
zhī chā
  • stem cutting
枝插[zhī chā]
  1. 不同部位绿枝插穗扦插后PPO活性先下降,然后又呈现上升趋势。

    PPO activity in softwood cuttings of different parts of bough presented downward first and then an upward trend after cutting .

  2. 硬枝插穗体内IAA含量高于嫩枝插穗,也是硬枝扦插生根率低于嫩枝的主要原因之一。

    One of the important reasons that the rooting percentage of hardwood cuttings was lower than softwood cuttings is its higher IAA concentration .

  3. 激素处理能显著提高硬枝插穗的生根率,其中以IBA200mg/kg处理3h的生根效果最好;

    The rooting ratio of hardwood was increased by plant hormone treatment , especially treated by IBA 250 mg / kg 3 hours .

  4. 相反,嫩枝插穗中ABA含量要低于硬枝插穗中ABA的含量,并且随着母树年龄的增加而增加。

    On the other hand , the content of ABA in shoot cuttings is lower than that in hardwood cuttings , and increase with raising the age of seed tree .

  5. 研究了百山祖冷杉硬枝插穗生根技术和不定根形成的规律。

    An experiment was conducted to study the rooting promotion and formation of adventitious roots of Abies beshanzuensis cuttings .

  6. 本文在此试验的基础上,对嫩枝和硬枝插穗中内源植物激素水平进行了测定。

    On the basis of these experiments , the paper determined the contents of endogenous plant hormones levels in hardwood and shoot cuttings .

  7. 根据四川苦丁茶的生态学特性和生长特性,采用不同种类和不同浓度的植物生长调节剂进行了苦丁茶硬枝插穗生根的试验。

    According to the ecological characteristic and growth characteristic of Ligustrum henryi Hemsl , a rooting experiment was carried out by using different density and kind of plant growth regulators .

  8. 结果表明,保留木质基部的嫩枝插穗和摘去花苞的硬枝插穗其生根能力显著高于对照。

    The results of experiment showed that the rooting capability of young ramulus cuttings with the xyloid basis and old cuttings with the flower buds removed was stronger than that of the control .

  9. 生根性状在杨树遗传改良中占有重要地位,研究杨树硬枝插穗不定根发育的分子机理不仅有理论意义,而且有潜在应用价值。

    Rooting ability was one of the target traits in Populus genetic improvement . Therefore , it has important significance in both theory and practice to research on molecular mechanism of adventitious root development for Populus .

  10. 粽子香,香厨房;艾叶香,香满堂;桃枝插在大门上,出门一望麦儿黄;这儿端阳,那儿端阳,处处都端阳。

    012 dumplings incense , incense kitchen ; Artemsia argyi incense , incense Full ; peach sticks inserted in the door , looking out of a child , Mr Wong ; Duanyang here , there Duanyang , everywhere Duanyang .

  11. 桃绿枝气插时插条留叶,有助于生根;

    The leaves of peach cuttings were helpful to improve rooting frequencies ;

  12. 硬枝杆插法用于桑树紫纹羽病的诊断和药剂防效鉴定的研究

    Study on the Diagnosis and Judgment for Prevention and Control on Helicobasidium mompa Tanaka With Drugs Using Hardwood Cutting

  13. 生长调节物质IBA处理硬枝和嫩枝插穗,可显著促进生根效果。

    Hardwood and softwood cuttings pre-treated with the growth regulator IBA showed significant inprovement in rooting performance of tetraploid locust .

  14. 对这件事情BBC用很官方的态度进行了回应,“把一枝面条树干插到一听番茄酱中,接下来就是抱着希望等待它丰收啦。”

    To this the BBC diplomatically replied , " place a sprig of spaghetti in a tin of tomato sauce and hope for the best . "

  15. 超声波与保鲜剂复合处理显著提高了湿藏后切枝的瓶插寿命、鲜重和开花率、降低了脱落和萎蔫率,具有增效保鲜或加合效应;

    Combined pretreatment with both ultrasonic wave and preservative solution improve vase life , fresh weight and flowering percent of cut twigs , and decrease the abscission and wilting percent of it , and that shows positive effect .

  16. 通气和添加防腐增氧物质(硼酸、高锰酸钾和硫代硫酸铵)对桂花枝段和叶片插穗水培扦插生根有很大影响。

    Rooting of stem and leaf cuttings of sweet osmanthus ( Osmanthus fragrans ) was affected by aeration and addition of antiseptic and oxygenous agents .

  17. 千枝万枝要把春天插遍沙漠。

    Myriads of twigs are to plant spring throughout the desert .