
gē tán
  • The music industry;song circles;vocal circle
歌坛 [gē tán]
  • [vocal circle] 指歌唱界;声乐界

  • 歌坛新秀

歌坛[gē tán]
  1. 打拼十四年重庆姑娘走红日本歌坛

    Chongqing Girl Gets Famous in Japanese Song Circles after 14 years Hard Efforts

  2. 看到又一个20世纪60年代的歌星试图重返歌坛大概并不会觉得意外。

    It is perhaps no surprise to see another 60s singing star attempting a comeback .

  3. 那个歌手还将重返歌坛吗?

    Is the singer expected to come back ?

  4. 那位著名的歌唱家还活跃在歌坛上吗?

    Is that famous singer still around ?

  5. 讲解:1.这段对话说的是美国歌坛女王Madonna。Andy听说Madonna最近刚刚出了一张新专辑。Madonnhasreleasedanewalbum.“发行专辑”,这里用的是release这个词。

    Andy : I hear Madonna has released a new album .

  6. 他的歌已经使rap和R&B风格成了华语歌坛的主流。

    His catchy tunes have mainstreamed rap and R & B in the Mando-pop world .

  7. 几年前,碧昂斯·诺尔斯(BeyoncéKnowles)像其他任何打破记录的流行歌星一样,是本已拥挤的歌坛的一员。

    A few years ago , Beyonc é Knowles was like any other record-breaking pop star in an already crowded field .

  8. 但在成为极具个性的“大胡子美女”之前,这位25岁的歌手原名叫做托马斯·莱维斯,他曾在JetztAnders乐队中试图扬名歌坛。

    But before transforming into alter-ego Conchita Wurst , the 25-year-old whose real name is Thomas Neuwirth , tried to find fame in a boyband called Jetzt Anders .

  9. 而碧昂斯事业的新巅峰则是在8月24号的MTV音乐录影带大奖颁奖礼——歌坛最高颁奖礼之一——上,她获得“迈克尔•杰克逊录影带先锋奖”这一特别荣誉,同时她在颁奖礼上的18分钟表演也成功秒杀全场。

    In her latest career surprise , on Aug 24 Beyonce received the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award at the MTV Video Music Awards , a special honor in one of the industry 's top ceremonies , and gave a mind-blowing 18-minute performance .

  10. 这一次,在翻拍新作中扮演有志纯真少女的是歌坛巨星LadyGaga,她精彩演绎的这个胸怀抱负又害羞的创作型歌手被一名比自己年长又嗜酒的乡村歌手(布莱德利·库珀饰)“发现”。

    This time round , the role of aspiring ing é nue goes to pop superstar du jour Lady Gaga , who knocks it out of the park as the aspiring , but shy , singer-songwriter ' discovered " by an older , alcoholic country musician ( Bradley Cooper ) .

  11. 在歌坛中取得巨大成功的蕾哈娜做起慈善来也毫不含糊。

    Beside singing , she also contributes a lot to charity .

  12. 歌坛天王刘德华不是至今未婚吗?

    Heavenly king Andy Lau is not music you still single ?

  13. 创意和原创性让台湾歌坛发展持续向前进。

    Creativity and originality have put Taiwan 's music scene ahead .

  14. 荒废的歌坛,那里百鸟曾合唱。

    Bare ruin 'd choirs , where late the sweet birds sang .

  15. 观众都起立鼓掌欢呼,使这位歌坛新秀谢了三次幕

    The standing ovation made the new singing star take three curtain calls

  16. 他会让我成为歌坛巨星的。

    And he 's gonna make me a superstar singer .

  17. 观众确实十分喜爱这个年青的歌坛新秀。

    The public have really taken this new young singer to their hearts .

  18. 除了表演,他也小小涉足了歌坛。

    Besides acting , he also did dabble singing .

  19. 当然是让你在歌坛崭露头角的恩师。

    Your mentors who gave you your start in showbiz , of course .

  20. 在华语歌坛,王力宏一直被认同是多才多艺的。

    Wang has established himself as a versatile musician in the Mando-pop scene .

  21. 影片的主题歌曲由一位歌坛新秀主唱

    The title song of the film was sung by an up-and-coming young singer

  22. 1998年4月,希尔再现歌坛,发行了第3张专辑,就叫《费思》。

    Hill reemerged in April of1998 with her third release , titled simply faith .

  23. 在美国拉丁歌坛掀起强劲风暴的这位帅哥是谁?

    Who is the man that is creating a storm in American Latin music ?

  24. 美国歌坛最著名的乡村音乐歌手多莉?帕顿近日出版了一张新专辑。

    One of the most popular country music artists has released a new album .

  25. 自你进入国语歌坛后,你觉得它有什么变化吗?

    How has Mandopop ( Mandarin-language pop music ) changed since you entered it ?

  26. 父亲:拉丁歌坛天王

    With a Father as King of Latin Songs

  27. 她的一位女发言人表示,维多利亚将来还会重返歌坛。

    But a spokeswoman for Beckham said the30-year-old could return to music in the future .

  28. 从声乐美学的视角看当代流行歌坛的发展

    Development of the Contemporary Popular Song Circle From the View of the Contemporary Vocal Music Esthetics

  29. 而且,如今的歌坛竞争激烈,新手的压力很大;

    Also , there is great competition among them , so they are under great pressure .

  30. 西班牙的国际歌坛传奇人物胡里奥·伊格莱西亚斯从未打算成为一名歌唱家。

    Julio Iglesias , Spain 's international crooning legend , never meant to be a singer .