
  • 网络modalities;modal word
  1. 关于经验论模态词相互关系的注记

    Remark of the Relationship Between Modalities on Experience

  2. 这里提出的时态认知逻辑是在分支时态逻辑CTL~语言中加入表示智能体知识,信念,愿望或意图的认知模态词后得到的。

    The temporal epistemic logics used here are derived from the branching-time logic CTL by incorporating these epistemic modalities representing agents ' knowledge , belief , desire and intention .

  3. 引入了模态词ist,公式ist(c,A)表示命题A在contextc中为真;

    A modality ist is introduced into MCO , the intuitive meaning of formula ist ( c , A ) is that proposition A is true in context c ;

  4. 第四部分分析了或然模态词的语形特点。

    The fourth part is analyse the form trait of the Probabilistic modality words .

  5. 全局性模态词与基本模态语言的扩充

    Global Modality and Extension of Basic Modal Languages

  6. 观念的基本思想是一些带有认知、信念、评价、规范等广义模态词的断定。

    Basic thoughts of an opinion are some judgments with generalized modal terms such as " know "," believe "," evaluate "," normalize " and so on .

  7. 论广义模态结构词的逻辑否定及其依据

    On the Basis of Logic Negation of Generalized Model Structural Word

  8. 英汉语言模态句中否定词的语义错位与其语法位置无关,但双重否定句却与否定词的语法位置有密切关系。

    It also discovers that the grammatical placement has nothing to do with the semantic misplacement , but exerts remarkable effect on the occurrence of the double negative modalized statements .

  9. 论模态逻辑的合法性&对蒯因式模态词解读的批判考察

    On the Legitimacy of Modal Logic