
  1. 智利此酒呈淡黄微绿色调,具有柑橙类水果和白梨等特征的浓郁香气。

    It has intense perfumed aromas , dispalying notes of citrus fruits and white peaches .

  2. 柑橙是橙色的。

    An orange is orange .

  3. 在春天时节,在金合欢花盛开的时节看到它,那些长春树木很清新,玫瑰繁盛地开着,柑橙和桔子闪闪发光,棕榈叶子在搧动,他感到了从未感到过的投入和完满。

    and orange were in the height of their beauty , and the palm trees waved their branches - then he felt a deeper emotion than had ever yet thrilled through him .

  4. 柑、橙类水果去皮机的研制

    Research on the Peeling Machine s of Orange Fruits

  5. 本文主要介绍了柑、橙类水果去皮机的工作原理、主要机构的设计。

    This paper mainly introduced the peeling machine work principle of orange fruits and the design of the main organization .