
  • 网络meteorological station
  1. 应用泰森多边形法将聚合负荷所辖地理范围进行区域划分,各子区域由唯一的气象观测站提供外界温度等气象信息,使得外界参数更加精细化,所得聚合结果更准确。

    Thiessen Polygon Method was applied to divide geographical scope into a few subregions . The only meteorological station in every subregion provides weather information to the subregion . So , the parameters will be more precise and the aggregated result will be more accurately .

  2. 利用甘肃省定西农业气象观测站1986&2004年的观测资料,就气候变化对黄土高原半干旱雨养农业区春小麦生长的影响进行了初步探讨。

    Using surface observation data of Dingxi agricultural meteorological station from 1986 to 2004 , the impact of climate change on spring wheat growth in semi-arid rain feed region was investigated .

  3. 结合数据相关性的分析、模糊C均值聚类和模糊分类系数的确定方法,给出了气象观测站优化调整的综合模型。

    In this paper , a composite model used as optimal regularization of meteorological stations has been established by integrating analysis of data , fuzzy C means ( FCM ) clustering and decision of fuzzy partition coefficient .

  4. 根据1961~2003年新疆90个气象观测站的地面观测资料计算得到新疆强冰雹天气81次,其持续时间在1~2d,出现在4~8月。

    According to the ground records of 90 Xinjiang meteorological observation stations from 1961 to 2003 , got eighty-one times heavy hail weather within 2 day from April to August .

  5. 分析2005年广州市市区和郊区的8个自动气象观测站气象资料得出,热岛强度(UHI)具有明显的日、月和季节变化。

    An analysis is performed on the meteorological data of 2005 , from eight Auto-Weather stations located in urban and suburban areas of Guangzhou .

  6. 采用重庆地区34个气象观测站1971&2000年30a平均月降水总量资料,以及重庆地区100m×100mDEM(Digitalelevationmodel)数据,对重庆地区降水空间分布进行研究。

    Based on the 1971 & 2000 monthly precipitation data observed at 34 meteorological stations in the Chongqing region and the 100 m × 100 m DEM ( Digital Elevation Model ) of Chongqing , the spatial distribution of precipitation of Chongqing was studied .

  7. 选用中国178个常规气象观测站建站~2000年历年春季沙尘暴日数资料,分析了近50a来中国北方春季沙尘暴的气候特征。

    Data of annual sand-dust storm days recorded by the 178 meteorology observation stations in northern China were used to analyze the climatic characteristics of sand-dust storm during spring in the recent 50 years and its response to the surface sensible heat on Qinghai-Xizang plateau in winter .

  8. 利用哈密地区6个气象观测站的资料,用地面资料多功能应用系统(SDMAS),对1961~2000年共40年哈密风沙天气的天气气候特征和沙尘暴环流形势特征进行了分析研究。

    Based on the observations from 6 stations in Hami , climate features and synoptic situation of sandy and dust weather in last 40 years ( 1961 & 2000 ) are studied with the Surface Data Multifunctional Application System ( SDMAS ) .

  9. 自动气象观测站的日常维护及故障排除

    The regular maintenance and malfunction eliminating of automatic weather station

  10. 广州自动气象观测站要素统计查询系统

    A Statistical Inquiry System for Automatic Weather Observations in Guangzhou

  11. 气象观测站在城外。

    The meteorological observation station stands apart from the town .

  12. 气象观测站温度与湿度自动化测试和处理系统

    Automatie testing of temperature and humidity and its processing system for meteorologic observatory

  13. 气象观测站网远程实时监控平台的研发

    Remote Real-Time Supervising Platform for Automatic Weather Station Networks

  14. 自动气象观测站气象自动观测站

    Automatic meteorological observation station

  15. 利用新疆90个气象观测站1961~1999年的地面观测资料,分析了新疆沙尘暴的时空分布特征。探讨了大风、月降水和温度及相对湿度等这4种气候因子对沙尘暴的影响。

    Based on the observation of 90 stations in Xinjiang , the spatial and temporal distribution character of sandstorm is analyzed .

  16. 通过对各通道观测亮温与沙漠周围5个常规气象观测站的温度资料的相关分析,表明观测亮温与地表要素间有很好的相关性。

    The observed brightness temperature has good correlation with surface parameters by correlation analysis between observed brightness temperature of each channel and surface temperature .

  17. 各种气象观测站将显示不同的数据集,或可暂时不可用,如果你不满意尝试另一个位置。

    Various weather stations will display different set of data or can be temporarily unavailable , if you 're not satisfied try another location .

  18. 利用喀什地区11个气象观测站1961~2003年地面观测气表-1资料,统计分析了局地性沙尘天气过程和区域性沙尘天气过程。

    By using the surface observational data of 11 meteorological stations in Kashi area of Xinjiang , the local and regional sand-dust weather processes were analyzed .

  19. 上海市中心气象观测站说到周日早上前台风的势头不会减弱,并已在周六颁布了黑色台风警告。

    The municipal central meteorological observatory of Shanghai said the typhoon will not grow weakened until Sunday morning and already sent out a black warning signal Saturday .

  20. 莲花水电站水库调度系统包括水情自动测报系统,卫星云图接收系统和自动气象观测站。

    The reservoir operation system at Lianhua water power station comprises automatic measurement report of water regime , satellite cloud chart reception system and automatic meteorological observation station .

  21. 首先分析西峰1971~2004年先年7~9月夏闲期降水量与次年冬小麦产量相关关系,进而利用陇东15个气象观测站1971~2004年7~9月降水资料,讨论降水的时空分布特征。

    And then the characteristic of space-time distribution was discussed using the precipitation data from July to September of1971 ~ 2004 of15 weather stations in the east of Gansu .

  22. 用北京地区20个气象观测站41年(1960~2000年)的年平均气温记录,研究了北京地区的大尺度气温变化及其热岛效应。

    We study large scale temperature changes and heat island effect in the Beijing region using the annual mean temperature data from 1960 to 2000 at 20 meteorological stations .

  23. 利用成都平原中西部5个气象观测站的降水、温度和日照资料,分析了成都平原中西部降水、温度和日照的分布规律、气候特征及其变化,得出以上地区年平均气温存在准4年的振动周期;

    The climatic features and changes , the precipitation distribution , the temperature and the sunlight are analyzed with the data of five weather stations in the middle and western Chengdu Plain .

  24. 运用华南沿海6个有代表性的气象观测站1958~1999年的气温与降水资料,对华南沿海地区近42年来的气候作了分析。

    Using the data of temperature and precipitation of six representative meteorological stations in the coastland of South China from 1958 to 1999 , the climatic change of the coastland of South China is analysed .

  25. 选用石家庄地区17个气象观测站40年(1961&2000年)的平均气温资料,应用气候学、气候统计中的数学方法,对该地区的气温变化状况和城市热岛效应特征进行了分析。

    The change of temperature and the characteristics of the urban heat island effect were analyzed with climatology and statistic methods based on annual meteorological data from 1961 to 2000 at 17 stations in Shijiazhuang area .

  26. 利用临汾市基本气象观测站的土壤温度资料,采用同时考虑热传导和热对流的土壤温度算法研究了临汾市的土壤热扩散率和液态水通量密度。

    Based on the soil of runoff plot in the loess hilly areas , the soil hydraulic properties have been measured , which are the soil water retention curve , soil water diffusion and soil water conductivity .

  27. 他渴望利用这些数据建立社交媒体版的“气象观测站”,考察公共辩论的风向、识别经济趋势并预测即将显现的问题,造福国际社会。

    He dreams of using these data to create the social media equivalent of " metereological stations " , which can test the winds of public debate , spot economic trends and predict looming problems in a beneficial way .

  28. 利用河南省7个农业气象观测站1981-2004年冬小麦、夏玉米的生育期观测资料和同期的气象资料,分析了这两种作物主要生育期的变化趋势及对气候变化的响应。

    Based on the crop growth stages and climate data of seven meteorological stations from 1981 to 2004 in Henan Province , the climate change and its impacts on main growing stages of winter wheat and summer corn were analyzed .

  29. 利用西北地区东部100个气象观测站1960&2000年逐日降水资料,对降水、极端降水事件及异常旱涝区域面积的季节变化倾向进行了分析。

    Using daily precipitation data of 100 meteorological stations from 1960 to 2000 we have analyzed the trend of seasonal precipitation , trend of extreme precipitation events and the area percentage with extreme drought and flood in the east of Northwest China .

  30. 利用1961~1999年39年新疆90个气象观测站的气表&1资料,对新疆的雾进行了分析,结果表明:(1)雾主要出现在北疆,尤以天山山区最多。

    Fog was analyzed using the 39 years data from 1961 to 1999 at 90 weather stations in Xinjiang . The results are follow : ( 1 ) The fog occurrence is more frequently in North Xinjiang , most in Tianshan mountain .