
  • 网络megan;meghan;Megan Stewart
  1. 梅根?罗斯?迪克是在线游戏businessinsider网站的内行人士。

    Megan Rose Dickie follows online gaming for Website business insider .

  2. 十年前连过州与联邦两级的梅根法案(Megan'sLaw)[1],规定任何一个性犯罪获释者一旦搬进某住宅社区时,必须通告全区。

    Megan 's Law , passed at state and federal level more than a decade ago , requires public notification when a released sex offender moves into a neighbourhood .

  3. 但梅根表示,两人之间没有冲突,而她也已经原谅凯特,并称凯特“是个好人”。

    She added that " There was no confrontation , " and that she has forgiven the Duchess of Cambridge , who is known as Kate . She is " a good person , " said Meghan .

  4. 在最近的几段视频剪辑中,梅根在发这样的R音的时候要比她一贯的美式口音轻一些。

    In recent clips , those Rs are lighter than the typical general American accent .

  5. 大美女梅根-福克斯即将加盟喜剧片《FriendswithKids》,电影将由女影星詹妮弗-威斯菲尔德编剧导演,当然詹妮弗也将挂帅出演。

    Next , THR reports Megan Fox is joining Friends with Kids , the ensemble comedy from writer / director Jennifer Westfeldt who will also act in the film .

  6. 梅根和搭档帕特里克·J·亚当斯(饰演麦克·罗斯)都在第七季结束时退出了剧组。

    Meghan and her co-star Patrick J. Adams , ( Mike Ross ) both left the show at the end of season seven .

  7. 2008年:这一次梅根效仿了朱莉式双唇,涂抹着火辣的粉红色唇膏出席了MTV电视大奖。

    2008 : The actress played up her Jolie-esque lips at the MTV Movie Awards with hot-pink gloss .

  8. 好了,所以不是每个人都非常激动,对梅根在MTV电影奖的发型。

    Okay , so not everyone was thrilled with Megan 's slicked-back hairstyle at the MTV Movie Awards .

  9. 在彭博社(Bloomberg)近期的一系列报道中,梅根o麦克阿德声称,提高员工薪酬的好处并没有想象的那么多。

    In a recent series for Bloomberg , Megan McArdle argued that the benefits of paying workers more are less than you may think .

  10. 关于他们选择的糕点师,先前梅根自己创办了一个生活方式网站“TheTig”,这位准新娘曾为她的网站采访过普塔克。

    As for their choice of pastry chef , the bride-to-be knew Ptak from previously interviewing her for " The Tig , " Markle 's former lifestyle website .

  11. 时尚搭配专家HilaryAlexander说从服装的选择就能看出梅根对于时尚的洞察力,这点凯特就没有。

    Style expert Hilary Alexander says that this outfit is a sign of Meghan 's style sensibilities - and how they differ from Kate 's.

  12. 五年前见过梅根,在洛杉矶工作的瑜伽指导兼冥想老师LightWatkins说,去年花了四天的时间,对梅根进行了一对一的冥想指导。

    Last year , LA-based yoga instructor and meditation teacher Light Watkins said he had spent four days giving Meghan , 37 , one-to-one guidance in meditation after meeting her five years ago .

  13. 新定的演员将会和之前确定哈里王子的出演人MurrayFraser和她的未婚妻也就是梅根的扮演者美籍牙买加演员ParisaFitz-Henley一起出演。

    They join the previously announced Murray Fraser who plays the lead role of Harry , while Jamaican-American Parisa Fitz-Henley stars as his fiance .

  14. 前皇家护卫总指挥DaiDavies说:“公开宣传,对于梅根的好奇,和婚礼的进行都会让皇家护卫队增加皇室成员的安全方面的担忧。”

    Former Royal Protection Command chief Dai Davies said : " The publicity and interest in Meghan and the wedding will add to the protection squad 's concerns .

  15. 在Posh给了梅根这位美国女演员一组独家沙龙之后,梅根和维多利亚就一起分享做头发和美容的贴士。

    Meghan and Victoria have bonded over hair and beauty tips after Posh gave the US actress a list of exclusive salons for her to visit .

  16. 据报道,这部美剧的出品方NBC环球愿意为梅根做的慈善组织捐赠数百万美金的善款,只要她愿意回归。

    NBC Universal , who make the show , are reportedly willing to offer Meghan a multi-million dollar donation to the charity of her choice , if she decides to do the episode .

  17. GinaNelthorpe-Cowne马克尔的前经纪人兼密友将会出演在一档今晚上映,以哈里和梅根:爱情故事的纪录片。

    Gina Nelthorpe-Cowne , Markle 's close friend and former agent , will appear on a Sky documentary called Harry and Meghan : A Love Story , which airs tonight .

  18. 但是,另外一只拉布拉多和牧羊犬的混种Bogart却不能和梅根在一起,要永远留在朋友家。

    However , she has been forced to say farewell to Bogart - a Labrador-shepherd mix - who has been permanently re-homed with close friends .

  19. 哈里和他的美国未婚妻将入住肯辛顿宫(KensingtonPalace)的诺丁山屋(NottinghamCottage),紧邻威廉王子夫妇。梅根2013年和首任丈夫离异。

    Harry and his American fiancee , who divorced her first husband in 2013 , will move into Nottingham Cottage in the grounds of Kensington Palace next door to his brother William and sister-in-law Kate .

  20. 今天哈里王子和马克尔梅根一起参加了年度WellChildAwards活动即为生活在英国的重症儿童的庆祝活动,哈里王子已经资助了该机构10多年。

    Prince Harry and Meghan Markle attended the WellChild Awards today , a yearly event which celebrates the lives and work of seriously ill children living in the UK . Prince Harry has been a patron of WellChild for over 10 years .

  21. 但本月初,公司也遭遇了产品总监梅根•奎因的高调离职,她跳槽至凯鹏华盈风险投资公司(KleinerPerkinsCaufield&Byers)。

    But the company also suffered a high-profile defection earlier this month when Megan Quinn , its director of product , left to join venture firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers .

  22. 梅根和未来的妯娌凯特王妃不同,凯特的婚纱由亚历山大·麦昆(AlexanderMcQueen)设计,以传统蕾丝和大拖裾为主,梅根的婚纱则更现代化。

    Very unlike her soon-to-be sister-in-law , Kate Middleton 's , royal wedding gown which was designed by Alexander McQueen and featured traditional lace and a huge train , these dresses appear far more modern .

  23. 而且,同父异母的姐姐SamanthaGrant指责梅根不管父亲的死活,顺便还猛烈抨击了ChrissyTeigen(这波操作很搞笑)。

    Meanwhile , there 's half-sister Samantha Grant , who accused Meghan of ignoring her father and lashed out at Chrissy Teigen along the way ( fun times ) .

  24. 一位网友在Instagram上分享了她与公爵夫人对话视频,她问道:“你对梅根和她的即将出生的宝宝感到兴奋吗?”

    A member of the public who met the couple shared a video of her conversation with the Duchess on Instagram , asking : " Are you excited for Meghan and her new baby ? "

  25. NBC的内部消息称:“半天时间,甚至要不了半天就可以完成拍摄。最后要付多少片酬还没有确定,不过一旦梅根答应,就很快可以协商。”

    A NBC source told : ' We could be done in half a day or less . 'No final figure has yet been arrived at but negotiations are likely to be opened in the very near future .

  26. 从2010年开始梅根就饰演《金装律师》中的RachelZane,但是从去年5月和哈里王子结婚,她就离开了剧组,把重心放到慈善工作上之后。

    The Duchess of Sussex starred in the TV show as Rachel Zane from 2010 , but left the show to join the concentrate on her charity projects and to marry Prince Harry last May .

  27. 这位马克尔兄长自2011年因参加他们祖母的葬礼,见过梅根和其电影制片人的前夫——41岁的TrevorEngleson,就再也没有见过梅根了。

    Mr Markle has not seen his sister since 2011 when the pair - and Meghan 's film producer ex Trevor Engleson , 41 - attended the Los Angeles funeral of their grandmother , Doris .

  28. 梅根凭借美剧《金装律师》中时髦的RachelZane一角而走红,美国国家广播公司制片方消息来源称,希望梅根能够回来拍摄最后一集。

    She made a name for herself as the sassy Rachel Zane on US TV drama Suits , and producers want the now minted Meghan to return for one last episode a NBC production source claims .

  29. 尽管梅根和三个家人关系不好,但是和母亲DoriaRagland还是非常亲近的。

    Despite Meghan 's troubled relationship with three of her family members , she is still very close to her mother , Doria Ragland .

  30. 家族史移动应用MyHeritage的发言人艾伦·高弗瑞(AaronGodfrey)说:“我们知道哈利和梅根订婚的消息后,希望能帮助梅根探索她和英国的渊源。”

    Aaron Godfrey , MyHeritage spokesman , said : " When we heard the wonderful news about Harry and Meghan 's engagement , we wanted to help Meghan discover some English roots of her own .