
bǐ lǜ
  • ratio;rate;percentage;proportion
比率 [bǐ lǜ]
  • [percentage;ratio;rate] 比值

比率[bǐ lǜ]
  1. 后生阶段以氢减少必然导致h/d比率降低为特征。

    Catagensis is marked by a loss of hydrogen , and consequently by a decrease of the h / c ratio .

  2. 学生和老师的比率是30比1。

    The ratio of pupils to teachers was 30 to 1 .

  3. 这些杂志的平均零售比率为35%至38%。

    The average sell-through rate for these magazines is 35-38 % .

  4. 利息按标准比率11%收取。

    Interest is charged at a flat rate of 11 % .

  5. 不缴水费引起的断水的比率正在上升。

    The rate of disconnections following non-payment of water charges is rising .

  6. 算出那些比率的平均值再乘以100。

    Take the average of those ratios and multiply by a hundred .

  7. 英镑非常坚挺,对德国马克的比率是1比2.88。

    The pound was rock solid at 2.88 Deutschmarks .

  8. 公布的比率并不是每次都可以直接进行比较。

    Published rates are not always directly comparable .

  9. 东德的工资兑换比率是一个旧东德马克兑换一个德国马克。

    East German wages were converted at the rate of one old East mark for one Deutschmark .

  10. 乘车出行者的比率上升了22%,与之相对应,人均骑自行车的行驶里程下降了19%。

    A 22 per cent increase in car travel corresponds with a 19 per cent drop in cycle mileage per person

  11. 但是平均五年之后,那些积极参与社交活动的老人则降低了认知力减退的比率。

    Over an average of five years , however , those who were more socially active showed reduced rates of cognitive decline .

  12. 多年来,营养学家一直建议将意大利面的摄入量保持在一定比率,以减少热量摄入,防止脂肪堆积和血糖升高。

    For years , nutritionists have recommended that pasta be kept to a ration , to cut calories , prevent fat build-up and stop blood sugar shooting up .

  13. 联邦法律规定,高等教育机构必须报告毕业率,但这些报告通常只包括佩尔受助者的数据,而不一定有针对第一代学生的比率。

    Higher education institutions are , under federal law , required to report graduation rates , but these reports typically only include Pell recipient numbers — not necessarily rates specific to first-generation students .

  14. 甚至这个比率中还包含着因为企业精简裁员而不得不退居家庭的男士。

    Even that percentage is likely inflated by men thrust into their caretaker role by a downsizing .

  15. 其指标包括盈利比率、偿债能力比率、资产管理比率。

    Their targets , including profitability ratios , solvency ratios , asset management ratios .

  16. 中国睡眠研究会此前发布的报告显示,中国成年人有失眠困扰的超过38%,而且这一比率逐年攀升。

    Previous reports released by the society showed that more than 38 percent of Chinese adults suffer from insomnia6 , with the rate climbing each year .

  17. P级TA饱和对数字式比率制动特性差动保护的影响

    Impaction of P-type CT saturation on digital ratio-restrained differential protection

  18. 分析了水果表皮的R分量、G分量及B分量之间的比率关系并成功地用于缺陷区域提取。

    R / B , R / G were used to segment the surface defects of fruits .

  19. 基于动态学习比率BP神经网络的时间序列预测方法

    Predictive Method of Nonlinear Time Series Based on Dynamic Error Correction Using BP Neural Network

  20. 用RNA/DNA比率评定鲤的生长及其配合饲料的营养价值

    Evaluating the growth of Cyprinus carpio and the nutritional value of formulated feed by rna / dna ratio

  21. 平均每对引物组合扩增的DNA带数为66.13,总的多态性比率为78.84%。

    The average number of DNA band produced by each primer combination was 66.13 and the total polymorphic rate was 78.84 % .

  22. 锥比率DEA模型在医院相对效率评估中的应用

    An Application of cone ratio DEA Model in the relative evaluation of hospital

  23. 结果表明EEG异常率73.17%,MRI异常率75.61%,两者异常中的异常比率基本相符。

    The results showed that abnormal rate of EEG was 73.17 % and the MRI was 75.6 % .

  24. 增殖期DR344眼发生NVD71眼,比率为20.6%,但背景期DR合并DP和ION的发病率高于增殖期DR。

    The occurrence rate of nonproliferative DR combined DP and ION was significantly higher than proliferative DR .

  25. 基于群组决策的DEA模型锥比率研究

    Cone-ratio DEA model based on group decision

  26. 并在对资产泡沫界定的基础上,分别采用马歇尔K值系数和金融相关比率作为资产泡沫的衡量指标,对资产泡沫与动态效率之间的关联性进行了实证分析。

    The part on the basis of defining asset bubbles , respectively use K-Coefficient of Marshall and FIR as the measure of asset bubbles .

  27. 基于比率依赖的HIV-1模型的数学分析

    Mathematical analysis for a ratio-dependent model of HIV-1 infection

  28. 结论:牙周洁治对人牙周炎袋底微生物有明显的改善作用,可通过减少袋底致病菌比率和降低PD以减轻牙周炎症和减少龈沟液的分泌。

    Conclusion : Periodontal scaling can decrease the percentage of pathogenesis bacteria in periodontal pocket bottom and decrease PD , GI and GCF values .

  29. 在7d内发情的比率提高54.37%(81.55%对27.18%,P<0.01)。

    The sow 's post-weaning estrus ratio was increased by 54.37 % ( 81.55 % : 27.18 % . P < 0.01 ) .

  30. 单调比率(RM)调度算法及应用

    Application of monotonic rate scheduling algorithm