
  1. 与普通话相比,枣庄方言中复合法构成的名词没有补充型一类,是其特点。

    Compound nouns defy supplement type in Zaozhuang dialect , which is its typical feature .

  2. 枣庄方言隶属于北方方言之中原官话、山东方言之西鲁片。

    Zaozhuang dialect belongs to the Zhongyuan dialect of northern mandarin chinese as well as to the west part of Shandong dialect .

  3. 分析表明,枣庄方言中存在有很多单音节的名词,到了普通话中一般是与双音节名词相对应,甚至是没有相应的双音节名词。

    The analysis shows that in Zaozhuang dialect there are a lot of single-morpheme nouns whose counterparts are double-morpheme nouns in mandarin or no relevant counterparts .

  4. 枣庄市位于山东省南部,根据《中国语言地图集》,枣庄方言属于中原官话郑曹片。

    According to " Atlas of Chinese language ", Zaozhuang dialect belongs to the part of zhengcao dialect in Zhongyuan Mandarin .