
  • 网络climate monitoring
  1. 基于GIS的福建省气候监测与灾害预警系统

    Development of GIS-Based Climate Monitoring and Disaster Warning System for Fujian Province

  2. 在这个应用领域中,GNSS卫星主要用来探测对流层中的水汽含量和电离层中的电子密度等,是天气预报和气候监测的一个重要工具。

    In this field , GNSS satellites are used to achieve aerograph detection , including water vapor contents in the troposphere as well as the electrons density of the ionosphere . So GNSS Meteorology has been developed into a very important tool for weather forecast and climate monitoring .

  3. 英国气象办公室哈德莱中心(UKMetOffice'sHadleyCentre)气候监测与分析的负责人彼得斯托特(PeterStott)表示,人为造成的气候变化是升温的罪魁祸首,导致世界进入“未知领域”。哈德莱中心发布的研究报告也印证了美国研究人员的分析结果。

    Man-made climate change is the main culprit for warming that was leading the world into " uncharted territory , " said Peter Stott , head of climate monitoring and attribution at the UK Met Office 's Hadley Centre for climate research , which released separate findings confirming the US analysis .

  4. 江苏省异常气候监测分析系统介绍

    Introduction of inspection and analysis system of abnormal climate in Jiangsu

  5. 海平面上升和气候监测项目

    Sea Level Rise and Climate Monitoring Project

  6. 杭州湾地区生态-气候监测预警系统及其应用

    Monitoring and Early Warning System for Ecology and Climate and Its Application in Hangzhou Bay

  7. 朱小祥还说,卫星气候监测将会是中国未来的一个优先发展领域。比如,它可以帮助决策者为不同的地区量身制定农耕计划。

    Satellite-based climate monitoring will be a priority for China , says Zhu , which can help policymakers tailor farming strategies in different areas .

  8. 气象卫星资料应用研究成果,主要包括气象卫星资料在天气分析和预报中的应用、在数值预报中的应用和在气候监测和短期气候预测中的应用。

    The achievement on the China satellite applications is described , including those in the weather analysis and forecast , numerical weather prediction , climate monitoring and short range climate forecast .

  9. “人们应该关心我们正在做的事情的气氛,”杰伊劳里莫尔说,处长的气候监测处的国家海洋和大气管理局。

    " People should be concerned about what we are doing to the climate ," said Jay Lawrimore , Chief of the Climate Monitoring Branch of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration .

  10. 分析并评述了双向双射率测量在一些领域诸如:植被长势检测、国土资源遥感、环境气候监测及抑制杂散光等方面的应用。

    The applications of the bidirectional reflectance measurement in several fields are analyzed and summarized , such as vegetation monitoring , soil resource remote sensing , monitoring the environment and climate , and suppressing the stray light etc.

  11. 异常气候监测分析系统以适时全省气象信息为依据,运用气候统计方法得出气象要素极值,提高了气候分析的准确性和异常年表制作的质量。

    Based on province weather information , by using climate statistics the extrema of meteorologic elements were given by this system . The accuracy of climate analysis and the making of annual forms of abnormality were improved .

  12. 中国第一代短期气候监测、预测、评价和服务业务系统主要由6个部分组成:数据库、动力气候模式系统、气候监测诊断系统、短期气候预测系统、气候影响评价系统与气候应用服务系统。

    The first-generation of the Operational Short-range Climate Prediction System in China consists of data base , dynamic climatic model system , climatic monitoring and diagnostic system , short-range climate prediction system , climatic impact and assessment system and climatic application and service system .

  13. 重庆市气候灾害监测预警系统设计

    Design of monitoring and pre warning system of climatic calamity in Chongqing

  14. 我国西北地区生态气候环境监测预测方法研究

    Research on Monitoring and Forecasting Methods of Ecoclimate and Environment in Northwest China

  15. 基于农田气候实时监测的玉米产量性能模拟研究

    Simulation Research on Maize Yield Property Based on Field Climatic Real Time Monitor

  16. 世界气候系统监测方案

    World Climate System Monitoring Programme

  17. 建立我国气候资源监测评估体系,研究气候资源未来演化趋势及其对环境、生态和社会经济系统的影响;

    Building the monitoring and evaluating systems of climate resources to study their evolution and impacts on the environment and societal economy .

  18. 复杂事件处理广泛地应用于商业检测与预测、供应链管理、气候环境监测与预报和医疗监护等很多领域。

    Nowadays Complex Event Processing is widely applicable to many fields , such as business activity detecting and predicting , supply chain management , climatic environment monitoring , medical care , and so on .

  19. 气象服务内容从公益性服务、决策服务、专项性服务和气象科技等服务的基础上,增加了气候变化监测预警、气候变化外交谈判决策、有偿专项服务和气候资源科学利用的服务。

    On the basis of public welfare services , decision services , special services and technology services , Meteorological services increase early warning of climate change , diplomatic negotiations and decision-making , compensation for special services and scientific utilization of climate resources services .

  20. 本文根据全球气候系统监测资料,综述了1986夏&1988年秋全球气候的主要特征及其成因,以及全球各地主要气候异常情况,可供研究制作地区长期气候预报时参考。

    Based on the global climatic system monitoring data , the main characterstics of the global climate from summer o-f 1986 to autumn of 1988 and its contributing factors , as well as main anomalous climate in the world , are summarized . ' .

  21. 2005年,近海风能引起国内媒体的广泛关注,据国家气候中心监测,我国近海风能资源预计可达7.5亿千瓦,是陆上风能资源的3倍。

    In 2005 , offshore wind energy attracted wide coverage from the domestic press . Accord - ing to the monitoring result from the state climate center , Chinas offshore wind energy resource is estimated at 750 million kilowatt , three times that much on land .

  22. 遥感对地观测技术目前已广泛应用于战场情报侦察、目标识别、气候变化监测、植物生长监测、灾害监测、数字地球等方面。遥感图像的分割,分类和识别是遥感图像处理和解译的关键。

    The earth observation technology of remote sensing has been widely used in battlefield intelligence and reconnaissance , target recognition , climate change monitoring , vegetation monitoring , disaster monitoring , digital earth etc. Segmentation , classification and recognition are the key technologies in remote sensing image processing and interpretation .

  23. 全球气候变化的监测(续)检测和监测;

    Detection of Global Climate Change ( Continuation ) 3 ) Surveillance and Monitoring ;

  24. 全球气候变化的监测(续)

    Detection of Global Climate Change ( Continuation )

  25. 世界气候数据和监测方案

    World Climate Data and Monitoring Programme

  26. 气候变化全球监测方案

    Global Monitoring for Climate Change Programme

  27. 全球气候变化的监测

    Detection of Global Climate Change

  28. 而同期,其他所有领域的应用如气候和环境监测,油气勘探,航空测绘也会产生32亿美元的经济效益。

    All other applications which range from weather and environmental monitoring , to oil and gas exploration , to aerial imaging and mapping will also result in a $ 3.2 billion impact over the same period .

  29. 而同期,其他所有领域的应用——如气候和环境监测,油气勘探,航空测绘——也会产生32亿美元的经济效益。

    All other applications -- which range from weather and environmental monitoring , to oil and gas exploration , to aerial imaging and mapping -- will also result in a $ 3.2 billion impact over the same period .

  30. 天然气候环境参数自动监测系统研制

    The Development of Natural Climate Environmental Parameters Automatic Monitoring System