
  1. 西汉时,著名文学家枚乘、司马相如,曾长期生活在开封。

    In the Western Han Dynasty such famous men of letters as Mei Cheng and Sima Xiangru had spent long years in Kaifeng .

  2. 枚乘《七发》开创了汉大赋这一体式,是司马相如《天子游猎赋》的直接祖先。

    Mei Cheng creates the genre of Han Da Fu with his Qi Fa , which is the direct ancestor of Sima Xiangru 's Tian Zi You Lie Fu .

  3. 枚乘《谏吴王书》中科学史料二则浅探浅析《四部正讹》对伪书史料价值的认识

    A Probe into the Two Historical Scientific Materials in Mei Cheng s " Remonstrate with King Wu "; Analysis of Si Bu Zheng E 's Recognition of the Historic Values of the False Books

  4. 研究了汉代文学家枚乘《谏吴王书》一文中的两则物理学史料(一则关于运动,另一则关于测量)。

    There are two historical materials of physics in " Remonstrate with King Wu " by Mei Cheng , a writer in Han Dynasty : one is about motion , and the other is about survey .

  5. 本文主要从司马相如本人以及《文选》分出《子虚赋》入手,与枚乘的《七发》进行比较,认为《文选》所分出的《子虚赋》只能作于武帝时。

    Starting from Sima Xiang-ru himself and Zi Xu Fu that divide from Wen Xuan , and comparing with Mei Cheng 's Qi Fa , this article thinks that Zi Xu Fu , divided from Wen Xuan , was written just in the period of Emperor Wu .