
ɡē wǔ piān
  • musical film
  1. 论好莱坞歌舞片创作中的继承与创新

    On Succession and Innovation in Creation of Hollywood Musical Film

  2. 新中国歌舞片带有这个这个时代所具有的强烈的政治色彩,这和解放前的歌舞片以及好莱坞歌舞片有了很大的区别。

    The musical film of New China was tinged with strong political sense and features of the times , which ran a far cry from musical films made in the Pre-liberation days and Hollywood musical films .

  3. 你见过哪个歌舞片最后没有美满结局的?

    Have you ever seen a musical without a happy ending ?

  4. 成为镇上人们的议论话题的一部歌舞片。

    A musical that is the talk of the town .

  5. 他断言:歌舞片时代已经终结。

    The era of musicals is over , he asserts .

  6. 经理看了新近拍摄的音乐歌舞片,很喜欢片中的曲调。

    The manager had seen a recent musical and liked the tunes .

  7. 它是一部歌舞片吗?

    Is it a musical or isn 't it ?

  8. 这样的表现新式同样可以用于中国的歌舞片中。

    This can also be used for the performance of new musical in China .

  9. 她唱了歌舞片中的几首选曲。

    She sang several numbers from the musical .

  10. 好一个完美的歌舞片终场。

    What a perfect musical finale .

  11. 本文以好莱坞故事片(歌舞片除外)的声音创作观念作为研究对象。

    This paper takes the sound creation concepts of Hollywood feature films ( song and dance piece except ) as the research object .

  12. 此外,他还树立了音乐电视的制作基准&要像大型歌舞片一样具备完美的摄影技巧和精准的舞蹈编排。

    He also established a benchmark for the way videos would be made - with stunning cinematography and precision choreography that recalled great movie musicals .

  13. 电影节也吸引了台湾歌手兼演员周杰伦,在城里宣传他导演的歌舞片《天台爱情》。

    The event also attracted Taiwan singer / actor Jay Chou , in town to promote martial arts musical The Rooftop , which he directed .

  14. 几乎所有的歌舞片中都有着那么一两段歌舞是观众所不熟识但又非常钟意的。

    Almost every musical film more or less has one or two song and dance that is not very familiar but very favored by the audience .

  15. 这事发生在洛杉矶,我要去和好莱坞的一个大制片人会面。当时,他想用“杜威十进制系统”【1】精心制作一部立体声宽银幕的喜剧歌舞片。

    It was out in Los Angeles and I was at a party with a very big Hollywood producer , and at that time he wanted to make an elaborate cinemascope musical comedy out of the Dewey Decimal System .

  16. 这是大卫·塞尔兹尼克1937年的爱情电影第三次被翻拍了,第一部翻拍作品是朱迪·嘉兰和詹姆斯·梅森1954年主演的音乐电影,第二部翻拍作品是芭芭拉·史翠珊和克里斯·克里斯托佛森1976年主演的摇滚歌舞片。

    This is now the third remake of David O Selznick 's 1937 romantic drama , following the 1954 musical with Judy Garland and James Mason and the 1976 rock ' n " roll version featuring Barbra Streisand and Kris Kristofferson .

  17. 再如:中国的古典舞,更是可以运用到古装题材的歌舞片中,目前,我国还没有专门的古装歌舞片,但这不失为中国歌舞片发展的一条创新之路。

    Another example : the Chinese classical dance , but also can be applied to the musical theme of costume , the present , no special costume musicals , but this may well be the development of a Chinese musical innovation .

  18. 此外,他还树立了音乐电视的制作基准——要像大型歌舞片一样具备完美的摄影技术和精准的舞蹈编排。

    rock-oriented channel when the success of Billie Jean and Beat It became so overwhelming it could not be ignored.He also established a benchmark for the way videos would be made - with stunning cinematography and precision choreography that recalled great movie musicals .

  19. 在大结局中,这种愤怒混合了它的怪想和俚俗,在一个老式歌舞片片段http://https//www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rg58d8opQKA中全面爆发,它的开头是一个黑人男子(由吉饰演)在黑暗的巷子里走着,结果被一个白人警察逮捕。

    In the final episode , its anger caught up with its fancifulness and cheek , exploding in an old-timey musical number called " Negrotown , " " which opens with a black man ( Key ) being arrested by a white cop one night while walking down a dark alleyway .