
  • 网络plant world;World of Plants;animal world
  1. 植物世界默默地向我们展示了对生命的忠诚。

    The plant world shows us in silence what faithfulness to life consists of .

  2. 我们必须最密切注意的相互依存关系是我们与植物世界之间存在的相互依存关系。

    The interdependence to which we must pay the closest attention is that which exists between ourselves and the plant world .

  3. 蜘蛛草就像是室内植物世界里的蜜獾。

    Spider plants are like the honey badgers of the house plant world .

  4. 植物世界开始萌动、壮大、生气盎然。

    The vegetable world begins to move and swell and the saps to rise .

  5. 结合自己的亲身体验,他将植物世界这些奇迹巨人们的神秘与雄壮描绘地栩栩如生。

    With his hands-on approach , he brings to life the mystery and majesty of these giant wonders of the botanical world .

  6. 在刚开始时,那儿将只有造物者已经将光带进植物世界的形式。

    In the beginning , there will be only that which the Creator has brought light to in the form of the plant world .

  7. 荚蒾属Viburnum植物全世界约有200种。

    There are about 200 species in the genus Viburnum across the world .

  8. 猕猴桃属(Actinidia)植物全世界有66个种,中国有猕猴桃属62个种,我国猕猴桃属植物资源极为丰富。

    There are 66 species in Actinidia in the whole world , and China has 62 species . It is extremely abundant that the resources of Actinidia in our country .

  9. 唐松草属(Thalictrum)植物全世界约200种,甘肃省有20种4变种。

    There are about 200 specis of the genus , Thalictrum in the world , among which 20 species and 4 variety distributed in Gansu Province .

  10. 金丝桃属HypericumLinn.植物全世界有400余种,生长习性呈多样性包括草本、灌木和亚乔木等。

    There are more than 400 species in genus Hypericum Linn , in the world , which exhibit a diversity of habit forms ranging from slender herbs to large shrubs , small trees and distribute extensively in Europe , Asia , North of Africa and North of America .

  11. 败酱科缬草属(Valeriana)植物全世界约250余种,大部分分布于温带地区,我国有缬草属植物17种2变种,主产于西南、西北和东北地区。

    There are about 250 species in Valeriana of officinalis in the world , most of which are distributed over temperate zone . There are 17 species and 2 varieties valeriana plants in China , most of which are distributed over southwest , northwest and northeast .

  12. 该属植物全世界约60余种,仅5种进行过化学成分研究。

    Although the genus comprises 60 species , among which only five plants were studied on their chemical constituents .

  13. 香茶菜属植物全世界大约有150种,已研究品种达80种。

    There are 150 kinds of the rabdosia species on the earth , people have studied the species amount to 80 kinds .

  14. 因为与其它洲分离数百万年了,所以澳大利亚有许多动植物是世界上任何其它地方所没有的。

    Having been separated from other continents for millions of years , Australia has many plants and animals not found anywhere else in the world .

  15. 该属植物在世界许多国家具有悠久的药用历史,并且已成为近年来临床研究正在进行的项目。

    The genera plants have been used in various countries in popular medicine as a treatment for different illnesses , and have become a clinical research project recently .

  16. 该属植物全世界约有30种,主要分布于亚洲中部及东北部,我国有12种。

    The geuns of Heteropappus Less includes about 30 species , distributed worldwide , but mainly in central and northeastern of Asia , in which 12 species in China .

  17. 通过种植肉质植物庆祝世界地球日!这些丰富有趣的珍宝,不需要许多照顾,但回报给你的是这个拥挤城市中清新的空气这一份完美的礼物。

    Celebrate Earth Day by planting succulents ! These colorful treasures require very little care and will reward you with the perfect gift of clean air in a crowded city .

  18. 浒苔属植物在世界范围内广泛分布,该属植物的环境适应性很强,从盐度很高的盐田到淡水河流,从炎热的赤道到寒冷的北极,都能够发现有浒苔属植物的存在。

    Enteromorpha is distributed broadly in the world , which is adaptable , from the high salinity field to fresh water rivers and from the hot equator to the cold Arctic .

  19. 重楼属植物全世界共有24种,我国拥有19种,其中西南各省区为多,而云南的重楼种类居全国之冠。

    There are 24 species of Paridis plants in the world , and 19 species are in our country . These species mostly distribute in the southwest area , especially in Yunnan province .

  20. 菊科兔儿风属植物全世界约有70种,分布于亚洲东南部,我国有44种,主要分布于长江流域及其以南各省区如四川、贵州、云南等地。

    The genus Ainsliaea belongs to the Compositae family and consists of around 70 species . Among them , 44 species are distributed in the south regions of China , such as Sichuan , Guizhou and Yunan provinces .

  21. 高粱属牧草为一年生草本植物,世界各地均有栽培。高粱属牧草植株高大,茎叶繁茂,具有抗旱、耐涝、耐高温、耐瘠薄、耐盐碱、抗病虫害及抗倒伏等优良特性。

    Sorghum plants is a kind of annual herb with tall stems , lush leaves , high resistance to drought , Waterlogging , high temperature , barren , salinity , pests and diseases , which was cultivated throughout the world .

  22. 测试植物与世界草本植物元素含量范围值上限相对照,铬、镉、铅、汞、砷超标百分率(%)分别为:0、20、50、50和90。

    Comparing the maximum of world herbs with tested herbs , the excess standard percentages of Cr , Cd , Pb , Hg and As contents in the natural herbs attained 0 , 20 , 50 , 50 and 90 respectively .

  23. 棉蚜Aphisgossypii(Glover)属多食性害虫,主要危害棉花、南瓜、西瓜、木谨等多种植物,在世界范围内广泛分布,在我国各棉区均有分布和危害。

    Cotton aphid Aphis gossypii ( Glover ) belong polyphagous pests , mainly against cotton , squash , watermelon , wood and other plants , widely distributed in the world .

  24. 盾叶薯蓣(DioscoreazingiberensisC.H.Wight)是我国特有的甾体激素类药源植物,也是世界上薯蓣皂甙元含量最高的资源植物。

    Dioscorea zingiberensis C. H. Wight , a native species in China , has the highest content of diosgenin in the rhizome among all the species in Dioscorea .

  25. 红豆杉属植物资源及其世界分布概况

    Resources and Distribution of Taxus in the World

  26. 毛茛科铁线莲属植物为风行世界的园艺花卉品种;

    Plants belong to clematis genus of buttercup family are popular in the world .

  27. 澳大利亚的本土植物品种是世界上为数最多也最为多样的。

    The native flora of Australia is the most varied and diverse in the world .

  28. 这是来自野生动植物保护组织世界野生动植物基金会最新报告所公布的数据。

    The numbers are from a new report from the conservation group World Wildlife Fund .

  29. 中国拥有的植物种类比世界上其他任何温带地区的国家都多。

    China has more plants than anywhere else in the temperate regions of the world .

  30. 近三十年来,以苏云金杆菌杀虫蛋白为基础的转基因植物已在世界范围内商业化,用于防治重要经济作物的害虫。

    The transgenic plants based on Bt insecticidal toxins have been commercialized world-widely for nearly three decades .