
  • 网络Berlin U-Bahn;U-Bahn Berlin
  1. 从最近我与欧洲一些国家的部长和官员的对话来看,柏林或雅典地铁乘客们看法正确的可能性,不亚于众多权威和专家。

    From the recent conversations I have had with European ministers and officials , the passenger on the Berlin u Bahn or Athens Metro is just as likely to be right as the multitude of pundits and experts .

  2. 近日,德国柏林的一个地铁站给爱玩的上班族们建立了一条通往列车的“快速通道”&一个红色的大滑梯。

    Recently , a giant red slide has been installed in place of stairs at a Berlin subway to give fun-loving commuters a'fast lane'to their train .

  3. 柏林还有其他的地铁,据说一种名为隧道法尔福(Tunnelpfeifer)的神秘生物栖息在莱内大街(Leinestrasse)地铁站。这种生物有点像鼹鼠,且会在隧道里鸣叫。

    Berlin is also home to another U-bahn mystery : Leinestrasse station is said to be home to a mysterious creature known as the Tunnelpfeifer , which resembles a mole and whistles in the tunnels .