- nun;Bhiksuni;Buddhist nun

[梵Bhiksuni;nun] 佛教出家五众之一,指已受具足戒的女性,尼姑
The third part , dealed with the situations of the Buddhist nun and the education in Mid-Tang through analyzing relevant information in the records of events inscribed on tablets .
What happened was that , having become a Buddhist in her native Scotland in the hippie Sixties , she travelled to India where she became a nun .
In a conventional sense , Sangha denotes the communities of ordained monks and nuns .
Bhiksuni Miaoxin said : since neither wind blowing nor streamers flying , how does mind fly ?
All of the mistakes are the fault of the bumbling Bhiksuni called Jampa Chodron , so please forgive me .
Family members also participated in funeral things for Buddhist nuns , as well as built gray towers and wrote posies .
So I went to explain my situation to2 of the nuns , to try to get some clarity on the situation .
This paper has analysis and research the resident property income and expenditure , social function and the Buddhist nuns'economic situation of Dunhuang Buddhist nunneries .
The nuns , understanding my naivet é, kindly explained that many people who enter monastic life , usually make vows in past lives to return as monks or nuns .
The nuns refer to the women who are engaged in the activities of Buddhist in their full lives , including novices Niger , Nigeria and nuns of the fork .
Within the monastic Sangha of Dharma Drum mountain , I was told , while these eight precepts are included in the full precepts taken by bhikshunis , Master Sheng Yen does not require that bhikshunis follow them in their interactions with bhikshus .