
  1. 增强武器装备科研生产基础能力。

    The basic capabilities of weaponry and equipment research and production have been enhanced .

  2. 武器装备科研生产单位保密资格审查认证实践

    Practice of Auditing and Approving of Confidential Qualification of Manufacturer , Scientific Bodies in Military Equipments

  3. 对武器装备科研生产价格实施有效控制是装备采购工作的一项长期任务。

    It is a long-range mission to implement effectively control to the cost of our equipment research and manufacture in equipment procurement .

  4. 这些单位很多规模不大,历史不长,武器装备科研生产管理水平和管理能力都亟待改善和提高。

    These manufacturers are not large and without long history , their production and research capability for weapons and equipments need to be improved .

  5. 2007年通过了国防武器装备科研生产单位、保密资格审查认证委员会的二级保密资格单位;

    In2007 , it became the research and production unit for National Defense Weapon Equipment , the second level secrecy qualification unit of Secrecy Qualification Certification Committee .

  6. 目前,取得武器装备科研生产许可的民用工业企业已占许可单位总数的三分之二。

    Civilian industrial enterprises licensed for the scientific research into and production of weaponry and equipment now make up two-thirds of the total licensed enterprises and institutions .

  7. 该所依照设计的方案进行了部分实施,顺利地通过了国家武器装备科研生产单位保密资格审查认证的评审工作。

    The designed scheme for the X institute has passed the evaluation of " The National weaponry secret qualification of production unit of scientific research examine authentication " .

  8. 从各国国防工业基础转型路线来看,在武器装备科研生产中引入竞争机制已成为提高装备生产效益的有力武器。

    Judging from the reforming route of other countries ' defense industrial base , introducing competition mechanism into weaponry research and production has become a powerful weapon of improving the cost-effectiveness of weapons and equipment production .

  9. 随着我国社会经济体制转型,装备生产改革不断深化,在武器装备科研生产中引入竞争机制既是历史趋势,也是现实问题。

    Along with the process of our social and economic system transformation , weapons and equipment production reform is being deepened constantly , introducing competition mechanism into weaponry research and production is not only a historical tendency but also a practical question .

  10. 航空事业单位大型建设项目是科研生产能力建设、型号研制保障条件建设、研发平台建设、基础设施建设以及信息化建设等的载体,是国防武器装备科研生产的保障。

    As the guarantee of scientific research and manufacture for national defense weapon , the large-scale construction projects in aviation enterprise and business unit are the carrier for the building of throughput on scientific research and the guarantee for model development and developing platform and basic facilities and information .

  11. 为确保人不受到伤害,物不受到损失,环境不受到破坏,文章结合工作实践,对武器装备科研、生产和操作过程中的危险分析、风险评估和风险控制有关方法进行了探索和研究。

    To avoid harm of person , losses of property and destruction of environment , based on working practice , this paper mode a relevant research on the hazard analysing , risk evaluating and controlling during the process of scientific research , manufacture and manipulation of weapon equipment .

  12. 国家和军队不断深化武器装备采购制度改革,推进军民结合、寓军于民的武器装备科研生产体系建设,规范武器装备科研生产管理。

    The state and the armies are keeping deepening the reform of weapons and equipments procurement system , promoting the development manufacture system for uniting the army with the people and combine military efforts with civilian support , and standardizing the manufacturing management of weapons and equipments .