
  • 网络Where Dreams Begin
  1. 酒店婚宴,新人梦想开始的地方!

    Wedding in our hotel is the place where newlyweds dreams start .

  2. 汉克斯并不忘本,2009年,他帮忙筹集资金,修缮克利夫兰剧院他梦想开始的地方。

    Not one to forget his own past , in 2009 Hanks helped fund-raise money to help renovate the Cleveland theater where he got his start .

  3. 我常常怀念我的大学时代,怀念那个梦想开始的地方&北京吉利大学。

    I cherished the golden days when I was studying in Beijing Geely University , where is the beginning of my dreams as well as my life .

  4. 他本赛季开局状态正佳,安德森希望能在自己梦想开始的地方继续这种状态。

    He 's begun the season in fine fettle and Anderson is hoping to maintain his good form in the country where he made his name on Wednesday night .