
  • 网络proportionality;proportion;Scaling
  1. 国家图书馆应注重选用信息管理专业复合型人才,其知识结构应具有整体性、层次性、比例性和动态性特征。

    For its future development , the National Library of China selects its staff members with a structure of integration , stratification , proportionality and dynamic .

  2. 依赖于同质性和比例性假设,并遵循生产与使用、投入与产出、国民收入与其最终使用等平衡关系,建立了投入产出数学模型。

    The establishment of mathematical input-output models depends on the suppositions of homogeneity and proportionality , following the balancing relations between production and use , input and output , national income and its final disposition .

  3. 骨HOP及骨钙的减少与骨干重的比值密切相关,但骨磷、镁、锌的减少呈非等比例性减少,尤以骨锌明显。

    The Bone HOP and Bone Ca content was coincident with the femoral dry weight , but the lessening of Bone P , Bone Mg , Bone Zn and Bone Mn became inverse ratio with the femoral dry weight , particularly that of the Bone Zn .

  4. 风险保费定价原理成比例性与合作保险问题的研究

    On Proportionality of Risk Premium Calculation Principles and the Problems of Cooperation Insurance

  5. 其次是相称性,即要求在采取的实施手段和所要实现的特定目标之间应符合比例性原则。

    Proportionality , second , demands that the implementation of measures taken complies with the specific objectives achieved .

  6. 适用强制措施时应当遵循合法性原则、比例性原则和变更性原则。

    The principle of legality , the principle of proportion and the principle of modification should be carried out when applying Criminal Compulsory summons .

  7. 按照适用强制措施的必要性和比例性原则,对轻微刑事案件行为人应当一般不羁押;

    According to the necessity and proportion axiom of the application of coercive measure , the person conducting minor criminal cases are generally free form arrestment ;

  8. 二叉树方法能够灵便的处理各种可能会发生相互作用的期权、复合式期权、非比例性现金流、竞争者进入和其他复杂问题。

    Binomial tree method to agile handling of the various options may interact , compound options , non-cash flow ratio , the entry of competitors and other complex issues .

  9. 之后指出,我国应完善股东的新股认购权制度,以保护股东在公司的比例性利益;

    The author suggests that our country should perfect the preemptive right of shareholders to subscribe to new share in order to protect the proportional benefits of shareholders in company ;

  10. 该权利的直接意义在于保护股东的比例性利益(包括表决权比例和个体经济利益),进而维护股东在企业中的既有法律地位。

    These rights are directly significant in protecting the shareholders ' proportionate interest ( including the percent of voting rights and individual economic right ), and in upholding their existing legal status in enterprises .

  11. 本文将财政支出结构优化内涵简要概括为三个方面:财政支出宏观规模适度、财政资源支拨的合比例性、财政支出耗用的有效性。

    This article briefly divides the implication of the fiscal expenditure structure optimism into three parts : appropriate macro-scale of fiscal expenditure , proportionate expenditure and allocation of fiscal resources , and effective expense of fiscal expenditure .

  12. 从所适用的原则方面来看,未决羁押应当具有司法审查原则、合法性原则、司法救济原则、比例性原则等基本原则。

    From the point of its applicable principles , pretrial custody should have following basic principles : the statutory principle , the principle of necessity , the principle of proportionality , and the principle of judicial review .

  13. K&阶均值保费定价原理具有成比例性、次可加性、保持随机序等等性质,揭示出它与较为熟悉的几种保费定价原理之间的联系。

    K & order mean value principle with some properties such as proportionality , subadditivity and random order preserving , revealed the connection among this principle and some of premium calculation principles that had been studied and comprehended .

  14. 从不同视角出发,未决羁押应该有独立性原则、法定原则、司法审查原则、羁押最后原则、比例性原则、有效救济原则等基本原则。

    Analyzed from different perspectives , pre-tial custody system should possess the independence principle , the statutory principle , the principle of judicial review , the custody-comes-last principle , the principle of proportionality , and the principle of effective relief and other basic principles .

  15. WLAN中基于协作博弈的比例公平性带宽分配机制

    Cooperative game theoretic bandwidth sharing scheme for proportional fairness in WLAN

  16. 目的探讨如何对Cox模型成比例危险性假设进行检验,以及协变量与危险函数之间非成比例危险性的解决方法。

    Objective Exploring how to check the proportional hazards assumption of the Cox model , and the solutions to non - proportional hazards between the covariates and the hazard function .

  17. 针对MIMO-OFDMA下行链路系统,提出一种基于成比例公平性约束的资源分配方案。

    This paper presents an adaptive resource allocation scheme based on proportional fairness for MIMO-OFDMA downlink systems .

  18. 结论TTGE是筛选线粒体基因体细胞性同质性突变和各种比例异质性突变的一种敏感方法。

    Conclusion TTGE is an effective method for screening acquired homoplasmic mitochondrial gene mutation and its different percentage .

  19. 最后,针对MIMO-MC-CDMA系统,结合与MIMO-OFDMA系统的不同,提出一种考虑了用户速率比例公平性的总功率受限的条件下最大化系统吞吐量的算法。

    Finally , for MIMO-MC-CDMA system , combined with the different of MIMO-OFDMA system , the paper proposes a kind of resource algorithm to maximize system throughput considering the user rate proportional fairness and total transmitted power constraint .

  20. 一种适用于中继增强型蜂窝网的路由选择与比例公平性联合调度算法

    A novel joint routing and proportional fair scheduling for relay-enhanced cellular network

  21. 一种基于比例公平性的次优化功率分配算法

    A Suboptimal Resource Allocation Algorithm Based on Proportional Fairness for Multiuser OFDM Systems

  22. 提出了一种新的算法-PMIMD(比例乘性增加乘性减少)。

    We design a new algorithms-PM IMD ( proportion multiplicative increase and multiplicative decrease ) .

  23. 本文提出了一种路由选择和比例公平性联合调度算法。

    In this paper , we proposed a novel joint routing and proportional fair scheduling .

  24. 不同剂量和比例的性信息素对亚洲玉米螟雄蛾的行为作用(英文)

    Behavioural effect of various binary and ternary sex pheromone blends on the Asian corn borer ( ostrinia furnacalis )

  25. 在接收端利用每个用户在各个波束方向上的比例公平性参数来得到容量门限。

    At receiver , the capacity threshold is obtained by using proportional fair parameter in each sub-channel on each user .

  26. 该算法与两种近似最优的分步分配算法的仿真结果比较表明,其在用户速率比例公平性、运算复杂度和系统容量上取得了很好的折中效果。

    Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm achieve a good balance in proportional fairness , complexity and system capacity .

  27. 然而,当需要在大规模数据集上进行规则挖掘时,可比例缩放性和准确率问题却无时不困扰着决策树算法,使它力不从心。

    However , scalability and accuracy have become major burdens in large-scale data mining with respect to decision tree algorithms .

  28. 仿真结果表明,算法在满足了用户间比例公平性的同时,有效地提高了频谱利用率。

    Simulation results show that the algorithm meets the proportion fairness of users , and meanwhile , improves the spectrum efficiency greatly .

  29. 的林间生态位,测定生态位宽度、重叠和比例相似性。

    The niche breadth , overlap and proportional similarity of Hemiberlesia pitysophila and its parasitoids , Coccobius azumai , Encarsia amicula and E.

  30. 相似系数可分为绝对差异相似性、相对差异相似性和比例相似性三类;

    The similarity coefficients can be classified into three kinds : the absolute difference similarities , the relative difference similarities , and the ratio similarities ;