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  • Hairball;ball top
毛球[máo qiú]
  1. 她发现羊毛衫的袖口上起了一些毛球。

    She noticed some bits of fluff on the sleeve of her sweater .

  2. 毛球线粒体DNA的检测及临床应用研究

    The clinical evaluation for the mitochondrial DNA detected from hair follicles

  3. 结论毛球mtDNA的异质性多态水平接近肌肉,高于血液;

    Conclusion The level of mtDNA heteroplasmic polymorphism in hair follicles was close to that in muscle and higher than in blood .

  4. 再使用高度平均值法和固定门限法等求出分离毛球的阈值,在VC仿真程序中使用不同的颜色表示这两部分信息,就可以观看到它们的分离效果。

    And then use the height average and uniform threshold method to obtain the threshold information . In the VC emulators using different colors can see the separate result very clear .

  5. 还有一些梳子形状的去毛球工具,比如说手掌大小的D-Fuzz-It毛衣与纤维梳子(D-Fuzz-ItSweaterandFabricComb)。

    There are comb-like tools for removing pills , such as the palm-sized D-Fuzz-It Sweater and Fabric Comb .

  6. 出售中档价位运动装的优衣库(Uniqlo)称,它在自家精纺的美利奴羊毛毛衣上就用了一种去毛球法。

    Uniqlo , which sells moderately priced sportswear , says it uses a pill-reducing treatment on its worsted merino-wool sweaters .

  7. 甚至塞丽娜林莉(serenalinley)头上的毛球,或者起源于新娘母亲的丁香花饰?

    Or even the fur ball on Serena Linley , or the lilac curlicue sprouting from the mother of the bride ?

  8. 目的比较肌肉、血液和毛球线粒体DNA(mtDNA)的异质性多态水平,探讨毛球在线粒体相关疾病基因分析中的应用价值。

    Objective To compare the levels of heteroplasmic polymorphism of mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) in muscle , blood and hair follicles and to study the clinical application value of hair follicles for the genetic analysis of mitochondrial diseases .

  9. 毛衣石公司(SweaterStoneInc.)是一家位于华盛顿州伊萨夸市(Issaquah,Wash.)的去除毛球设备生产商,该公司销售经理盖尔・森丝尼(GaleSenseny)每年都会用一个小诀窍来防止自己衣橱里的毛衣起球。

    Gale Senseny , sales manager of Sweater Stone Inc. , makers of a pill-removing device in Issaquah , Wash . , has a once-a-year trick to help prevent pilling on the sweaters that fill her wardrobe .

  10. 目的探讨毛球微量标本在人类基因型研究中的价值。

    Objective Study on hair bulb for human genotype analyses .

  11. 一只小毛球…-没用的。

    Little ball of fur ... - That 's not gonna work .

  12. 羔羊胃毛球病的研究报告

    Case Report on Gastric Wool - Ball Disease in Lambs

  13. 第四章详细讨论了织物起球图像的预处理和毛球分割。

    In chapter 4 the image preprocessing and pill segmentation are discussed .

  14. 身上毛球果断是意大利上等羊绒制成的。

    His hair balls are made from fine Italian lamb 's wool .

  15. 木法沙:那个毛球是我的儿子,也是你未来的国王。

    That hairball is my son and your future king !

  16. 毛球会对纺织品的外观及其美观价值起负面影响。

    Pills negatively influence the appearance of textiles and thus their aesthetic value .

  17. 木瓜片和凤梨汁对预防毛球(症)有帮助吗?

    Do papaya and pineapple juice help with hairballs ?

  18. 噢,这下好了,一个毛球有证明身份的危机了。

    Oh , great , a ball of yarn having an identity crisis .

  19. 只是毛球。

    Ross : It 's just a fur ball .

  20. 其中毛球变成为长的杆状,变细而失去圆形。毛乳头不明显或消失,毛母质细胞分裂减弱。

    Hair-papilla became unconspicuous or disappeared , the cleavage of hair-matrix cell became weaken .

  21. 这样,就由毛球告诉了杰姆,再由杰姆告诉我。

    So the hairball talked to Jim , and Jim told it to me .

  22. 嘿那个毛球抱抱熊呢?

    Hey , where is that furball Lotso ?

  23. 基于光照投影的起球织物图像的采集、预处理和毛球分割

    Image Acquisition , Preprocessing and Pill Segmentation for the Pilled Fabric Based on Light Projection

  24. 或者你可以试试玉毛球去皮法。

    Or you can try playing shuck-minton .

  25. 科米尔说:“直到你把衣服穿在身上的时候,你才会看到这些毛球。”

    You don 't see it until you wear it , ' Mr. Cormier says .

  26. 那只幼狼只是团灰黑色的毛球,双眼仍未张开。

    The pup was a tiny ball of grey-black fur , its eyes still closed .

  27. 当免疫系统开始攻击毛球,你可能出现秃发现象。

    When the immune system starts attackstoning hair ball , you probably appear a bald-headed phenomenon .

  28. 网络上到处都充斥着自己动手用一次性剃须刀或砂纸去除毛球的方法。

    The Internet is littered with do-it-yourself ways to remove pills that involve disposable razors or sandpaper .

  29. (指毛发)赤褐色的头发。毛囊中松弛的毛球逐渐向上伸,直到毛发脱落。

    The flabby Mao Qiu in wool bursa gradually to on extend , fall off till hair .

  30. 红花和当归等中药煎剂对体外培养的鼠毛囊毛发生长与毛球部细胞增殖的影响

    Effects of traditional Chinese herbs on growth of mouse hair follicles and hair bulb cells in vitro