
mín zú tǐ yù
  • national sport
  1. 浅谈现代民族体育学科体系的构建

    A Trial Discussion on Construction of Subject System of National Sport of Tradition

  2. 多元生态构成了民族体育文化的多样性。

    The diversity of ecological makes the multiple forms of national sport culture .

  3. 中国民族体育文化传统思想及其现代转化

    On China National Sports Culture Traditional Thought and its Modern Change

  4. 青海民族体育旅游业发展之我见

    About the Development of Tourist Industry of National P.E in Qinghai

  5. 论新疆民族体育的共性与个性

    On the Generality and the Individuality of National Physical Culture in Xinjiang

  6. 论网络文化对我国民族体育文化的影响

    Internet Culture 's Influence on Chinese National Sports Culture

  7. 民族体育观与武术持续发展战略研究

    National sports view and sustainable development strategy of Wushu

  8. 高原地区民族体育产业的开发是一个市场潜力巨大的新型产业。

    National sports industry is a new industry which has tremendous potential market .

  9. 黔南布依民族体育文化透视

    Perspective on Minority Sports Culture of Qiannan Bouyei

  10. 中华民族体育走向世界的文化动因浅析

    An analytical approach to the cultural motives for the internationalization of Chinese national sports

  11. 民族体育融入社区体育发展的可行性研究

    Research on the feasibility of the developing of ethical sports combined with community sports

  12. 我国少数民族体育发展四项问题之管窥

    Four Problems of Minority Sports Development In China

  13. 关于中国民族体育发展与走向的思考

    The Thinking About Tendency of National Sports

  14. 试论新疆少数民族体育双语课教学问题

    A Pilot Study of Bilingual Teaching in the Physical Education of Minority Nationalities in Xinjiang

  15. 西北地区自然环境得天独厚,既具有悠久的历史文化,又具有深厚的民族体育传统。

    The northwest has abundant natural environment long historical culture and profound national sports tradition .

  16. 试述云南民族体育与自然和谐共融之特性

    The character of the perfect blend of Yunnan ethnic minorities ' physical culture and nature

  17. 透视西部地区民族体育旅游业的社会经济效应

    Research on Social Economic Effects of Nationality Sports Tourism in the Western Regions of China

  18. 中国的民族体育将极大地丰富世界体育文化。

    World sports culture will be improved by various folk & games in the future .

  19. 再谈民族体育的社会功能

    Social Functions of National Physical Culture

  20. 广西有着文化底蕴深厚的民族体育旅游资源,民族具有开发特色体育旅游产业的资源条件与比较优势。

    Guangxi has plentiful resources and comparative advantage to develop the tourism industry with minority sport character .

  21. 龙舟运动是中国传统的民族体育活动,有着其独特的民族特质和广泛的群众基础。

    Dragon boat activity is Chinese traditional national sports activity with unique national traits and wide-spreading mass .

  22. 生态类型对各民族体育文化形成的作用不可低估。

    Ecological category plays a very important role for the shape of a nation 's sports culture .

  23. 三江源区生态移民点民族体育文化现状与发展对策研究

    Present and Development Countermeasures of National Physical Culture of Ecology Resettlement Places in Three Rivers Source Areas

  24. 民族体育思想的核心为军事化体育,实施对象为全体国民;

    The core of national sports ideology is sports militarization , and the implemented subject is all citizens ;

  25. 辽宁民族体育旅游资源内容丰富、功能多样,具有鲜明的地域、民族特色和良好的资源配置条件。

    The tourist resources of ethnic sport in Liaoning is rich and versatile with conspicuous local and national color .

  26. 乌江流域农村中小学民族体育校本课程开发状况调查与分析

    Investigation and analysis of the condition of school-based curriculum development of primary and secondary schools in Wujiang drainage areas

  27. 民族体育在四川省少数民族城镇开展现状的调查分析

    An Investigation and Analysis upon the Developing Status Quo of the National Sports in the Minority Towns of Sichuan Province

  28. 少数民族体育作为民族文化中一个重要的组成部分,在社会发展中一直具有相当重要的地位。

    A Minority nationality sport is a major sector of national cultures , which has important status in society development history .

  29. 由于流域内民族体育项目受外部环境影响严重,祭祀文化在逐渐淡化与消退。

    As a result of Basin National Sports affected by the external environment seriously , sacrifice culture in gradually weakened and dissipated .

  30. 研究云南少数民族体育产业化发展必须经历的阶段性及其目标,是推进少数民族体育产业化的重要依据。

    Research on the developmental stages and goals of ethnic physical culture industrialization in Yunnan is the basis for promoting ethnic sports industrialization .