
  • 网络root folder
  1. 在windows资源管理器中,移动至网站的根文件夹。

    In Windows explorer , move to the root folder for the web site .

  2. 测试安装过程的最简单方法是在WAR项目的根文件夹中创建一个新文件。

    The easiest way to test your installation is to create a new file in the root folder of your WAR project .

  3. 右键单击需要更新的VisualStudio工程的根文件夹,并单击Refresh。

    Right-click the root folder of the Visual Studio project that needs updating and click Refresh .

  4. 把文件存储在Web服务器的文档根文件夹下(参见Sitemaplocation获得详细信息)。

    Store the file in the document root folder of the Web server ( see Sitemap location for details and restrictions ) .

  5. 这些命令只能在以下位置中使用:Windows当前安装的系统文件夹、可移动媒体、任何硬盘分区的根文件夹或本地安装源。

    These commands only operate within the system folders of the current Windows installation , removable media , the root folder of any hard disk partition , or the local installation sources .

  6. 为“ftp服务器名称”、“端口号”、“从ftp根文件夹开始的路径”、“登录名”和“密码”指定值。

    Specify values for FTP server name , port number , path from the FTP root folder , login , and password .

  7. 如果mft根文件夹碎片较多,则可能会出现此问题。

    This problem may occur if the MFT root folder is severely fragmented .

  8. 这个新文件夹结构拥有一个根文件夹acme,子文件夹布局模拟WebSphereCEAFeaturePack提供的cea模块的布局。

    The new folder structure has a root folder of acme , and the subdirectory layout mocks that of the cea module provided by the WebSphere CEA Feature Pack .

  9. 介绍Jaxer根文件夹时,我提到了它里面有几个子文件夹。

    When I described the Jaxer root folder , I mentioned that there are several subfolders within it .

  10. Globalize插件被设计成“主”插件位于根文件夹,名为“globalize.js”。

    The Globalize plugin is designed so that the " main " plugin is in the root folder and called " globalize . js " .

  11. sampledirectory是新闻报道示例根文件夹的路径。

    Sampledirectory is the path of the newsletter sample 's root folder .

  12. 如果IMAP服务器不支持命名空间扩展,但你使用共享文件夹或个人的根文件夹是非空,你需要设置这些选项。

    If IMAP server doesn 't support NAMESPACE extension , but you 're using shared folders or personal root folder is non-empty , you 'll need to set these options .

  13. 此提示可帮助您在非JREOS中发布您的产品:只需找到安装了JRE的平台,将JRE目录复制到导出产品的根文件夹即可,如下所示。

    This tip can help you publish your product on a non-JRE OS : Just find a platform with JRE installed , copy its JRE directory into the root folder of your exported product , as shown below .

  14. 驱动器的根文件夹出错。

    The drive contained an error in its root folder .

  15. 不能移动或重命名根文件夹。

    You may not move or rename the root folder .

  16. 复制h.bin到根文件夹中和安全删除设备。

    Copy h.bin over to the MS ROOT and safely remove device .

  17. 获取或设置从其开始浏览的根文件夹。

    Gets or sets the root folder where the browsing starts from .

  18. 检索此站点根文件夹时发生错误。

    An error occurred while retrieving the root folder for the site .

  19. 系统将带你返回到根文件夹的内容视图。

    The system returns you to the root folder 's Contents view .

  20. 找到示例的根文件夹。

    Locate the root folder of the sample .

  21. 指定其他缓存根文件夹。

    Specify a different cache root folder .

  22. 浏览以定位到根文件夹。

    Browse to locate the root folder .

  23. 磁盘扫描程序找到正确的根文件夹。

    ScanDisk found a valid root folder .

  24. 把插件项目的根文件夹命名为

    Name the plug-in project root folder

  25. 找到缓存根文件夹,并确认只有代理服务帐户有“读取”和“写入”权限。

    Locate the cache root folder and verify that only the proxy service account has read and write permissions .

  26. 如果服务帐户不能访问部署根文件夹,则单元测试执行也可能会失败。

    Unit test execution can also fail if the service account does not have access to the deployment root folder .

  27. 对网站的根文件夹不能使用匿名上载。对于匿名上载,请使用子文件夹。

    You cannot use anonymous upload to the root of a web . Please use a subfolder for anonymous uploads .

  28. 为了获得最佳性能,请避免监视网络中的共享文件夹、根文件夹或大量文件夹。

    For best performance , avoid monitoring shared folders on a network , root folders , or a large number of folders .

  29. 如果不记得确切的路径,可以单击“浏览”,然后定位该网站的根文件夹。

    You can click browse , and then locate the root folder of that site , if you do not remember the exact path .

  30. 当查看根文件夹的内容时你就可以看到这个链接,因为根文件夹总是一个站点。

    You can see the link when you are looking at the contents of the root folder because the root folder is always a site .