
  • 网络ellipticity
  1. 在第二章,介绍了k-容许函数的概念,并且说明在k-容许函数下,k-Hessian方程的椭圆性和k-Hessian算子的凹性。

    In chapter 2 , we further introduce the k-admissible functions and the ellipticity and concavity of the k-Hessian operators under the k-admissible functions .

  2. 具有退化椭圆性的双障碍问题解梯度的Holder连续性

    Holder Continuity of the Gradient of Solutions to Double Obstacle Problems Involving Degenerate Elliptic Equations

  3. 丢番图逼近、环面T~2上的Gevrey亚椭圆性与几乎周期运动

    Diophantine Approximation , Gevrey Hypoellipticity and Almost Periodic Motion on the Torus T ~ 2

  4. MEMS中内部流动的特点,即流速低和大的长宽比的特点,引起椭圆性问题,即出入口边界条件相互影响需要协调的问题。

    The specificities of the internal flows in MEMS , i. e. the low speed and the large length to width ratio , result in the problem of elliptic nature of the necessity to regulate the inlet and the outlet boundary conditions that influence each other .

  5. 光滑流形上微分形式的亚椭圆性

    The Hypo-elliptic Differential Forms on Smooth Manifolds

  6. 微分算子Dθ的亚椭圆性

    Hypoellipticity for Differential Operator D_ θ

  7. 用新物理量Vop的椭圆法定性地分析电化学体系已十分有效。

    The experimental results show that the ellipsometry with a new parameter VOP could be analyzed qualitatively for the electrochemical systems effectively .

  8. 应用有限体积法求解不可压缩二维NS方程,对在均匀来流中圆柱-椭圆柱周期性变形运动进行了数值模拟。

    The characteristics of the flow behind a circular cylinder performing periodic deformation in a uniform flow are investigated .

  9. 新型椭圆截面塑性密封圈的研制

    Development of a New Oval Cross-Section Plastic Sealing Ring

  10. 模拟分析给出了椭圆光斑在线性度、灵敏度和动态范围等方面对探测性能带来的影响。

    It is found by simulation analysis that the elliptic spot affects detector performance in linearity , sensitivity and dynamic range of the detector .

  11. 平面椭圆映射Holder连续性的等周方法

    The isoperimetric Mothed of the Holder Continuity of Elliptic Mappings in the Plane

  12. 关于一类半线性退化椭圆方程的存在性结果

    An Existence Result for a Class of Semilinear Degenerate Elliptic Equations

  13. 基于椭圆曲线的限制性群盲签名方案

    A New Scheme of Restrictive Group Blind Signature Based on Elliptic Curves

  14. 椭圆异型挤压塑性成形映射理论及模腔优化解析

    Mapping analysis of metal forming and optimization of die cavity in ellipse-shaped extrusion

  15. 这是一类一致退化的椭圆方程边界正则性问题。

    This is the boundary regularity problem of certain uniformly degenerate elliptic operators .

  16. 油气管道内部轴向表面半椭圆裂纹弹塑性断裂分析

    Elastic-Plastic Fracture Analysis for Internal Axial Surface Half Elliptical Cracks in Oil & Gas Pipeline

  17. 微窥镜下分辨不出基底膜或听神经细胞的形态结构,可见畸形前庭的球囊、椭圆囊的囊性结构;

    Though we could not identify the basal membrane and sensory epithelia under micro-endoscopy , the utricle and saccule could be clearly identified .

  18. 本文利用椭圆曲线的高效性的特点,在别名技术的基础上,给出了一个基于椭圆曲线体制匿名代理的新方案,并且具有匿名可撤销的功能。

    In this paper , with the characteristics of efficiency of elliptic curve , on the basis of the alias technology , we proposed a new scheme of anonymous proxy signature based on elliptic curve with the function of revealing anonymity .

  19. 并介绍了椭圆曲线密码的安全性基础,离散对数问题,以及如何适当的选择参数组来确保椭圆曲线的安全性。

    After that the base of the safety for elliptic curve is analyzed in this paper which is the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem . Besides , introduces how to select the parameter group to insure the safety of the elliptic curve .

  20. 1985年,NealKoblitz和VictorMiller分别独立地提出了利用椭圆曲线设计公钥密码体制。此后关于椭圆曲线密码安全性和有效实现的大批研究成果被发表出来。

    In 1985 , Neal Koblitz and Victor Miller independently proposed the elliptic curve cryptosystems ( ECC ) . after that , lots of paper about the secure and implementation of elliptic curve public key cryptography was published .

  21. 通过直接估计椭圆参数的广义本征分析技术,进一步提高椭圆的可检测性和拟合精度。

    The detectability and fitting accuracy of an ellipse are further improved through the analysis of generalized natural characteristic for direct estimation of elliptic parameters .