
  • 网络climate financing
  1. 巴克尔称,该报告最大的贡献之一是它试图明确对气候融资进行衡量和定义的方式。

    Mr Buckle said one of the report 's biggest contributions was its attempt to clarify how climate financing can be measured and defined .

  2. 主要经济体必须在研发方面投入更多资金,并且说明它们将如何在2020年前每年至少拿出1000亿美元,为低收入国家提供额外的气候融资。

    Major economies must spend more on research and development , and say how they will pay for at least $ 100bn a year in additional climate financing for low-income countries by 2020 .

  3. 去年,中国表态同意,还更进一步,承诺为穷国提供气候融资。

    Last year China agreed , even committing to provide climate finance for poor countries .

  4. 在能源领域,我们必须解决像技术转让、投资和气候融资等棘手问题。

    On the energy front , we must tackle difficult issues like technology transfer , investment , and climate finance .

  5. 夏尔马表示,英国期待与中国扩大在气候融资、能源、碳交易等领域的交流与合作。

    Sharma said Britain is expanding exchanges and cooperation in climate finance , energy , carbon trading and other fields with China .

  6. 需要达成协议,以防止一些国家在其他国家采取努力的情况下“搭便车”,促进技术合作,为贫穷国家提供气候融资等公共产品。

    An agreement is needed to prevent countries from freeriding on the efforts of others , to facilitate co-operation on technology and to provide public goods such as climate financing for poor countries .

  7. 但是,从外国援助预算、多边银行贷款以及其他资金来源构成的复杂资金网中判断哪些资金应该被算作气候融资,已经证实是极为困难的。

    But figuring out what should and should not be counted as climate funding from the complex web of foreign aid budgets , multilateral bank lending and other sources of money has proved extremely difficult .

  8. 例如,该研究并未将与煤炭项目相关的资金包括在内,尽管日本和澳大利亚方面认为,为更高效的燃煤发电厂提供资金应该被视为气候融资的一种形式。

    The study does not , for example , include money relating to coal projects , even though Japan and Australia say funding for more efficient coal plants should be considered as a form of climate finance .

  9. 这些国家的领导人呼吁各国财政部长在上周末于苏格兰圣安德鲁斯召开的会议上,在气候变化融资方面取得进展,并确保全球经济实现强劲、持续和均衡的复苏。G20国家占全球经济总量的85%。

    Leaders of G20 countries , representing 85 per cent of the global economy , called on their finance ministers to make progress on climate change finance and on ensuring the global recovery was strong , sustained and balanced at the weekend 's meeting in St Andrews , Scotland .

  10. 如果说在经济合作新框架方面的成就有限,那么气候变化融资方面则毫无进展。气候变化融资是指为帮助发展中国家减排,富裕国家向贫困国家提供资金。

    If achievements on the new framework for economic co-operation were limited , there was no progress at all on climate change finance , the flows of money from rich to poor countries to help the developing world reduce carbon emissions .

  11. 各国财长本该提交一份包括“一系列气候变化融资可能选择”的报告,但他们却将此项任务推后了,只是同意“进一步推进融资工作,定义融资选择和机构安排”。

    Finance ministers were supposed to produce a report on " a range of possible options for climate change financing " but pushed that into the future , agreeing merely to " take forward further work on finance , to define financing options and institutional arrangements " .

  12. 法国总统弗朗索瓦攠朗德(FranHollande)上个月警告称,在12月签订气候协议的努力或将失败,除非富裕国家就气候融资作出郑重承诺。

    French president , Fran Hollande , warned last month that efforts to seal a successful accord in December could fail unless wealthy countries make a serious commitment on climate finance .

  13. 我们可以从许多方面提供帮助,但也许最有成效的作法是就气候变化不断上升的成本提出警告,并动员来自公共和私营部门的气候融资。

    We can help in many ways , but perhaps most fruitfully by highlighting the increasing costs of climate change and by mobilizing climate finance from the public and private sectors .

  14. 为了在巴黎气候大会前得到一个较清晰的概念,法国政府以及去年主办联合国气候谈判大会的秘鲁政府,要求经合组织进行一项更详细的分析,以了解各国距离每年提供总计1000亿美元气候融资的目标还有多远。

    In an attempt to get a clearer picture before the Paris meeting , the French government and its Peruvian counterpart , which hosted last year 's UN climate talks , asked the OECD to do a more detailed analysis on how close countries were to meeting the $ 100bn a year goal .