- 名gas exchange;air exchange

Effect of NaCl Stress on Gas Exchange and Chlorophyll Fluorescence of Cucumis melo Seedlings
Effects of NaCl on seed germination , leaf gas exchange and seedling growth were investigated .
Environmental regulation of co_2 exchange pattern in facultative cam plants
On these stands and an additional irrigation treatment , a comparative study on photosynthetic rate was performed by means of assimilation chamber .
Pulmonary Shunt Fraction , Gas Exchange and Respiratory Mechanics in Endotoxin Induced Animal ARDS
Effects of Iso_osmotic NaCl and KCl Stress on Growth and Gas Exchange of Sorghum Seedlings
Result : Half times of gas exchange parameters in COPD after maximal exercise were significantly longer than in controls .
Effects of low temperature stress on gas exchange , photochemical efficiency of PS ⅱ and light energy allocation in eggplant seedling leaves
An experimental study on the effect of different endotracheal suctions on the gas exchange in ARDS dog lung
Conclusion : Quercetin has a protective effect on LPS-induced acute lung injury in rats through inhibiting the P-selectin mediator and improving gas exchange ability .
Objective To investigate the effect of total liquid ventilation on pulmonary inflammatory reaction in piglets after cardiopulmonary bypass .
Response of Photosynthetic Gas Exchange Parameters of the Leaves of Flue-cured Tobacco on the Attenuated UV-B Radiation Intensity
Osmotic stress was used to testify the effects of soil drought on photosynthesis , gas exchange and activities of PS reaction center .
Methods Sixteen HVS patients and 18 healthy controls performed incremental cardiopulmonary exercise testing with cycle ergometer .
The toxic effect of low pH on aquatic life include inhibition of gas exchange , disorder of body salt adjustment , imbalance of acidity and alkalinity , and the combined effects with metals .
Water characteristics and gas exchange of Pinus tabulaeformis and Quercus variabilis mixed stand
The parameters of lung gas exchange and hemodynamics were measured at baseline , ARDS and 30 minutes after treatment .
Conclusion Spirometry , airway resistance , residual capacity , diffusion capacity , exercise tolerance and gas exchange were improved remarkably after lung transplantation in COPD patients .
IPPV may improve gas exchange and prolong survival time .
Conclusions : Recovery half life of gas exchange in COPD is significantly longer than in the normal individuals and is not influenced by aminophylline in common dosage .
Photosynthetic rates in leaves were measured with CI-301 ( CID , Inc ) portable CO 2 exchange system .
Methods : Sheep was infused intravenously with LPS ( 3 μ g / kg ) within 30 minutes , and parameters of hemodynamics , lung mechanics and gas exchange were observed during the experiment .
The growth of sorghum seedings , ion contents , relative plasmalemma permeability and gas exchange of the leaves under iso osmotic NaCl and KCl stress were studied .
Under cadmium toxicity , PS ⅱ in the leaves of wheat seedling was dramatically damaged , and parameters of photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence , and biomass significantly decreased with increasing Cd concentration .
Sea surface temperature ( SST ) is an important index of air sea interaction and a dynamic element for reflecting the air sea exchange of heat and gas .
Methods In 18 sheep with LPS induced ALI , gas exchange , pulmonary mechanics and hemodynamics were observed at different tidal volumes ( V T ) .
KCl had much more detrimental effects on the growth , plasmalemma permeability , Ca 2 + metabolism and photosynthetic gas exchange of the sorghum seedings than iso osmotic NaCl .
Anatomical Features and Stomatal Gas Exchange in Leaves of Melastoma candidum Grown in Hilly and Swampy Habitats
The results suggest that nasal PSV reduced the work of breathing and optimized the diaphragmatic function , and then improved gas exchange .
The effects of different temperatures and plastic bags on the change in quality of Pak-choi were also studied in this paper . Experimental results have showed us that suitable film for Pak-choi MAP could be got by using the mathematical model .