
  1. 基于DSP的核信号处理方法研究

    Study on nuclear pulse signal processing method based on DSP techniques

  2. 多适性核信号处理与分析系统的设计

    Design of compatible processing and analyzing system for nuclear signals

  3. 一种实用的工业核仪表信号处理方法

    A practicable signal processing algorithm for industrial nuclear instrument

  4. 对核爆光信号处理的研究

    Study on Processing of Nuclear Explosion light Signal

  5. 信号定时甄别是核电子学信号处理系统的基本组成环节之一,电平适配器是大规模核探测信号处理环节必备的辅助插件。

    Timing discrimination is the fundamental link in the system of nuclear-electronics signal processing . Level adapter devices are necessary in the experiment of large nuclear detection .

  6. 文中根据小波滤波原理对核测井信号进行滤波处理,为煤层的准确评价提供较为准确的数据。

    Wavelet filter method is used for filtering processes of nuclear logging signals , which can provide accurate data for accurate evaluation of coal seams .

  7. 针对随机核信号的特点,从小波变换的角度出发,采用多种降噪处理方法对所测得的随机核信号进行降噪处理与分析。

    Focusing on the characteristics of random nuclear signals , from wavelet transform , a variety of de-noise methods have been carried out on these obtained random nuclear signals .

  8. 核分析仪器数字化的关键技术是数字脉冲成形技术,已成为近年来核信号处理最为活跃的研究领域。

    The key of digitalizing the nuclear analysis instrument is digital pulse shaping technique , and it has become the most active field of research in nuclear signal processing in recent years .