
  1. 殷商文化渊源及特点。

    The origin and features of Yinshang culture .

  2. 郭旭东,教授,主要从事甲骨学与殷商文化研究。

    Guo xudong , professor , devoted to the research on oracle-bone inscriptions and Yinshang culture .

  3. 而这种思想的来源则受到了原始女神崇拜神话和殷商文化的影响,也是对西周末年父权文化的一种反思。

    This thought originated from primitive myths of goddess worship and Yin-Shang culture and also was a reflection on male chauvinism at the end of West Zhou Dynasty .

  4. 安阳师范学院历史系以殷商文化研究为依托,在中国古代史重点学科建设中有独特优势。

    Depending on the Yin Shang culture research , the History Department in Anyang Teachers ' College has a special advantage in the important subject construction & the Chinese Ancient History .

  5. 并通过河南和陕西两地西周墓葬的比较研究,揭示姬周文化吸纳、融合和发展殷商文化以及形成中国传统文化基石的历程;探讨了西周时期的墓葬制度等相关问题。

    Through comparing Western Zhou tombs in Henan and Shaanxi , this dissertation exposed a process that Ji-Zhou culture assimilated , mixed with , and developed Jin-Zhou culture and formed traditional Chinese culture at last .

  6. 以殷墟甲骨文为代表的殷商文化是中华民族优秀传统文化的渊薮,是世界古代文化格局中自始至终繁衍不息、影响至今的先进文化的代表。

    Yin and Shang Culture , with inscriptions on oracle bones as its representative , is one of the treasures of ancient Chinese culture . It is also representative of advanced culture with its influence , productivity and continuity .

  7. 该部分涉及到的核心内容主要有四点:邲之战、上下其手的典故、楚昭王的历史形象、楚文化对殷商文化的继承。

    The core content of the part related to the four main points : The War in Bi , the allusion of " Shang Xia Qi Shou ", the historical image of the Zhao King , Chu culture inherited Shang culture .

  8. 孔子的美学思想强调个体追求的超越性,这种思想源于殷商神权文化和周朝的礼乐思想。

    Confucius ' aesthetic thought lays emphasis on the transcendence of individual pursuit . It originated in the theological culture of Yin-Shang dynasty and the musical theory of Zhou dynasty .

  9. 周人在商人的废墟上立国,传承殷商祭祀文化,并进行了诸多改革,从而形成独特的周文化。

    The people in the Zhou dynasty destroyed the Shang and founded their own country . Through plenty of vital reforms on the sacrificial culture of the Shang , the unique culture of Zhou took shape .

  10. 《诗经》中直接描述舞蹈活动的诗主要集中在这几国风诗中,舞中有丰富的民俗文化内蕴,与殷商巫术宗教文化中求雨、生殖崇拜等观念息息相关。

    Decipher of the Worship of Genitals in the Book of Songs In the Book of Songs , the ballads with direct descriptions of dancing are mainly from the above-mentioned states .