
  • 网络comparative disadvantage;Comparative advantage
  1. 加入WTO组织后我国有色金属行业获得了迅速的发展,但也存在着内部的比较劣势和外部的潜在威胁。

    Although the non-ferrous metals industry in our country has made rapid development since we join the WTO organization , the inner comparative disadvantage and the outer potential threat also exist .

  2. 目前的金融危机表明,大国在全球金融方面具有比较劣势。

    The current financial crisis suggests that large states have a comparative disadvantage in global finance .

  3. 加入WTO后,我国农产品中的粮食、油料、棉花等土地密集型作物处于比较劣势地位,生产成本明显高于国际市场;

    Entry WTO , the compared advantages of land-concentrated agri-product such as grain , oil and cotton are decreased gradually , and their product cost is higher then the cost of international market .

  4. 贵州经济运行的比较劣势

    The Comparative Disadvantages of Guizhou 's Economic Operation

  5. 比较劣势与比较优势同为经济发展战略设计的两个基点。

    Both comparative advantages and disadvantages are the starting-point for designing economic development strategies .

  6. 相对于东南亚等发展中国家,中国制造业劳动力成本逐渐处于比较劣势,但在其他方面却具有相对优势。

    China is in inferiority in labor force cost comparing with Southeast Asia developing countries .

  7. 但是打字员在打字方面的比较劣势就很少了。

    But the typist is in the aspects of typing of comparison bad situation seldom .

  8. 第四部分,入世后,农村信用社的比较劣势分析。

    The forth section analyses the comparative disadvantages of RCC after China 's entry to WTO .

  9. 河南农业面对国际市场竞争的严重挑战,比较劣势与比较优势并存。

    Henan agriculture has the comparative weakness and the comparative superiority , facing the international competitive challenge .

  10. 比较劣势产品出口受汇率变动影响的概率分析

    An Probability Analysis of the Influence of the Exchange Rate Change on the Export with Comparative Disadvantage

  11. 让我们看看这两个人群该做些什么来消除这种比较劣势并获得财务自由。

    Let 's go over what each group can do to neutralize this comparative disadvantage and still achieve financial independence .

  12. 它不是优势,那末,掌握比较劣势的军力和经济力的中国,不就成了优势吗?

    And if not , then does not China , though wielding relatively inferior military and economic power , become the superior ?

  13. 晋江市社会体育文化资源处于比较劣势地位,主要表现在体育俱乐部组织活动情况和政府宣传的体育科普活动的活跃程度比较低。

    Jinjiang social sports culture resources in comparative disadvantage , mainly displays in sports club organization activity and government propaganda sports popularization activity . 4 .

  14. 在目前的国际市场上,中国农产品中的粮、棉、油、糖等大宗品种处于比较劣势,生产成本明显高于国际市场价格;

    In current international market , the grain , edible oil , cotton and sugar products of China have comparative disadvantage with obvious higher production cost compared with the international market prices .

  15. 结果表明,中国出口美国农产品总体处于比较劣势,但部分农产品也存在较高的比较优势,特别是劳动密集型农产品具有比较优势。

    The results of research show that the Chinese agricultural products exporting to USA are of rather comparative disadvantage in general , but some of them are of comparative advantage , especially the type of labor intensive agricultural commodities .

  16. 从经济运行层次和结构角度分析,城市经济水平不高、现代服务业不发达、企业品牌与产品品牌缺乏是贵州三大比较劣势。

    From the perspective of the level and structure of economic operation , the three major comparative disadvantages of Guizhou are the low level of urban economy , the underdevelopment of modern services industry and the lack of corporate and product brands .

  17. 结果显示,中国服务贸易的比较劣势非常明显,绝大多数服务行业都呈现出较强的比较劣势,只有旅游、通信和其它商业服务具有较强的比较优势。

    The results show that China 's service trade comparative disadvantages are very obvious ; a strong comparative disadvantage has emerged in the majority of the service sector , A strong comparative advantage only shows in the tourism , communication and a few other business services .

  18. 然而,与大企业相比,单个中小企业,由于资本规模小,技术力量单薄,存在规模不经济、市场竞争力弱等比较劣势。

    Indication of capital expansion in business operation is to employed more capital . In contrast with the large ones , the small and medium-sized enterprises , however , have the disadvantages of small size capital , weak technology , diseconomies of scale , and weak competitiveness .

  19. 得出结论:中国在初级产品和资源类产品上长期具有比较劣势,在服装等低技术产品方面具有很强的比较优势,机电产品的比较优势有一定的提升。

    Finally a conclusion is obtained that China has comparative disadvantage in primary products and resource products in a long time , it has strong comparative advantage in low-tech products such as clothing and toys , the comparative advantage of mechanical and electrical products have promoted a lot .

  20. 这使它们事实上处于比较上的劣势地们。

    This puts them de facto at a comparative disadvantage .

  21. 从大连地域经济为着眼点,对比北京,上海对日软件市场进行了横向比较,优劣势分析。

    In terms of region economy in Dalian , it compares Dalian 's software market toward Japanese business with Beijing and Shanghai and carries on horizontal comparison and advantage-and-disadvantage analysis .

  22. 民办高校要在激烈的市场竞争中占据有利的地位,就必须正确估量自身,比较优势、劣势,正确定位,扬长避短,突出自身的特色。

    Non-governmental university in the fierce market competition occupy a favorable position , it must assess its own right , comparative advantages , disadvantages , correct positioning , weaknesses , highlight its own characteristics .

  23. 运用这些理论,对中国农业的基本状况,农业产业的基本结构,比较优势和竞争劣势,以及WTO对中国农业的影响进行了全面剖析。

    The paper analyzes the present status , the basic structure , comparative advantage and competitive disadvantage of Chinese agriculture industry through those theories .

  24. 文章分析了第四方物流的主体条件,结合当前理论界讨论最多的4PL主体:3PL、咨询公司、信息技术公司,比较分析各自优劣势。

    In this paper , we first analyzed the conditions as Fourth Party Logistics and considered the advantage and disadvantage of 3PL , consulting company and IT company , which were under heated discussion .

  25. 城市商业银行同众多竞争对手比较,既有劣势,也有优势。

    Compared with many opponents , the city commercial banks have both advantages and disadvantages .

  26. 基于以上分析,结合湖南省发展旅游业的比较优势和比较劣势,提出了相应的对策建议。

    Based on the analysis , combining the comparative advantage and disadvantage of Hunan tourism development , relative policies have been put forward .

  27. 面对媒介全球化的强劲挑战,中国媒介虽然在整体上具有一定的比较优势,但劣势也十分明显,并且大多数媒介对将要遇到的挑战都准备不足。

    Being faced with the challenge of media globalization , China 's media industry is in an inferior position though it occupies some superiorities as a whole .

  28. 分析了我国商业银行的比较优势、比较劣势、机会和风险,并在此基础上提出了我国商业银行的发展战略。

    The comparative weakness , strengths , opportunities and risks of commercial banks in China are analyzed , on the basis of which the development strategy of commercial bank in China is put forward .

  29. 第二节,在经营战略整合中,通过对其它饲料企业竞争战略的比较和公司优势劣势分析,提出了集中差异化战略;

    Section two , in the management strategy combine , through analysis comparison of enterprise 's competitive strategy of other fodder enterprise and Company 's advantage and inferior position , have proposed concentrating difference strategy ;

  30. 本文在分析主要出口商品的比较优势和比较劣势基础上,提出了积极吸引外国高科技产业的直接投资、充分挖掘市场优势、提高交易效率等拓展途径。

    On the basis of comparative advantages and disadvantages of the main export commodities , the paper addresses expanding route of actively absorbing direct investment of foreign high-tech industries and fully exploiting market advantages and enhancing efficiency .