- 网络tectonic disturbance;diastrophism

As for SQ2 sequence , due to frequent changes in structure and subsequent strong denudation , the coal accumulation was gradually weakened .
Study on Destroyed Hydrocarbon Amount by Tectonic Event in Superimposed Basins
The petroleum system in the region of polycyclic tectonic movement
Prediction of hydrocarbon exploration potential in stronger structural dislocation area
Late Quaternary tectonic deformation and earthquake hazard in continental China
Tectonic variation characteristics and controlling function in the eastern part of the Linqing depression
Influence of tectonic activities on the regional distribution of soils and on paleoclimatic events
The structural event influence on preserving hydrocarbon pools
Inversion modeling of the hydrocarbon amount destroyed by tectonic event in the Jiyang Depression
A simple SHEAR-DISCUSSING on the fluctuation mechanism of active structures in southeast area of China
Relationship of Tectonic Moves and Fluid Migration
Tectonic deformation and earthquakes have close relationship to the evolution of regional tectonic strain field .
The reservoir preservation conditions are the key of the hydrocarbon exploration in stronger structural dislocation area .
The subsurface fluid and fluid force produced by subsurface fluid universally exist and have influence on tectonism .
Ordos Basin has been well known of stability , with the weakly tectonic movement , gentle stratum .
A discussion on the relationship between tectonization and hydrocarbon accumulation and dissipation in the platform-basin transitional area of Tarim basin
The removal of the regional cap rock , the destruction of the regional cap rock continuity and the effective volume of traps .
The two parameters of denudation rate and stratum deformation degree can be used to fit the quantitative characterization formula of tectonic movement intensity .
The main orebodies are controlled by the manganese-bearing rock series , post-stage tectonic events and weathering and show the form of stratoid and lenticular .
It is illustrated that the correlation analysis of structural evolution to hydrocarbon occurrence is an effective method for raising hydrocarbon exploration efficiency in this structural belt .
The central uplift belt underwent a series of structural evolution : fault block tilting , gravity slumping , inverse drag , rock salt uplifting and so on .
Huizhou Depression is a very complicated depression , in the background of extensional stress basins , after lots of structural actives , characteristics of faults is extensional and transtension .
Whether in exploitation or in scientific study , it is necessary for us to study on tectonic evolvement and late reformation of the Basin in Mesozoic and Cenozoic period .
Eastern Zhanhua sag is one of the most complicated tectonism areas in Jiyang depression , and it is also one of the most hydrocarbon proliferous areas in Shengli oilfield .
Conclusion The types of reservoir are complex , and the exploration of petroleum is every difficult in the basin of strong structural movement , multi-layer source rocks , complex thermal history .
Yanqi basin was underwent complex structure change and strata were eroded strongly which restrict the cognition of the basin , such as generation , development , decline and disappear , et al .
And that in the upper Tertiary reservoirs are of secondary oil / gas reservoirs , accumulated through upward remigration of hydrocarbons from the adjustment and damage of the lower Tertiary reservoirs , due to post Pliocene tectonic movements .
The abnormally quick uplifting region and its associated high-gradient deformation zone as well as obvious abnormality of fault activity are symbols of strong earthquakes , and earthquakes commonly take place in and near the region with high strain accumulation .
The tectonism in this area can be divided into three phases , that is the folded basement formation and stable ancient land in Pre-Mesozoic , ancient land cracking phase in Mesozoic , the faulted activity and subsidence phase in Cenozoic .
The happening of these geological events and structural fluctuation are closely related with the compound , superimpose , change with time and strong-weak of major structural movement of peripheral structural domain especially that of the east and west of China .