
  • 网络Climate observation;climatological observation
  1. 应用气候观测、再分析资料和吉林省粮豆单产资料,研究了气候变化对粮食生产的影响。

    The climatological observation data , reanalysis data and grain / soybean yields per unit area are used to analyze and interpret the impacts of climate change on grain production in this paper .

  2. 并由此可推算出0~100cm和0~200cm农田土壤有效水分含量的关系式,同时探讨用大气候观测场土壤水分资料代替农田土壤水分状况的可能性,并求出推算模型。

    Calculated equations for effective moisture in the soils of 0 ~ 100cm and 0 ~ 200cm were set up . Possibility of using the data from climatic observation platform instead of the effective moisture in farmland soil is discussed .

  3. 中国气候观测系统实施方案设计进展

    Progresses in Design of Implementation Plan of China Climate Observing System

  4. 我国开展气候观测和资料获取系统建设的战略性思考

    Study on the Construction of Chinese Climate Monitoring and Data Acquiring System

  5. 森林小气候观测研究概述

    Review on the forest microclimate research and observation methods

  6. 塑料遮阳网大棚小气候观测与分析

    Observations and analysis of microclimatic shade-net greenhouse in Chengdu

  7. 森林小气候观测方法主要有常规观测和梯度观测两大类。

    The observation methods mainly consisted of normal observation method and gradual observation method .

  8. 气候观测系统及其相关的关键问题

    Climate Observing System and Related Crucial Issues

  9. 中子仪测定气候观测场和农田土壤水分的试验研究

    A study on Neutron Probes Soil Water Content Measurements for Climate Observation Field and Cropland

  10. 西安市春夏季高校宿舍室内小气候观测与分析

    Observation and analysis of microclimate in college student dormitory in Spring and Summer in Xi'an City

  11. 干旱气候观测系统

    Arid Climate Observing System

  12. 野外小气候观测的数据处理问题

    In field microclimatic measurements

  13. 开展气候观测和资料获取系统建设需要实施综合的气候系统观测。

    The development of Chinese climate monitoring and data acquiring system should implement the comprehensive climate observation system .

  14. 采用近代仪器与传统小气候观测相结合的方法,研究了人工胶林群落结构的生物学效应;

    The biological effects of the community structure of one artificial rubber forest were observed with the modern instruments and the traditional microclimate observations .

  15. 归纳起来主要研究结果有下列几方面:(1)北京城市水体的小气候观测试验表明:水体对周边区域的降温、增湿有一定的贡献。

    The results show as follows : ( 1 ) Water body contributes to the temperature reduction and humidity increase in its surrounding area .

  16. 根据农田小气候观测资料分析了冷型小麦陕229和暖型小麦NR9405所形成的农田小气候特征及其成因。

    Based on observed data from farmland microclimate in dry shed , the farmland microclimatic characteristics and it 's forming causes of different-type wheats are analyzed .

  17. 这样不仅可以弥补地区气候观测资料空缺,避免了传统方法以点代面的局限性,还可以为农业生产和科学研究提供有关气候环境信息的基础数据。

    The gridded agricultural climate information can be provided as basic data for agricultural production and scientific research that the data from observatories only cannot do well .

  18. 根据农田土壤湿度和小气候观测资料,分析了冷型小麦陕229和暖型小麦9430的土壤湿度,并用M。

    Based on the observed data of soil moisture and microclimate in farmland , the soil moisture was analyzed , the vapor fluxes were calculated with М .

  19. 文章综述了国内外森林小气候观测研究概况及进展,包扩森林小气候观测研究的常用仪器、观测方法和观测项目等。

    This paper summarized the general situation and advance of observation methods and studies on the forest microclimate in China and in some developed countries in recent years .

  20. 从气候观测、土壤有益微生物生态观测以及物候观测3个方面对重庆垫江地区引种的紫果西番莲的适应性进行了研究。

    The phonological , climatic and soil beneficial microorganism ecological observation are preliminarily studied on the passionfruit ( Passiflora edulis Sims ) which is experimentally planted in Dianjiang Chongqing .

  21. 我国从20世纪80年代开始较为广泛使用常规观测仪器进行森林小气候观测,而国外自60年代中期就开始大量使用先进的自动观测仪器进行森林小气候观测;

    In China , conventional devices began to be widely applied in forest microclimate observation in 1980s , with various items of the forest microclimate observed , but usually superficially .

  22. 利用1957~2000年的气候观测资料,研究南京的平均温度、平均最高温度、平均最低温度和平均日较差及炎热日和寒冷日的变化趋势和特点,并分析可能的原因;

    Based on the meteorological data during 19572000 , the change trends and characteristics of temperature and its possible causes in Nanjing in recent 44 years have been analyzed and studied .

  23. 国内进行森林小气候观测的项目比较广泛但缺乏深度,而国外主要针对某一具体观测项目开展比较深入的研究。

    In some developed countries , however , advanced devices were used for forest microclimate research as early as in mid 1960s and specific items were observed and studied in depth .

  24. 根据气象台站最新30年的气候观测资料和台站地理信息,建立了南宁市主要气候要素的空间分析模型。

    Based on the climatological data accumulated by observatory stations in last 30 years and geographical information of the stations , the spatial analytical model of climatological elements for Nanning is built .

  25. 用中子仪对气候观测场与农田的土壤水分动态变化进行观测,对比发现两者存在明显差异;

    In this paper , dynamic variations of soil moisture for climate observation field and cropland using neutron probes were compared . The results showed that the differences of both were obvious .

  26. 另外,本研究采用巴丹吉林沙漠南缘阿拉善右旗与雅布赖两个气象站点的气候观测资料,结合区域内降水量与蒸发量的变化,探讨了不同时间尺度沙漠湖泊变化的主要因素。

    In addition , the meteorological datasets from two meteorological station in Alxa Right Banner and Yabrai , at the southern edge of the Badain Jaran Desert , are used to analyze the main influence factors of the lake area changes .

  27. 20世纪80年代以来,全球气候观测系统的不断完善、国际大型外场观测试验的成功实施以及高性能计算机的飞速发展,为气候模式的迅猛发展提供了基础和条件。

    Since 1980s continuous development of the global climate observing system , successful implementation of the international field experiments in different regions as well as the fast development of computer performance have provided great support to the booming of climate models .

  28. 对策勒双株双层特高产栽培棉田小气候观测表明:棉田地温条件良好,有利于苗期棉花的生长。

    The observation of the microclimate in the cotton fields cultivated in the " double stem and double layer " way in Cele , Xinjiang , shows that the fine ground temperature conditions in the cotton fields are advantageous for cotton growth .

  29. 基于对以往沙尘暴监测和预报的研究,依托天气气候观测网,应用不断发展的卫星遥感监测和天气预报技术,提出符合陕西省天气气候特点的沙尘暴监测、综合预警方法。

    Based on the former studies on monitoring and forecasting dust storm , relying on the weather and climate observation net and applying the developing technologies of remote sensing and weather forecasting , the integration methods of dust storm monitoring and early-warning are presented .

  30. 本文利用1951-2000年西安市气候观测数据,分析了过去50年来西安市气温、降水、相对湿度、日照百分率、晴空指数以及直接散射辐射比等参数的多年和季节变化趋势。

    By using climate observation data of Xi'an during 1951 to 2000 , annual and seasonal variation trends of temperature , precipitation , relative humidity , sunshine percentage , clearness index and ratio of solar radiation to diffuse radiation of Xi'an during the past 50 years were analyzed .