
  • 网络zaozhuang;Zaozhuang city
  1. 枣庄市污水处理厂正在加快建设步伐,一些新技术、新工艺得到了广泛应用,包括:氧化沟技术、AB生物处理技术、ICEAS工艺技术、OCO工艺技术和A/O技术。

    Zaozhuang city is stepping up the construction of sewage treatment plants and applied some new technology and process , including oxidation channel technology , AB biological treatment technology , ICEAS process , OCO process and A / O technology .

  2. 介绍了用CorelDRAW数字化制图系统制作《1:10万枣庄市水利图》的基本过程,即准备工作、数字化、数据编辑、图形输出等;总结了制图过程作业中的经验和体会。

    This paper introduces basis process to make 《 1:100000 Scale Water Resources Map in Zaozhuang City 》 by means of digitising cartographic system CorelDRAW , such as preparation works , digitising , data compilation , figure output and so on , and sums up experience .

  3. 运用灰色GM(1,1)预测模型与BP神经网络预测模型相结合而成的灰色神经网络模型,对山东枣庄市旅游人数进行预测。

    In this article the grey-BP neural network model is composed of grey GM ( 1,1 ) model and BP neural network model were used to forecast the number of tour agriculture .

  4. 目的调查枣庄市支气管哮喘(BA)患者的药物使用情况,为BA的合理用药和规范防治提供科学依据。

    Objective To investigate the medications in patients with bronchial asthma ( BA ), so as to provide the scientific evidence for the standardized prevention and the reasonable medication .

  5. 这也是作为MPA学员毕业时写作论文必须要求,特别枣庄市作为农业经济比例比较大的地区,更有发展县域经济的内在要求和研究必要。

    This also is took when MPA student graduation writes the paper to have to request , Zaozhuang took specially the agricultural economy proportion quite big area , has the development county territory economy the intrinsic request and the research necessity .

  6. 枣庄市岩溶塌陷形成规律及防治

    Forming regulation of karst collapse and its management in Zaozhuang City

  7. 枣庄市城市青少年健康危险行为调查

    Health Risk Behaviors Among Adolescent in Urban Areas of Zaozhuang City

  8. 山东省枣庄市乙型病毒性肝炎流行病学调查

    Epidemiological feature of hepatitis B in Zaozhuang city , Shandong Province

  9. 《1:10万枣庄市水利图》的制图特点

    Cartographic Specialties of 1:100000 Scale Water Resources Map in Zaozhuang City

  10. 枣庄市大气颗粒物扫描电镜分析和来源识别

    Scanning Electron Microscopic Analysis of Zaozhuang Atmospheric Particles and Source Identification

  11. 枣庄市医疗废物处理对策研究浅析

    Primary Study on Countermeasures of Medical Waste Disposal in Zaozhuang City

  12. 枣庄市城市居民糖尿病患病率及相关因素的研究

    Study on the Correlation of Diabetes Prevalence in Zaozhuang City Resident

  13. 枣庄市2000年健康人群白喉免疫水平分析

    Immune level of health population against diphtheria in 2000 in Zaozhuang

  14. 山东省枣庄市市中区岩溶塌陷调查与成因分析

    Investigation and genesis of karst collapse in center area of Zaozhuang City

  15. 山东省枣庄市市中区地质灾害调查与防治

    Survey and Prevention of Geological Hazards in Middle District of Zaozhuang City

  16. 枣庄市中区岩溶塌陷特征与成因分析缩略语成因之探究

    Analysis on the characteristics and causes of the karst collapse in Zaozhuang

  17. 山东省枣庄市矿山环境地质问题及恢复治理

    Mine-environmental-geologic issues and their restoration and treatment in Zaozhuang City

  18. 山东枣庄市沿运区域农业综合开发研究

    Study on Agriculture Integrated Development of Zaozhuang of Shandong Province

  19. 枣庄市夏季降水预报集成系统

    An Integration System of Precipitation Forecast at Zaozhuang in Summer

  20. 枣庄市2004-2008年麻疹流行病学分析及控制策略

    Analysis of measles epidemiology and control strategy in Zaozhuang City during 2004-2008

  21. 谈《枣庄市地震志》的编写

    Discussion on Compiling of " Historical Earthquake Record of Zaozhuang City "

  22. 浅淡枣庄市水泥粉尘污染治理

    Primary Discussion on Cement Dust Pollution Control in Zaozhuang City

  23. 农业区划成果应用的研究与实践&以枣庄市峄城区肖桥乡为例

    A study on Application of achievements in agricultural zoning

  24. 枣庄市水生维管束植物资源及群落

    A Study on The Source and Communites of Aquatic Vascular Plants in Zaozhuang

  25. 枣庄市15户新装修家庭居室空气中甲醛污染状况

    Formaldehyde Contamination Status in the Air of 15 Newly-Decorated Family Rooms in Zaozhuang

  26. 枣庄市旅游业发展现状及对策

    Present Situation of Tourism Industry in Zaozhuang City and the Countermeasure in Development

  27. 枣庄市供水水源地开发的可行性分析

    An Analysis on the Feasibility of Developing the Water Sources of Water Supply

  28. 枣庄市2003~2007年麻疹疑似病例血清流行病学分析

    Serum epidemiological analysis of suspected measles cases in Zaozhuang during 2003 ~ 2007

  29. 枣庄市女职工生殖道感染状况分析及干预措施

    The Analysis and Intervention Measure about Zaozhuang Working Women Genital Tract Infection Condition

  30. 枣庄市峄城区医疗卫生机构消毒质量监测报告

    Monitoring of sterilization quality in medical organizations in Yicheng District of Zaozhuang City