
kǎi shū
  • regular script;formal script;regular style;standard script of handwriting
楷书 [kǎi shū]
  • [regular script] 汉字字体的一种,就是现在通行的汉字手写正体字,是由隶书演变而来的

楷书[kǎi shū]
  1. 楷书书写中的力学原则

    Mechanical Principle of the Writing of Regular Script

  2. 楷书结构的力学分析

    The Mechanics Analysis of the Structure of Chinese Regular Script

  3. 这种方法成功地用于在PC/AT机上实现的成页手写体(楷书)汉字识别系统中,效果满意。

    It can build a strong foundation for Chinese character recognition by syntax structural method . Now , it has been successfully used in handprinted Chinese character system based on PC / AT computer with satisfactory results .

  4. 在规范中走向创造的境界&我看研究生学位论文写作宋代楷书式微原因初探

    View of the Causes to the Less Creative State of Song 's Regular Script

  5. 论汉字楷书对称美及其在书法结构教学中的意义

    The Symmetry of the Regular Script in Chinese Calligraphy and its Application in Teaching

  6. 楷书的内涵及其价值探讨

    The Connotation of Regular Script and Its Value

  7. 论汉末魏晋楷书发展孕育的物质基础

    Social Material Foundation for the Development of Kaishu in Late Han Dynasty and Wei-Jin Period

  8. 书写小楷书,用墨宜润,不能太干枯。

    Written in small regular script , ink should be Run , not too dry .

  9. 隶书上承篆书遗脉,下开楷书之源,更能体现中国书法的变形与夸张。

    Li script can embody the deformation and exaggeration of Chinese calligraphy better than any other script .

  10. 他擅长隶、楷、行各体,尤以楷书影响最大。

    He was good at li and xing calligraphy , but was especially expert in kai calligraphy .

  11. 全面系统整理楷书汉字是汉字研究的一项基础工程。

    Sorting out regular script in Chinese characters systematically is a foundational work in studying Chinese characters .

  12. 楷书墓志是隋代墓志书法的主体,也是本文分类研究的重点。

    The script is the Sui Dynasty epitaph epitaph calligraphy subject , and also the classification research focus .

  13. 有识之士呼吁应重视传统字体,尤其楷书书法及雕版印刷字体。

    Some experts are calling for more attention on the traditional character typeface especially Kaishu and the Woodblockprint typeface .

  14. 楷书和草书体现着唐代的书法规则,也是唐代书法的最高成就。

    Regular script and cursive script represented the principles of calligraphy , and it was also the greatest achievements .

  15. 黄自元楷书结构九十二法有其一定的历史意义,但也有明显的不足。

    HUANG Ziyuan 's 92 varieties of regular script structure has historical significance , but it still has clear shortcomings .

  16. 五代宋元明清楷书及其衰落原因

    On Regular Script in Wu Dai , Song , Yuan , Ming and Qing Dynasties and Causes of its Decline

  17. 在典范楷书基础上,经过匠体的加工,在明代正德、嘉靖年间形成了宋体字。

    In the years of Zhengde Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty , the Song typeface was brought into being .

  18. 通俗楷书的发展过程就是通俗隶书的衰亡过程。

    The development process of the demotic Regular script was in another word the declining process of the demotic Clerical script .

  19. 书法创作中,楷书的书写在尊重楷则的基础上更应该平添几分自由和心性。

    Calligraphy in Regular Script writing in respect Kai is based on adding a bit more freedom and disposition should be .

  20. 所谓方笔即起笔时呈现折刀头状,棱角分明,是楷书书写的一种起笔方法。

    The so-called square pen presents jackknife head-like started to write when , angular , regular script writing started to write method .

  21. 造纸术、高型家具的推广应用,为楷书的发展提供了必要的物质技术支持。

    For instance , the popularization of paper making technology and high-model furniture provides the material technology for the formation of Kaishu .

  22. 笔者拟从笔法、字法、章法、墨法对倪瓒小楷书进行分析总结。

    Author to be analyzed and summarized from the strokes , the word law , the rules , blot , Ni Zan regular script .

  23. 楷书有两个提纲挈领的规律:点是楷书笔画最基本的要素;

    Two basic laws need to be grasped on regular script in Chinese calligraphy : The dot stroke is the most basic part in regular script ;

  24. 比如字体一般用的是宋体、楷书、隶书以及篆书以及古代和现代的书法名家的手书体等。

    For example , the font is generally used in the font , the script , script and seal character and ancient and modern calligraphy calligraphy etc. .

  25. 书法课的教学内容应在毛笔楷书的基础上侧重硬笔书法。

    The content of calligraphy teaching should be based on the regular script training with writing brush and focus on the training with the hard tipped writing instruments .

  26. 楷书至唐代达到顶峰,盛极而衰是事物发展的必然规律。

    The regular script reached its peak in the Tang Dynasty , and " to decline from the prosperous " is the inexorable law of development of things .

  27. 平城时期魏碑体书法的特点是介于隶楷之间,笔者将其具体分作隶楷书和楷隶书两种,并对这两种书法作品作了简单的介绍。

    Author divided the specific calligraphy into two kinds , official-regular script and regular-official script . and make a brief introduction to the two kinds of calligraphy works .

  28. “颜体”奠定了他在楷书千百年来不朽的地位,颜真卿是中国书法历史上极富影响力的大师之一。

    His personal style helped him reach the immortal status in the field of regular script and become one of the most influential calligraphy masters in Chinese calligraphy history .

  29. 宋代印刷文化的繁荣,极大弱化了楷书书写的功用,这是造成宋代楷书衰落的主要的外部推动力。

    Song Dynasty printing culture is prosperous , caused serious decline of the written function of regular script , which creates the main exterior propelling force for its decline .

  30. 台北故宫珍藏乾隆瓶是用蓝色珐琅彩署双圈四字楷书款,其样式与本拍品的雍正款相同。

    Like the Yongzheng marks on the current vases , the Qianlong mark on the small Taipei vase is a four-character mark written in blue enamel within a double square .
