
shù qú
  • tree shrew
  1. 黄曲霉毒素B1诱发树鼩肝癌过程中的差异表达蛋白质分析及意义

    Differentially expressed proteomics during hepatocarcinogenesis of tree shrew induced by aflatoxin B_1

  2. 表明树鼩是可用于HBV实验感染研究的较好的动物。

    The results showed that tree shrew may be served as an animal model for studying HBV .

  3. 乙肝病毒和黄曲霉毒素B1在树鼩肝癌形成中的协同作用

    Synergistic effect of hepatitis B virus and aflatoxin B1 in tree shrews ' hepatocarcinogenesis

  4. 其中,1只仔树鼩乙肝病毒X基因阳性(阳性率9.09%)。

    Of the 11 baby shrews was HBV X gene positive .

  5. 乙型肝炎病毒与黄曲霉毒素B1在树鼩肝癌癌前病变发生的作用

    Inducing effect of hepatitis B virus and aflatoxin b_1 on precancerous lesion in tree shrews liver

  6. DNA重复顺序分析树鼩在灵长类动物中的地位

    DNA Analysis of Highly Repetitive Sequences and Its Application in Animal Classification of Brown Musk Shrew

  7. 树鼩血栓性脑缺血时单胺氧化酶活性的变化及银杏内酯B作用机制探讨

    Changes in monoamine oxidase activity during thrombotic cerebral ischemia and protection mechanisms of ginkgolide B in tree shrews

  8. 树鼩载脂蛋白E的cDNA和蛋白质结构分析

    Analysis of Apolipoprotein E cDNA and Protein Structure of Tree Shrew

  9. 树鼩卵磷脂胆固醇酰基转移酶cDNA和蛋白质序列结构分析

    Analysis of Lecithin-cholesterol Acyltransferase cDNA and Protein Sequence from Tree Shrew

  10. 树鼩肝组织cDNA文库的快速构建

    Fast construction of liver cell cDNA library of tree shrew

  11. 树鼩载脂蛋白CI蛋白质结构分析

    Analysis of the Protein Structure of Tree Shrew Apolipoprotein CI

  12. 树鼩载脂蛋白AIcDNA的克隆及其组织表达

    Clone and tissue expression of tree shrew apolipoprotein AI cDNA

  13. 树鼩部分信号转导通路的相关cDNA芯片的建立

    The establishment of cDNA microarray about parts of signal transduction pathway in tree shrews

  14. 高血糖对树鼩海马缺血微环境及VEGF表达的影响

    The Effects of Hyperglycemia on the Hippocampal Ischemic Microenvironment and VEGF Expression in Tree Shrews

  15. TouchdownPCR检测野生中缅树鼩伯氏疏螺旋体感染

    Detection of Borrelia burgdorferi in wild tree shrews by touchdown PCR

  16. 乙肝病毒X基因转基因树鼩模型的建立和病理学研究

    Establishment of transgene animal model of tree shrew with HBV X gene by using the spermatogonial cells as the mediating vector

  17. 结果:p53、Bax基因在树鼩HCC形成过程中,它们的表达均呈递增趋势。

    Results : The p53 and Bax genes expressions were increased with development of HCC .

  18. 冷驯化对中缅树鼩肝脏和BATRNA含量的影响;

    The effects of cold exposure on total RNA in liver and BAT of tree shrews ;

  19. 树鼩局部脑缺血模型的复制及缺血后腺苷酸、钙和MDA等的变化

    Production model of focal cerebral ischemia and adenylic acid , calcium and MDA changes following focal cerebral ischemia in tupaiidae

  20. 树鼩实验感染后血清中抗基孔肯雅病毒IgM和IgG抗体检查

    Detection of IgM and IgG Antibodies Against Chikungunya Virus in Sera of Tree Shrews after Experiment Infection

  21. HBV有严格的宿主特异性,已知的宿主有人,黑猩猩、和树鼩。黑猩猩等灵长类动物价格昂贵,实验还受到伦理学的限制。

    HBV has strict host specificity , It only infects some kinds of primates such as human , chimpanzees and tree shrews .

  22. 树鼩作为灵长类的近亲,由于其对HBV易感且具有个体小、易于饲养等优点,现已成为HBV研究的理想动物模型。

    Because it is a small animal and easy to feed , tree shrews has become an ideal animal model for HBV research .

  23. 目的:探索以精原细胞作为载体建立带乙肝病毒X基因的树鼩转基因动物模型的可行性。

    Objective : To investigate the possibility of using the spermatogonial cells as a vector to establish trans-gene animal model of tree shrew with HBV X gene .

  24. 应用FAGLU荧光组化技术观察了树鼩脑干儿茶酚胺神经元(简称CA神经元)的位置分布及其形态特征。

    FAGLU-induced histofluorescence method was used to determine locations of catecholamine-containing neurons ( CA neurons ) in the brain stem of Tree Shrew ( Tupaia ) .

  25. 北京鸭载脂蛋白AI、树鼩载脂蛋白AI、CI三个cDNA的克隆、测序及组织分布

    Cloning , Sequencing and Tissue Distribution of Apolipoprotein AI cDNAs of Beijing Duck , Tree Shrew and of Apolipoprotein CI cDNA of Tree Shrew

  26. 中缅树鼩为昼行性动物,实验室条件下其24h行止状态具有明显的规律性。

    Almost all the motility activity of TBCs are in daytime . Their behavior in 24 hours are obvious orderliness .

  27. 臭鼩DNA高重复顺序的研究同树鼩的TSr(Bg1ll)&1顺序比较

    Study on highly repeated sequence of brown musk shrew DNA and comparison with TSR ( bglii ) - 1 fragment of tree shrew DNA

  28. AFB1诱发树鼩HCC发生过程中P53、Bcl-2、Bax和Survivin的动态表达及其与细胞凋亡的关系

    Expression of P53 , Bcl-2 , Bax and Survivin Proteins , and Its Relationships with Apoptosis during Hepatocarcinogenesis of Tree Shrew Induced by Aflatoxin B_1

  29. 树鼩脊髓中支配前肢肌运动神经元的定位和形态&CB-HRP逆行标记研究

    Localization and shape of the motoneurons innervating forelimb muscles in the spinal cord of tree shrew ── a study with CB-HRP retrograde transportation

  30. OLT对AFB1致树鼩肝癌前病变的化学预防作用

    Chemopreventive effect of oltipraz ( OLT ) on AFB1-induced precancerous changes in liver of tree shrews