
  • 网络European level;Europe Class
  1. 欧洲级帆船是一种速度快、容易掌握而且坚固的船型。

    The Europe is a fast , easy planning and solid boat .

  2. 你好,我是中国欧洲级帆船队,我是来报到的。

    Hi , I am Chinese Europe Team . I am here for registration .

  3. 德意志银行(DEUTSCHEBANK)的数据显示,信贷市场目前的价格暗示,未来5年,欧洲投资级公司违约率约为16%。

    According to Deutsche Bank , prices available in the credit market imply that European investment-grade companies will default at the rate of about 16 per cent over the next five years .

  4. 耐磨层&全进口耐磨纸,高分子耐磨层技术,达到欧洲AC5级耐磨标准,25年质量保证。

    Anti-abrasive protective overlay & hundred percent imported with the high polymer anti-abrasive technology , it reaches the European AC5 level standard , 25 year quality assurance .

  5. 与此同时,美国和欧洲投资级信贷指数达到了远高于目标的创纪录水平。

    Meanwhile , investment-grade credit indices in the US and Europe hit record wide levels .

  6. 在冠军杯小组赛被里昂和佛罗伦萨挤到第三名之后,利物浦只能下嫁与欧洲二级联赛赛事。

    The Reds were demoted into Europe 's second-tier competition after finishing third in their UEFA Champions League group behind Lyon and Fiorentina .

  7. 我们成功地在英国收缩国家疆界,并不是为了在欧洲一级重新推行国家疆界,让一个欧洲超级国家从布鲁塞尔实行新的控制。

    We have not successfully rolled back the frontiers of the state in Britain only to see them reimposed at a European level , with a European super-state exercising a new dominance from brussels .

  8. 围绕监视的外交纠纷昨日加深。对于欧盟(EU)办公室遭到美国情报机构窃听的报道,欧洲一些部长级官员作出震惊和愤怒的反应。

    A diplomatic dispute over surveillance deepened yesterday as European ministers reacted with disbelief and fury to reports that EU offices had been bugged by US intelligence services .

  9. 欧洲联盟多层级治理的理论和实践

    An Analysis on the Theories and Practices of EU Multi-level Governance

  10. 欧洲是一级方程式的传统中心,并仍然是其主要市场。

    Europe is Formula One 's traditional centre and remains its leading market .

  11. 欧元区银行债券面临强劲需求的同时,投资者对美国和欧洲的垃圾级债券也产生了强烈兴趣。

    The demand for eurozone bank debt has been accompanied by a strong reception for us and European junk-rated debt .

  12. 雅马哈在欧洲上市的500mL级坐式踏板摩托车

    Yamaha 500 mL Scooter Stepping into the European Market

  13. 保护欧洲森林赫尔辛基部长级会议

    Helsinki Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe

  14. 欧洲政治合作部长级特别会议

    Extraordinary Ministerial Meeting of European Political Cooperation

  15. 近几个月来,有9家银行在美国、英国和欧洲获得了一级交易商地位。

    In recent months , nine banks have won primary dealer status in the US , UK and Europe .

  16. 德国是上周投票反对欧洲央行进入二级市场的几个国家之一。

    They were one of the few countries last week that voted against the ECB entering the secondary markets .

  17. 条约并不允许欧洲央行介入一级市场,但在二级市场它有权购买任何证券。

    Intervening on the primary market is not permitted by the treaty but , on the secondary market , the ECB has the right to purchase any security .

  18. 欧洲央行在二级市场上购买国债,不是为政府、而是为出售这些国债的金融机构提供流动性。

    When the ECB buys government bonds in the secondary markets it provides liquidity , not to governments but to the financial institutions that sold the sovereign bonds .

  19. 他们注意到,过去几个月欧元区及该地区很多银行的形势出现了很大改善,而且欧洲债券在二级市场的交易表现相当不错。

    They see how the situation in the region and for many of those banks has improved in the past few months , and how well the European bonds are trading in secondary markets .