
  • 网络mold cavity;mould cavity
  1. 基于Pro/E模具型腔分型技术的研究

    Study on Mold Cavity Parting Technology based on Pro / E

  2. 模具型腔的NURBS几何描述方法的研究

    Study of the NURBS Describing Method on the Mold Cavity of the Molding Tool

  3. B样条曲面在模具型腔描述及3维网格生成中的应用

    The Application of B - Spline Curve Surface Indie - Cavity Description and 3 - D Mesh Generation

  4. 燃气轮机叶片造型的混合约束条件三次B样条设计法用三次样条函数拟合模具型腔廓线

    Blade Forming of Gas Turbine Using Cubic Spline Fit Method Die cavity outline fit with cubic spline function

  5. 然后重点说明了用Moldflow软件,通过有限元的方法实现熔融聚合物流体充填模具型腔时数值模拟的基本过程。

    Then the basic process to use Mold flow software to realize the numral simulation of the fusion polymer filling the mould cavity is introduced .

  6. 基于Inventor的模具型腔曲面造型

    Formating of Mould Curvy Surface Based on Inventor

  7. 除此之外,还包括模具型腔的CAD/CAM部分,并利用先进软件将其加工部分直接生成NC文件。

    Besides this , it also covers the CAD / CAM for the mold cavity , and generating G-Code instructions for CNC machine by the advanced software .

  8. 当选用ABS材料进行同样的注塑成型实验时,却发现在正交实验确定的工艺参数组合中,没有一组实验能使熔体充入模具型腔。

    While ABS is molded , melted polymer can not be filled in the micro-gear cavity under any parameters group from the orthogonal list .

  9. 给出了在平面区域内行切法加工的刀位计算与Z字形刀位连接方法,该方法适用于模具型腔的刀位规划;

    The algorithms of tool-path elements calculation and zigzag tool-path linking had been proposed , which is suitable for the tool-path planning of die cavity machining .

  10. 以三次B样条曲面描述为基础,对体成形数值模拟中的复杂模具型腔、锻件三维网格自动划分、锻件与模具接触的状态进行了一体化研究。

    The 3 D tool surface description together with the automatic 3 D meshing methods and the contact search is carried out for the FEM numerical simulation of complicated massive forming based on the cubic B spline .

  11. 提出了一种基于KBE技术的注塑模具型腔设计系统的框架。

    A KBE based mold cavity design system is presented , and key technologies of this system are discussed .

  12. 基于UV-LIGA制作细胞培养器微注塑模具型腔的工艺研究

    Process Research on Fabrication of Micro-injection Mold Cavity of Cell Culture Device Based on UV-LIGA Technology

  13. 在球面刀具干涉处理算法的基础上,对模具型腔自由曲面NC三轴加工中平头刀的刀具轨迹的干涉处理技术进行了分析。

    On the basis of interference treatment algorithm for spherical cutting tool , analysis was made on the interference treatment technology for flat head cutting tool path in NC triaxial machining unrestricted camber of mould cavity .

  14. 在此基础上,探讨了KBE系统的结构层次、基本框架和开发工具。提出了一种基于KBE技术的注塑模具型腔设计系统的框架。

    Based on these theories , the architecture , frame and development tools of KBE based design system are researched in detail .

  15. CAE分析部分,则主要结合一个具体的压铸件浇注排溢系统设计实例,对其进行模具型腔充填过程的仿真模拟,以此验证所开发系统在实际应用中的合理性与可行性。

    And at the CAE analysis stage , combining a case of pouring-exhausting-flooding , a filling process of the mold was simulated to verify the rationality and feasibility in actual application .

  16. 在所关心的模具型腔尺寸范围内,径向温度梯度大于3.5℃/mm,且中心浇口温度高于边缘温度,这种温度梯度分布特征有利于硅片凝固应力的及时释放,避免硅片的破裂;

    Within the interesting domain of the mold cavity . the radial temperature gradient is oyer 3.5 ℃ / mm . which is helpful to the relaxation of the solidification tension for avoiding the breakdown of the silicon sheet .

  17. 以601曲轴为例,模拟了RR法、TR法和NTR法的弯曲镦锻变形过程,得到了包括应力分布、模具型腔充填程度及弯曲力和镦粗力等各种场量信息。

    Take 601 crankshaft as a example , the upset bending processes of RR , TR and NTR are numerically simulated based rigid-plastic FE .

  18. 同时,模具型腔几何形状虽然千变万化,但其构成特征的种类是有限的。对每一类加工特征,对应着UG的一种或多种有限的加工方法。

    At the same time , although the geometrical shapes are various , the varieties of its characteristic are finite and every machining characteristic has one or many finite machining method of UG .

  19. 刀具增速后达到磨削速度,可实现模具型腔的复杂空间曲面的精加工,使普通NC铣床代替磨床,并解决了工件在一次装夹中实现从粗加工到精加工的全过程。

    The high speed of tools meets need of the grinding , making it is possible for the high-precision of complicated surface of mould , thus NC milling machine may substitute sharpener , realizing the roughing , finishing if only the work piece is fixed on time .

  20. 在精密注射成型领域,利用CAE技术从充填工艺参数的角度来控制具有复杂模具型腔制品的最终成型质量已经是一种十分重要的手段。

    In the precision injection-molded field , making use of CAE ( Computer Aided Engineering ) technology to control the final quality of the parts that have complex mold cavity by the filling processing parameters has become a very important method .

  21. 在先进的三维设计软件CatiaV5的基础上,完成挤压腔与成形腔的造型工作,并对挤压腔进行应力应变分析,预测成形过程中模具型腔可能出现的缺陷;

    Based on the advanced three-dimensional designing software , CATIA V5 , we achieve the sculpt work of extruding cavity and forming cavity , and with this software we analysis the stress and strain of extruding cavity , at the same time forecasting the defects which may arisen ;

  22. 提出一种基于Tool-ZMap数字化加工几何模型的模具型腔高效精加工策略。

    To realize the high efficiency finishing for mould cavity , a superior strategy based on machining geometric model ( Tool-ZMap ) is accordingly proposed , in which an ordered series of toroidal cutters and ball milling cutters sorted by diameter size are optimally selected .

  23. 连续挤压模具型腔汇合室几何参数优化设计

    Optimization of geometric parameters of convergence chamber for continuous extrusion forming

  24. 精密小模数蜗轮模具型腔的数控加工

    Numerical Control Maching of Exact Little Module Turbine Module Die Space

  25. 基于Pro/E复杂分型面的模具型腔设计

    Pro / E based mold cavity design with complex parting surface

  26. 按照工艺要求,研究了设计模具型腔并适当调整型腔形状的方法。

    Design of mold pocket and its dimension adjusting is studied .

  27. 面向刀具序列的模具型腔高效加工策略

    High performance strategy for die cavity machining oriented to tool sequence

  28. 模具型腔电火花创成加工无干涉运动轨迹生成研究

    Research on creating interference-free contrail of EDM generating machining die cavity

  29. 连续挤压模具型腔焊合室应力分析

    Bubble Chamber Stress Analysis of the Bonding Container in Continuous Extrusion Forming

  30. 电解超声复合锉削在模具型腔光整加工中的应用

    An application of the electrolyte ultrasonic complex file in Polish model formation