
  1. 但许多实验表明细胞都已死亡的植物茎干仍能将水输送到相当可观的高度。

    But many experiments demonstrated that the stems of plants in which all the cells are killed can still move water to appreciable heights .

  2. 茎流是大气降水与溶解物在植物茎干上的汇集与运移,它对森林和农业生态系统具有重要的水文学和生态意义。

    Stemflow is formed by converging and transferring precipitation and solutes in plant stem , which is of hydrologic and ecological significance in forest and agricultural ecosystem .

  3. 植物的茎干从根部开始腐烂。

    Plant disease in which the stem or trunk rots at the base .

  4. 遍布世界各地的草本或木本植物,茎干是中空的并且有节,叶子是细长形的。

    Cosmopolitan herbaceous or woody plants with hollow jointed stems and narrow long-bladed leaves .

  5. 大型独居蜜蜂,在木材或植物的茎干中钻洞产卵。

    Large solitary bee that lays eggs in tunnels bored into wood or plant stems .

  6. 美国东部多刺的木质藤蔓植物,茎干坚硬,开绿色小花,结不可食用的黑色果实。

    A very prickly woody vine of the eastern United States growing in tangled masses having tough round stems with shiny leathery leaves and small greenish flowers followed by clusters of inedible shiny black berries .

  7. 植物叶子或茎干变成红紫色。

    A reddish-brown discoloration of leaves and stems caused by a rust fungus .

  8. 植物叶子或茎干变成红紫色。旧大陆多叶茎蓝花紫罗兰。

    Old World leafy-stemmed blue-flowered violet .

  9. 紫云英红叶形成与叶色变化机理研究植物叶子或茎干变成红紫色。

    Studies on Astragalus Sinicus Red Leaves Formation and Leaves Colour Change a reddish-brown discoloration of leaves and stems caused by a rust fungus .

  10. 雌蜂有矩形产卵器的昆虫,可以在宿主植物的叶子和茎干组织中产卵。

    Insect whose female has a saw-like ovipositor for inserting eggs into the leaf or stem tissue of a host plant .

  11. 任何美国西部胶草属植物,叶子和茎干中的树脂以前作药用;对家畜常有毒害作用。

    Any of various western American plants of the genus Grindelia having resinous leaves and stems formerly used medicinally ; often poisonous to livestock .