
  • 网络medford
  1. 云集在列克星敦的人们来自四面八方,比如学术气息浓厚的剑桥、富人区后湾(BackBay)、林中小镇林肯(Lincoln)和韦尔斯利(Wellesley)、以及埃弗雷特(Everett)和梅德福(Medford)粗犷的“三层楼”(triple-decker)公寓街区。

    People thronged to Lexington from professorial Cambridge ; from patrician Back Bay ; from sylvan Lincoln and Wellesley , and from the gritty , " triple-decker " apartment blocks of Everett and Medford .

  2. 调查负责人及参与者埃德娜•梅德福说,排名的变动受到如今人们关注点的影响。

    The fluidity of perceptions of past presidents reflects contemporary concerns , according to Edna Medford , a survey leader and participant .

  3. 杰夫和詹妮弗来自美国新泽西州的梅德福,五年前他们在南太平洋复活节岛上火山口结婚。

    Jeff and Jennifer Salvage , of Medford , New Jersey , got married on a volcano in Easter Island in the South Pacific five years ago .

  4. 目前的技术相对来说还不成熟,需数小时才能做出反应,梅德福希望在接下来几年里将反应时间缩短到几分钟。

    Still relatively immature , the current technology has a response time of hours but Medford hopes to reduce this down to a few minutes over the next couple of years .