
tuǒ yuán xīnɡ xì
  • elliptical galaxy
  1. 哈勃望远镜拍摄下来的图象:M87一个巨大的椭圆星系。

    A Hubble Space Telescope image & shows M87 [ lower right ] a giant elliptical galaxy .

  2. 椭圆星系一些动力学问题研究的进展

    Review on the Research in Dynamics of Elliptical Galaxy

  3. 旋涡星系中Ia超新星的产生率比椭圆星系的要高。

    Spirals are more efficient SNe Ia producers , comparing with elliptical galaxies .

  4. 大部分椭圆星系所拥有的球状星团,不论是数量还是体型都超过NGC1316。

    Most elliptical galaxies have more and brighter globular clusters than NGC1316 .

  5. 主角是位于天炉座的赛弗特星系NGC1097,它的小伙伴&矮椭圆星系NGC1097A,位于图像左上。

    A comparatively tiny elliptical companion galaxy , NGC1097A , is also visible in the top left .

  6. 现在那些图像的点击总数已经超过了7000万,这允许Lintott和他的队伍更加轻松简单地把各种星系归类为旋涡星系,椭圆星系和交汇星系,并进行更深入的研究。

    The images have now had more than70m clicks in total , allowing Lintott and his team to go beyond simply sorting galaxies into spiral , elliptical or merging categories , into further research .

  7. 三轴椭圆星系形态与初始弥散速度分布

    The Morphology of Triaxial Ellipticals and the Initial Distribution of Dispersion Velocities

  8. 椭圆星系并不具有大多数星系具有的扁圆或是螺旋型的外形。

    Elliptical galaxies do not take on the flat-disk or spiral shapes that most galaxies do .

  9. 动力分析与椭圆星系研究

    Dynamical Analysis and Elliptical Galaxies

  10. 在我们所发展出的模型里,这两类星团在椭圆星系中的数量大致上是差不多的。

    In the specific model we developed , elliptical galaxies have roughly equal numbers of each type .

  11. 要证明两者彼此相关,其中一个方式,就是在古老的椭圆星系中,同时辨识出这两类球状星团。

    ONE WAY TO DEMONSTRATE a link would be to identify two populations of globular clusters in old elliptical galaxies .

  12. 从椭圆星系发出的光在中心部分最亮越靠近边缘越暗淡。

    The light from an elliptical galaxy is brightest in the center and gradually becomes fainter toward its outer regions .

  13. 这类椭圆星系大多清楚地显现出一蓝一红、种截然不同的球状星团族群。

    Most of these systems show clear evidence for two distinct populations of globular clusters , one blue and one red .

  14. 用一个星系相互作用数值模拟的综合三体模型,研究椭圆星系是否由盘星系合并而成。

    Perfect three-body model is used in the numerical simulation of interacting galaxies for studying whether merging disk galaxies make elliptical galaxy .

  15. 另一种则是:椭圆星系是较晚才出现的,它们是螺旋星系合并的后果。

    The other is that ellipticals are relative latecomers , having been produced as a result of the merging of spiral galaxies .

  16. 碰撞也会改变星系的外形,特别是当两螺旋星系融合后可能会产生单一的椭圆星系。

    Collisions also can transform the shape of galaxies involved ; specifically , the merger of two spiral galaxies may produce a single elliptical galaxy .

  17. 此前它被认为是一个“温和的”椭圆星系,但在哈勃的慧眼之下露出了狂野的一面。

    What has appeared as a mild-mannered elliptical galaxy in previous studies is revealing its wild side in new images taken with NASA 's Hubble Space Telescope .

  18. 由大尺度本动速度场的相关性分析得出,半人马座的三个椭圆星系团可能主导着椭圆星系样品的速度相关函数。

    The correlation analysis on large scale peculiar velocity field shows that three clusters of elliptical galaxies in Centaurus region may dominate the velocity correlation function of elliptical galaxy samples .

  19. 他们还发现,在每个周期中,称为“银道”的“银河”中心均会与椭圆星系相交,即太阳穿过天空进行的平面运动。

    They discovered also that every cycle , the dark band Milky Way 's center called Galactic Equator intersects with Elliptical , the plane movement of the sun across the sky .

  20. “或许,我们这是首次看到宇宙中最为庞大的椭圆星系之一正在形成,”该研究的发起人之一、加州理工大学的尼克·斯科维尔说。

    " We may be witnessing , for the first time , the formation of one of the most massive elliptical galaxies in the universe ," said study co-author Nick Scoville of Caltech .

  21. 在8000至8670的波长范围内,利用一个由144颗恒星光谱组成的光谱厍,我们对57个巨椭圆和S0星系(MB<-21)的光谱和它们的平均光谱进行了光谱合成。

    Using a library of spectra of 144 stars observed in the range 8000-8670 A , we have made a population synthesis of mean and individual spectra of 57 giant E / SO galaxies ( MB < - 21 ) .