
  1. 继续申请吧,根据平均律你迟早会找到工作的。

    Keep applying and by the law of averages you 'll get a job sooner or later .

  2. 根据平均律,我们不会再输下去了。

    On the law of averages we just can 't go on losing .

  3. 根据或然律,我们必将采取其中一个。

    Law of probability indicated that we would have to adopt one of them .

  4. 根据平均律,你可以有把握地认为,你迟早会遭到撬窃的。

    The law of averages , you can safely assume that you will be burgled at some time .

  5. 根据导引律的实现方法和导引头的工作要求,设计了轨控和姿控发动机的控制规律。

    According to the method of implementing the guidance law and the need of seeker , the control laws of trajectory and attitude control are designed .

  6. 根据相似律又可得传质斯坦顿数的预测公式,并把所得结果与文献[2]提供的实验数据进行了对比,相对误差小于7%。

    The corresponding mass transfer formulae were also obtained by analogy rule . The theory results correspond with experimental results , and the maximum deviation of the formulae results with experiment data is less than 7 % .

  7. 而根据语音和谐律的要求,这些附加成分大多数有两个或更多的变体。

    According to the phonetic harmony rules , every suffix has two or more variants .

  8. 进行模糊末制导律设计时,在分析导弹和来袭目标运动特性的基础上,根据最优制导律设计专家经验和测量噪声的干扰特性建立模糊规则。

    Based on analyzing the missile and target motion dynamics , the fuzzy rules are established according to design expert experience of optimal guidance law and characteristics of measurement noise disturbances .

  9. 根据这一定律,在热气体与冷气体的自发混合、气体向真空的自由膨胀以及燃料的燃烧之类的不可逆过程中,熵都是增加的。

    The law states that entropy increases during irreversible processes such as spontaneous mixing of hot and cold gases , uncontrolled expansion of a gas into a vacuum , and combustion of fuel .

  10. 在模型制作中,根据爆炸相似律,通过量纲分析,首先确定了控制深孔台阶爆破效果的10个主要独立物理量。

    In the manufacturing process of the test model , according to , ten key independent physical quantities controlling the blasting effect of deep hole bench blasting are first proposed on the basis of dimension analysis .

  11. 在本文第三章时,笔者提出了根据三种律的律差,提出了客观音高与调式音高以及在竹笛音准中的重要作用。

    In the third chapter , the author put forward according to the three law of the law , put forward " objective pitch " and " adjustable pitch " and the important role of intonation in bamboo flute .

  12. 本文根据爆炸相似律、能量准则、能量守恒等理论和水压控制爆破成败经验,建立合理、通用、方便的参数计算公式。

    The paper presents a suitable , general purpose and convenient parameter calculating formula based on the theory of " energy criterion ", " conservation of energy " and the successful and failed experiences of the water pressure control blasting .

  13. 为避免使用昂贵的乘法器集成电路,本文利用硬件查找表方案来降低成本、实时实现相乘运算。其中:方案一根据乘法分配律来简化硬件查找表的构成;

    To avoid the use of costly multiplication IC , the technique of hardware lockup table to realize mutiplication in low cost and real-time is used in these schemes , The first scheme is to simplify hardware lockup table based on the multiplication allocating rule ;

  14. 根据动物飞行尺度律,确定了样机设计参数;

    On the foundation of animal flight scaling rule , the design parameters of the prototype are worked out .

  15. 根据微分对策制导律目前面临的困境,本文尝试将神经网络引入微分对策制导律。

    Due to the present status of differential game guidance law ( DGGL ), a neural network is introduced into DGGL in this paper .

  16. 根据涡流试验相似律,研制一种金属内部磁场的测量装置。

    Measuring apparatus is designed to measure the intensity of the internal megnetic field of metal according to the law of similitude of eddy-current testing .

  17. 根据麦克斯韦速度分布律,表示出系统内分子相对某一个分子的平均相对速率,进而求出两分子间的平均相对速率。

    The average speed of molecules in a system relative to a molecule is expressed and the average relative speed between two molecules is given on the basis of Maxwell velocity distribution law .

  18. 其次,应用神经网络实现对被控对象的特性模型辨识;并根据状态反馈控制律重构思想推导了串级系统的容错控制律重构规则。

    Then , model of the controlled object is identified using neural network and reconstruction rules of the fault tolerant control law of the cascaded system are deducted according to state feedback control law reconstruction theory .

  19. 设计不确定系统的变结构控制器时,本文采用理想切换动态方法,即将扰动抑制措施直接嵌入到趋近律(前文改进的幂次趋近律)中,然后根据这种新型趋近律设计系统的控制器。

    An method named ideal switch dynamic is proposed to design the variable controller of the uncertain system , i.e. , disturbance rejection measure is embedded into the improved power reaching law as mentioned in part 1 , and then the controller is designed according to this new reaching law .