
  • 网络Than gold;Bikin;Menachem Begin
  1. 是啊,还有什么能比金黄色更醉人?

    Yes ah , what can be more intoxicating than gold ?

  2. 标准GARCH模型的结果表明铜和铝几乎有着一样的波动持续性且都比金的波动持续性强。

    The standard GARCH model estimates suggested that copper and aluminum almost had the same volatility persistence which was higher than that of gold .

  3. 任何情比金坚的约定,都比不上我们此刻在一起

    Any sentiment compared to the golden firm agreement , all does not compare us this moment in the same place

  4. 全瓷修复体比金瓷修复体容易再现天然牙的色泽。

    The results showed that : 1 . All-ceramic restorations were easier to reproduce the appearance of the natural tooth than metal-ceramic restorations .

  5. 在结婚仪式上,通常新娘和她的准新郎会交换金戒指,这个戒指代表着他们情比金坚。

    During the marriage ceremony , the bride and her would-be husband usually exchange gold rings that represent the idea that their union will continue forever .

  6. 看看你身边的面孔,你会看到美国比金博士那天讲话所面对的更加公平、更加自由、更加公正。

    Look at the faces here around you , and you see an America that is more fair and more free and more just than the one Dr. King addressed that day .

  7. 镍铬合金和钴铬合金比金铂合金更易导致牙周组织的炎性改变,因此在临床上应尽可能采取贵金属烤瓷修复。

    Ni-Cr alloy PFM and Co-Cr alloy were susceptible to inflammation of the periodontal tissue ; therefore , we should take noble mental PFM as possible as we can in the clinic . 4 .

  8. 然而,对希腊之类的欧元区国家来说,上述经验教训不过是使人干着急,因为欧洲货币联盟的纪律比金本位制严得多,并无退出单一货币体系的途径。

    Yet for eurozone countries such as Greece , this lesson is tantalising because the European Monetary Union is a much tougher discipline than the gold standard , with no provision for exit from the single currency .

  9. 但是其光热转换效率不如金纳米颗粒,于是我们试图利用比金廉价的银纳米颗粒来增强硫化铜纳米颗粒在近红外区域的吸收。

    However , their photothermal transfer efficiency is not as good as gold nanoparticles . Thus , we try to use the local surface plasmon resonance ( LSPR ) of silver nanoparticles to enhance the absorption of copper sulfide nanoparticles in the near-infrared region .

  10. HBRings的主要材质为不锈钢或玫瑰金,以及蓝宝石水晶,Touch团队表示上述材质要比传统金要更加坚固,既耐刮又防水。

    HB Rings are crafted from a band of either stainless steel or rose gold and a molded block of sapphire crystal that Touch claims is harder than conventional gold as well as scratch and water resistant .

  11. 在最佳检测条件下,日本乙型脑炎病毒的检测限为2.0×103PFU/mL,比胶体金免疫试纸条法低两个数量级,与RT-PCR法的基本类似。

    Under the optimal conditions , the detection limit of Japanese encephalitis virus was 2.0 × 103 PFU / mL , which was 2 orders of magnitude lower than that of immunochromatographic strip and similar to that obtained from RT-PCR .

  12. 而对神来说你的信仰远比真金来的宝贵。

    And your faith is far more precious to the Lord than pure gold ;

  13. 对不同长径比的金纳米棒的表面增强拉曼效应进行了研究。

    Other work of this section was mostly lied on probe of surface enhanced Raman effect of various aspect ratio gold nanorods . 2 .

  14. 虽然在理论上,资本金是银行维持偿债能力的基础,但对银行的生存和发展来说,足够的运营资金比资本金更重要。

    Capital is the base to pay back a debt in theory , but enough operating fund is more important than false capital in practice .

  15. 利用金箔活化法测量了特殊束流装置中心轴线上不同位置处的热中子通量密度比、金镉比、锰镉比以及出口处γ/n的剂量比。

    The neutron flux density ratio , Au-Cd ratio , Mn-Cd ratio at various positions in special neutron beam equipment are measured by gold foil method .

  16. 其中不同长径比的金纳米棒可通过控制实验反应条件(种子溶液、硝酸银溶液的量)来实现。

    The different aspect ratio of gold nanorod can be prepared through controlling the experimental reaction conditions ( reaction temperature , the amount of the silver nitrate solution ) .

  17. 砂金的粒度一般较原生金粗,成色比原生金高。

    The grain size of placer gold is generally more coarse than that of primary gold and the purity of placer gold is also higher than that of primary gold .

  18. 实验还表明具有不同银厚度的金核银壳纳米粒子也能够催化该发光反应,但其催化活性比纳米金弱得多。

    It was found that the formed core / shell nanoparticles could also catalyze this CL reaction , but their catalytic ability was much weaker than that of gold nanoparticles .

  19. 另外,实验过程中通过减少生长溶液中种子溶液的加入量制备了骨头状的金纳米棒粒子。2.半胱氨酸包覆不同长径比的金纳米棒的光学性质研究。

    We also prepared the bone shape of the gold nanorod particles by reducing the seed solution . 2 、 Optical properties of cysteine-coated gold nanorods with different aspect ratios were studied .

  20. 相同长径比的金纳米棒,直径越大,表面电子越多,表面等离子共振的效应越明显,散射信号越强。

    While for gold nanorods with the same aspect ratio , larger diameter would result in more surface electrons , stronger surface plasmon resonance effect , as well as stronger scattering signals .

  21. 研究结果表明,nano-Au/Nafion复合电极对1-芘丁酸检测的灵敏度和稳定性比单一金纳米电极的性能更优异。

    The results showed that the sensitivity and stability of nano-Au / Nafion composite electrode for PBA detection were much better than those of nano-Au modified glassy carbon electrode ( nano-Au / GCE ) .

  22. 在本研究课题中,我们首先合成了不同长径比的金纳米棒和纳米球,并用紫外-可见吸收光谱仪、透射电镜和荧光相关光谱对其进行了表征。

    In this study , we firstly prepared four kind of gold nanorods with different ratios of long and short radius , then characterized them using UV-Vis spectroscopy , TEM and Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy ( FCS ) .

  23. 卖T恤衫来钱容易,比领救济金好。

    T-shirts are a nice little earner and it 's better than the dole .

  24. 目的:掌握VITA成品比色板及金瓷修复体的色度规律,合理、客观使用VITA成品比色板。

    Objective : To understand color distribution of Vita shade guide and metal ceramic restoration and make Vita shade guide more reasonable in clinical applying .

  25. 健康的体魄比一顶金王冠更有价值。

    A good healthy body is worth more than a crown .

  26. 此举有助于提高工作报酬,也能让工作比领取救济金更具有吸引力。

    That would help make work more rewarding and make it more attractive to work than claim welfare .

  27. 云纹干涉法对不同层厚比的口腔金瓷修复体界面力学特性的研究

    The Research to Interface Mechanical Characteristic of Oral Metal-Porcelain Restoration of Different Thickness Ratios by Moir é Interferometry

  28. 低信膜比条件下金膜电极电位溶出分析法研究

    Signal processing Potentiometric Stripping Analysis with a Thin Film Gold Electrode under Small Ratios of Signal to Thickness Square

  29. 推导并验证了信号与金膜厚度的比值较小(即低信膜比)时金膜电极电位溶出分析法的过渡时间方程式和电位时间方程式。

    Transition time equation and potential_time equation describing the potentiometric stripping processes on a thin gold film electrode ( TFGE ) are presented .

  30. 在最优化实验条件下,可以通过调节实验中硼氢化钠的加入量来实现纵横比可控的金纳米棒的制备,实验制备出的金纳米棒具有好的均一性与重现性。

    Experiment by adjusting the quantity of sodium borohydride to achieve controllable aspect ratio ( vertical / horizontal ) of Gold Nanorods Under the optimal conditions .