
gēn jīng
  • root;rhizome;rootstock;tuber;root-stock
根茎 [gēn jīng]
  • [root-stock;rhizome] 植物地下茎的一种,一般呈长形,横着生长在地下,外形像根,有节,没有根冠而有顶芽。如莲、芦苇等的地下茎

根茎[gēn jīng]
  1. 多效唑(PP(333))对山葵根茎膨大和内源激素含量的影响

    Effects of PP_ ( 333 ) on Enlargement and Contents of Endogenous Hormones in Wasabi Rhizome

  2. 今年,根茎网组织了一个名为“职业冲浪者”(ProfessionalSurfer)的网上团体展览,取材于平常的网页书签功能,把它作为一项艺术加以展示。

    This year , Rhizome organized an online group show called'Professional Surfer'that took the prosaic idea of bookmarking Web pages and posited it as art .

  3. 梨树被嫁接到榅的根茎上。

    Pear trees are grafted on quince rootstocks .

  4. 一个朋友从墨西哥给我寄来一个根茎,我希望能在这儿把它种活。

    A friend sent me a root from Mexico , and I hope to naturalize it

  5. 其中约80%的谷物来自谷类作物例如大麦,另有约10%为小抉的根茎,包括百合的根茎,科学家们说,这会让啤酒带有甜味。

    The majority of the grains , about 80 % , were from cereal crops like barley , and about 10 % were bits of roots , including lily , which would have made the beer sweeter , the scientists say .

  6. 我整个周末都在享受游泳池、品酒和粉红色的日落(通常是晚上,而不是下午4点),但对吃了几个月冬季根茎类蔬菜的我来说,最棒的是早上7点去萨拉索塔农贸市场的冒险。事实证明,这值得我提前起床。

    Swimming pools , wine tasting , and pink sunsets ( at normal evening hours , not 4 in the afternoon ) filled the weekend , but the best part — particularly to my taste , dulled by months of cold-weather root vegetables - was a 7 a.m. adventure to the Sarasota farmers ' market that proved to be more than worth the early wake-up call .

  7. 芜菁是根茎类植物。

    A turnip is a root vegetable .

  8. Ginseng是一种植物的根茎,被认为可以促进健康并有药用价值。

    Ginseng is a plant whose root is credited with various health-giving and medicinal properties .

  9. NAA低于BA时,根茎分化出芽。

    When BA is greater than NAA , the rhizomes differentiate to form buds .

  10. 玉米不同器官中Pb、Cd、As浓度大小整体趋势均为:叶根茎籽粒。

    For the concentration of Pb , Cd and As in different organs of maize , the results showed that leaf root stem grain .

  11. 不同种类蔬菜可食部位Cd含量高低顺序为:叶菜类茄果类根茎类豆类。

    The content of Cd in edible parts of different vegetables varied in following order : leaf vegetables solanaceous fruit vegetables root and stem vegetables beans .

  12. 施用氮肥后生姜地上部茎、叶和地下根茎含N量明显提高,氮素吸收量显著增多。

    The N concentration in ginger shoot and rhizome rose significantly , and the uptake of N in ginger shoot and rhizome increased outstandingly compared the treatment applied N with the control .

  13. 葛根(Pueraria)就是植物葛的块状根茎,富含淀粉与一些功能性成分。

    Pueraria is the massive root of pueraria lobota rich in starch and functional ingredients .

  14. 通过原子吸收光谱技术测定香根草根茎组织对Pb的吸收,结果显示:香根草植株对Pb有较强的吸收能力。

    By the concentration of Pb in root and shoot of plants measured , it shows that : vetiver plants have a stronger absorptive capacity of Pb .

  15. 方中红参为五加科植物人参PanaxGinsengC.A.Mey.的栽培品经蒸制后的干燥根及根茎。

    Radix Ginseng Rubra is the dried radix and rhizoma of cultivated Panax ginseng C. A. Mey . which is pre-processed by steaming .

  16. 羊草(Leymuschinensis)是多年生根茎型禾草,具有耐干旱、耐贫瘠、耐盐碱等生物生态学特性。

    Leymus chinensis is perennial , rhizome grass that has capacity of tolerance to drought , leanness , and salt - alkali .

  17. 背景与目的:我们从福州薯蓣的根茎中首次分离得到薯蓣皂苷的次皂苷元B(P.B),并发现P。

    BACKGROUND & OBJECTIVE : The authors have isolated prosapogenin B of dioscin ( P.B ) newly from Dioscorea futschauensis R.

  18. 结果表明:影响知母叶片数、须根数、根茎鲜重和叶片鲜重的主要因子是N肥,其次是K肥和P肥;

    The results are as follows : N fertilizer was the major factor on the number of leaf , fibrous root , and the fresh weight of root and leaf , K fertilizer and P fertilizer then followed .

  19. 实验测定指标包括出苗率、生物量和根茎长、产量、光合作用、根系活力以及叶中ABA含量。

    Determination indices include the rate of seedling , biomass , root and stem length , output , root vigor , and the ABA contents in the leaves .

  20. 本文应用GC-MS-Computer联用系统对川芎干燥根茎挥发油成分及其稳定性进行了系统研究,共鉴定了45种成分,占挥发油总组成的93.18%,与文献报道新鲜根茎差异甚大。

    Chemical constituents and their stability of the essential oil from dry rhizome of Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort . were studied by GC-MS-Computer . Forty-five components were identified which account for 93.18 % of total amount of the essential oil .

  21. 以F4与F1相比,绿叶数增加2.3叶,最大叶长、宽分别增加1.7cm、1.8cm,根茎粗增加0.27cm,单株叶面积增加942.9cm~2。

    Compared with F | , F4 increased 2.3 green leaves , 1.7 cm leaf length and 1.8 cm leaf width of the largest leaf , 2.7 cm diameter of root-stein and 942.9 cm2 leaf area per plant .

  22. 大豆品种的株高、根茎叶生物量、总叶面积和总叶片数在UV-B作用下减少(或降低),根冠比发生改变。

    Increment of UV B decreased soybean height , dry weight of root , shoot and leaves , total leaves number and total leaf area in all cultivars .

  23. 在烟-稻轮作的烟田发现烟草根茎腐烂病,其病原经鉴定为立枯丝核菌(Rhizoctoniasolani)。

    In the tobacco field of tobacco-rice rotation , tobacco root and stem rot was found , the pathogen was identified as Rhizoctonia solani .

  24. 中药丹参为唇形科鼠尾草属植物丹参(salviamiltiorrhizabunge)的干燥根和根茎,是我国常用的中药之一。

    Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge , which is the dry root and the rhizome of orthodon sage the plant salvia miltiorrhiza , is a kind of Chinese traditional herb medicine .

  25. 分析了重庆地区32种蔬菜和6种水果中维生素C的含量,其中蔬菜的VC含量为瓜茄类>叶菜类>根茎类>鲜豆类。

    This article is an analysis of vitamin C contained in thirty two kinds of vegetables and six kinds of fruits . The vitamin C content decreases in the order of melons and eggplants , leaf vegetables , rhizomes and fresh heans .

  26. 但是据NPR新闻的保罗·布朗报道,种植圣诞树的农民面临日益严重的问题,那就是有一种霉菌会使根茎腐烂,树木枯萎。

    But NPR 's Paul Brown tells us there is a growing problem for U.S. Christmas tree farmers , a mould that makes roots rot and trees shrivel .

  27. 植物均受到重金属污染,其中Cu、Pb、Zn含量较高,且植物根部重金属吸收量明显高于地上部,表现为根茎叶籽实。

    Moreover , all plants have been polluted by heavy metals , the high content is given for Cu , Pb and Zn . The content of heavy metals in roots has significantly higher than the surface of earth , as root leaf seed .

  28. 根茎繁殖适合的芽为混合芽和垂直芽,根茎长度为30~40cm;

    The suitable bud in the rhizome regeneration was complex buds and erect buds . And the rhizome length was in 30 ~ 40 cm .

  29. 四种竹子体内根茎叶含Cu分析,结果表明Cu主要分布在根部,积累系数BC随铜浓度升高而减小,说明它们可能是排斥型。

    Four kinds of bamboo stems and leaves with root Cu in vivo analysis , results showed that Cu might be mainly distributed in the roots , for the accumulation of BC coefficient increased with increasing concentration of Cu , they might be the type of exclusion .

  30. 异甘草素(Isoliquiritigenin,ISL),是从甘草根茎中提取出的一种有效单体,属于黄酮类化合物,现作为药品、化妆品助剂和食品添加剂用于医药和食品行业。

    Isoliquiritigenin , ISL , An effective monomer that is extracted from licorice roots is flavonoids . It is now used as drugs , cosmetics and food additives in medical and food industry .