的过程,气动泵工作时温度是降低的,无有害气体排出。

    Pump will not overheat : powered by compressed air in the exhaust is an endothermic process of expansion , pneumatic pump when the temperature is lower , non-harmful gas emissions .

  11. 型腔易损部采用镶块结构,模具更新成本低,有利于气体排出;

    The structure of insert block is adopted in the rapid wear locations of the mould cavity , to reduce the cost of renew mould and to be favorable to discharge of gas .

  12. 由于在裂岩过程中无振动、无冲击、无飞砂走石、无有害气体排出,因此,是一种安全、环保、节能的新型采矿设备。

    As no vibration , no shock , no flying dirt and no harmful gas are produced in the rock breaking process , it can be said to be a kind of safe , environmental - friendly and energy-saving new mining equipment .

  13. 火花点火发动机缸内一小部分HC燃料未经燃烧即与已燃气体一起排出缸外。

    A fraction of hydrocarbon fuel in the spark ignited engine escapes in cylinder combustion and flows out with the burned products .

  14. 替代燃料在锅炉的燃烧过程中,CO和CO2气体的排出量比柴油燃料低30%~70%,且不产生硫化物,氮氧化物的排放量比柴油燃料减少了85%;

    Blazed in the boiler , the substitute fuel had lower emission of CO and CO2 than the diesel fuel by 30 % ~ 70 % and no sulfide , lower nitrogen oxide exhaust by 85 % .

  15. 监测气体可能排出和积累的区域的空气。

    Monitor the atmosphere in areas where gases may vent and collect .

  16. 这时蒸汽或压缩气体会排出泵体内的液体。

    At the moment , steam and compressed gas will expel the liquid from pump .

  17. 设有排毒装置,能把有害气体及时排出室外。

    Equippedwith poison exhaust device to exhaust the poisonous gases timely out of the room .

  18. 安全泄压阀可将超压气体自动排出再自动关闭。

    Will exceed the safety pressure relief valve can be automatically discharged gas and then shut down automatically .

  19. 本文介绍了手术室麻醉剩余气体真空排出系统的构成及装置的具体设计。

    This paper introduces the design and the structure of a vacuum exhauster to exhaust the remaining anaesthetic gas in operating room .

  20. 但是,气体不是排出调整器,而是流入第二级并得到缓和。

    However , instead of passing out of the regulator , the gas flows into the second stage where the pressure is moderated .

  21. 实验结果表明:真空预烧结的主要作用是使坯块的粉末颗粒表面吸附的气体充分排出;

    The results of experiments showed that the gas absorbed on the surface of powder grains has been gave out during presintering in vacuum .

  22. 请务必去通风良好的美容厅,新鲜的空气可以进到屋子里,同时有毒气体得以排出。

    Be sure and visit a salon that is well ventilated , one that pumps fresh air into the room as well as exhausting the toxic fumes out .

  23. 在铝电解生产过程中,电解槽内电解质和铝液循环流动、界面波动以及槽内阳极气体的排出和阳极效应的出现都伴随有相应的特征声音。

    In aluminum electrolysis production process , characteristic sound is followed when electrolyte and aluminum liquid circularly flow in aluminum reduction cell , contact surface undulates , anode gas discharges and anode effect occurs .

  24. 采用镶块结构,有利于压铸过程中气体的排出,解决了铸件气孔问题,显著提高了压铸件的合格率和经济效益。

    Adopting insert block structure is favourable to the snapout of gas in the course of diecasting , which solves the problem of cast air holes and conspicuously increase the qualified rate and economic benefit of diecasting .

  25. 以交界面上的动边界为控制变量,描述了非饱和土中孔隙水的入渗和孔隙气体的排出过程,为水流入渗问题的求解提供了一种新的方法。

    The control equations with coupled boundary conditions on the interface are established based on the equilibrium analysis for pore water and pore gas separately , which can provide a new method to solve the problem of water infiltration .

  26. 这些气体的排出,受地球内部的熔融状态、冰川形成的位置(是在海洋或是在陆地)、生物的演化、太阳光的强度等因素的综合影响。

    These degassing is influenced by many factor , such as the melting condition of the interior of the earth , the position of the glacier formation ( in ocean or in land ), biotic evolvement , the intensity of the sunshine .

  27. 数值结果表明,对导气率不同的土类,孔隙气体的排出过程对孔隙水入渗运动有不同的影响,对导气率低的土类影响很大,且不可忽略。

    The numerical simulation of the water infiltration in dry sands and fly ash in two-dimensional shows that the influences of pore gas flowing on the water infiltration process are different for soil with different air permeability , which can not be ignored when air permeability of soil is low .

  28. 这些气体根本不能排出去。

    The gas has barely had a chance to run its course .

  29. 不让气体发散或排出。

    Keep from exhaling or expelling .

  30. 施工过程中,随着独头掘进距离的不断增加,爆破及出渣等施工作业过程中产生的大量有害气体不易排出,严重威胁洞内施工安全。

    As the single head driving distance increasing in the construction process , large amount of harmful gas because of the blasting and slag-out is difficult to overflow , which influences the construction safety seriously .