
  • 网络crown fire
  1. hm-2,分布于0-1.5m的空间层中,这种均匀的空间分布规律为树冠火的发生创造了条件,从而加大了杉木人工林生态系统的火险性。

    Hm-2 and evenly distributed from 0 to 1.5 m above the ground in the Chinese Fir plantation ecosystem of 11 years old . Therefore , it created favourable conditions for the crown fire and a higher forest fire risk .

  2. 通过数值分析,得到树冠火蔓延速度特性曲线,研究水份蒸发和有机物热解对树冠火蔓延速度的影响。

    The effects of moisture vaporization and organic matter pyrolysis on crown fire spreading are discussed , and the characteristic curves are obtained by numerical calculation .

  3. 结果表明,火力楠防火林带能有效地阻隔地表火和树冠火蔓延;

    The results show that the extension of ground fire and canopy fire can be separated effectively by forest belt of fire prevention ;

  4. 连续型树冠火采用合成灭火技术及紧急避险措施,可以实现灭火成本降低60%,伤亡人数减少80%。

    By using the compound suppression technique and emergency safety measure , the suppression expenditure reduces to 40 % , the number of casualty reduces to 20 % .

  5. 在各种类型的森林火灾中,以树冠火为主的森林火灾危害最大,现有的扑救设备都无法直接有效地实施扑救。

    Crown fire is the most damaging forest fire in all types of forest fires , however , the current firefighting equipment cannot extinguish the fire directly and effectively .

  6. 同时,树冠火是森林火灾蔓延的最主要因素,对树冠火的控制是扑灭森林大火的关键途径。

    Meanwhile , the tree crown fire is a fatal major factor in the spread of forest fires . To control tree crown fire is an important way to extinguish forest fire .

  7. 间歇型树冠火紧急避险方法要利用可燃物不连续分布的特点,选择有利地形卧到避险或选择火势弱的地表火冲越火线避险。

    The ways of intermittent crown fire urgent avoid danger is take the combustible character of uncontinous distribution , lie in advantaged terrain or rush to fire line in weak surface fire .

  8. 当地面火遇到大风时,或树干上缠绕着爬蔓植物和有低垂下来的树枝,火便上升到树冠,成为树冠火。

    The wind , or fire meet tree-trunk enwinds climbing plants and have lowered down the branches of the tree and fire up to become crown fire .