
  • 网络capillary network;peritubular capillaries
  1. 心肌层的毛细血管网由互相平行的毛细血管组成,血管之间可见H、K和8型等不同形式的吻合;

    The capillary network of the myocardial layers was consisted of many parallel capillaries and between them a variety of models of anastomoses , such as " H " " K " and " 8 " modes etc , were observed .

  2. 靠近牙根侧为毛细血管网。

    The capillary network close to the root of tooth .

  3. 结果DSA能直观、准确表现狭窄及闭塞血管,以及颅底毛细血管网;

    Results DSA could more directly display the vascular stenosis and occlusion as well as dilated leptomenin geal vessel .

  4. 通过微静脉,引流入纹管周围毛细血管网。

    Draining into the capillary network around the striated duct through venules .

  5. 毛细血管网与静脉丛之间直接以毛细血管相连。

    The capillary networks were connected directly with the venous plexus by the capillaries .

  6. 直接延续为小叶内导管周围毛细血管网。

    Second , they directly continued to form the capillary networks around the intralobular ducts .

  7. 立体学在分析人延髓脑桥毛细血管网密度的初步应用

    An elementary use of stereology to analyse the capillary density on the human medulla oblongata and pons

  8. 胎盘有着细小的毛细血管网,一直延伸到子宫壁。

    It 's a network of very fine blood vessels , reaching into the wall of the uterus .

  9. 血液流过称为微血管的毛细血管网,丰富地供应给每一根绒毛。

    Each villus is richly supplied with blood which passes through a network of tiny tubes called capillaries .

  10. 结论口腔粘膜丰富的网状毛细血管网、韧厚的上皮层和相对较薄的皮下板层结构是移植成功的关键。

    ConclusionThe key points for operation success is rich capillary network , thick epidermis and thin lamina propria of the buccal mucosa .

  11. 重症肺炎造成肺泡壁毛细血管网毁损,红细胞经过时遭到机械性损害;科学技术对于生态环境的破坏越来越明显和严重。

    In acute stage of severe pneumonia , the capillary vessels of patient ' pulmonary were damaged , which induced the erythrocytes were destroyed mechanically .

  12. 胆管周围丛显示为单层毛细血管网,该丛一方面自肝动脉接受其输入血管,另一方面也从该丛发出输出血管,由小叶周围部汇入肝窦状隙,构成胆管周围门脉系统。

    Peribiliary plexus consisting of a single network of capillaries receives the afferent vessels from the hepatic artery and its efferent vessels pour into the hepatic sinusoids .

  13. 在心内膜面,观察到一层纤细而稀疏的毛细血管网&内皮下毛细血管网,由穿经心肌层的微动脉分支形成。

    In the endocardium could be seen thin and sparse capillary network i. e. subendothelial capillary network formed by the branches of the arterioles passing through myocardium .

  14. 在胎儿、新生儿,肘关节骺部软骨内有大量软骨管,管内有中央动脉及笼状毛细血管网,次级骨化中心出现在软骨管密集、血液供应丰富的部位。

    There is a central artery and a cage-like capillary network in the cartilage canal . The secondary center of ossification appears in the vascularized area of the cartilage .

  15. 肝窦是特化的毛细血管网,肝再生过程中,肝血窦的重构涉及到血管内皮细胞及其它细胞的分裂增殖。

    Hepatic sinusoid , as specialized capillary network , its reconstruction in the live generation process involves in the cell division of vessel endothelial cell and other cell types .

  16. 腺泡微动脉自小叶内部行至腺泡周围分成毛细血管网,或穿出小叶至小叶的基底面,沿小叶表面延伸并分成毛细血管网,腺泡毛细血管网排列稀疏。

    The acinar arterioles run among the acini or on the surface of lobule , and divide into capillary network of acini . The capillary network of acini is loose .

  17. 子宫肌瘤的血管网分两层,一层存在于子宫肌瘤的表面形成粗大的血管网,另一层在子宫肌瘤的内部形成致密的毛细血管网。

    There were two layers of vasoganglion of uterine leiomyoma , one was thick and right on the surface of leiomyoma , the other was a compact blood capillary net inside the tumor .

  18. 栓塞是由胆固醇、白血细胞和平滑的肌肉细胞组成的混合体构成。随着沉积物质的积聚,就会从动脉壁上产生毛细血管网,为细胞提供养分。

    Plaque consists of a mix of cholesterol , white blood cells and smooth muscle cells , and as it accumulates , a network of capillaries sprouts from the artery walls to nourish the cells .

  19. 基底神经节内各结构的毛细血管吻合成网。

    The capillary anastomosed into meshes in the different neural structures of the Basilar Ganglion and the internal capsule .

  20. 动脉血经静脉支部分直接回流,部分进入微静脉经毛细血管达真毛细管网。

    We found that the arterial blood circuited , direct partly through branches of vein and partly into capillary network through micro vein .

  21. 间质相似物可以分化,并从这个位置移行定居在骨髓窦近腔处,形成包埋毛细血管床的三维网。

    Their stromal counterparts may differentiate and migrate from this space to reside on the abluminal side of marrow sinusoids and form a three-dimensional network that invests the capillary bed .

  22. 卵泡和黄体毛细血管球周围的间隙内具有丰富弥漫的毛细血管网。

    The capillaries of the stroma forma diffuse mesh in the interstices around the corpora lutea and follicles .

  23. 腺泡周围毛细血管逐渐汇集成毛细血管后微静脉、微静脉,它们在纹管周围交织吻合形成微静脉丛或直接注入小叶内静脉,在纹管周围未见窦状毛细血管网。

    The capillaries of the acini gradually join together to make postcapillary venules and venules which form a plexus around the striated ducts before converging on intralobular vein , or directly converge on intralobular vein .