
  • top speed;SPEED
  1. 为了确保自己立下的诺言&从头到尾要一直快速前进,兔子飞驰而出,极速奔跑,直到碰到一条宽阔的河流。

    In keeping with his self-made commitment to be consistently fast , the hare took off and ran at top speed until he came to a broad river .

  2. 因为你在这里无法发挥出极速,但却拥有惊世骇俗的加速能力。

    Because here you don 't have the top , top speed , but you have tremendous acceleration .

  3. 它的主要观众的年龄集中在17岁到24岁之间,而这些人喜欢极速的惊险刺激。

    Its prime audience lies in the 17 to 24 age group , and they want instant thrills and spills .

  4. 加人IBM使比尔·盖茨的小公司得到了极速的发展。

    The affiliation with IBM led to dramatic growth for Bill Gates ' small company .

  5. 乘坐创极速光轮(TronLightcyclePowerRun)过山车需要等候90分钟。

    riding the Tron Lightcycle Power Run roller coaster , 90 minutes .

  6. 她的工作是作为虚拟化团队的成员设计基于数学化的电脑程序,其中一些程序曾在制作《黑客帝国》(TheMatrix)和《极速赛车手》(SpeedRacer)等电影中使用。

    Her job entails working as part of a virtual team that designs mathematically based computer programs , some of which have been used to make films such as'The Matrix'and'Speed Racer .

  7. 随着WiMAX商业应用在世界范围极速膨胀,市场对WiMAX终端的要求也越来越高。

    With the commercial application of WiMAX rapid expansion in the world , the market demand for WiMAX terminals is increasingly high .

  8. 这意味着极速骑板(Quiksilver)和哥伦比亚运动服饰(ColumbiaSportswear)等公司可能面临风险。

    That means that Quiksilver ( zqk ) and Columbia Sportswear ( Colm ) could be at risk .

  9. “极速前进中国版-冲刺中国”是世界知名竞赛类真人秀节目《极速前进》的中国版,节目由上海文广新闻传媒出品,节目版权模式由迪士尼ABC独家授权。

    The Amazing Race : China Rush is a local version of the world famous series The Amazing Race produced by Shanghai Media Group and in association with Disney-ABC International Television Asia Pacific .

  10. 今年,《极速蜗牛》(Turbo)、《神偷奶爸2》(DespicableMe2)等家庭电影的3D版获得的票房占总票房的三成还不到。

    Family pictures such as ' Turbo ' and ' Despicable Me 2 ' generated less than 30 % of their box-office receipts from 3-D screenings this year .

  11. 对于梦工厂动画而言,《极速蜗牛》不如《怪物史莱克》(Shrek)或《功夫熊猫》(KungFuPanda)那么成功,但该片全球票房仍然达到可观的2.8亿美元。

    Turbo wasn 't a Shrek or Kung Fu Panda sized hit for DreamWorks Animation , but it brought in a respectable $ 280 million at the global box office .

  12. 作为运行中的ISToolsPaaS引擎系统的一个真实示例,我们想提供对真实案例的一个概述,在这个示例中,将利用该系统来支持极速部署一个大型、复杂的电信网络。

    As a real-world example of the IS Tools PaaS engine system in action , we 'd like to provide a walkthrough of a real case where the system was used to support the deployment of a large , complex telecom network , at record speed .

  13. 文中提出了基于HFSR的正负模糊规则系统的极速图像分类。

    A positive and negative fuzzy rule system using ridge regression for extremely fast Image classification is proposed in the paper .

  14. 就像俄罗斯国家经济研究中心主任VladimirMau指出的那样,长时期的高油价和随后油价的极速下跌摧毁的苏联。

    As Vladimir Mau , president of Russia 's Academy of National Economy , pointed out to me , it was the long period of high oil prices followed by sharply lower oil prices that killed the Soviet Union .

  15. 装饰着彩旗、鹰和四射亮光,吉普尼传统上被赋予了“Taurus”和“Mr.LoverBoy”之类的名字。它们过度运载人和货,并以极速运行,常常不能完全停下让乘客们上下车。

    Adorned with painted flags , eagles , and starbursts , jeepneys are traditionally given names such as " Taurus " and " Mr. Lover Boy . " They travel at breakneck speed overloaded with people and produce , often failing to come to a complete stop for passengers to leap on and off .

  16. 谢谢佩佩极速分享!好羡慕你们啊!

    Heartfelt thanks to share all these nicest pictures with us !

  17. 以下是关于极速滑雪者行径的简单描述。

    Here 's a simple description of what extreme skiers do .

  18. 跟能极速移动的人对峙

    faced off against a man who could move at super speed .

  19. 运行测试时,我们使用了极速非持久性可靠性水平。

    For these runs , a reliability level of express non-persistent was used .

  20. 友谊的真正考验:看友谊如何顶住《极速前进》这档真人秀节目

    The True Test of Friendship : How Do Relationships Withstand the Amazing Race

  21. 他的双腿极速不停地奔跑着。

    Harder and harder he made his legs travel .

  22. 与之相对应的则是我国民间资本市场的极速膨胀。

    Correspondingly , it is the speed of expansion of the private capital market .

  23. 今天将考验极速

    Historical for today 's great test of speed

  24. 这里,首先利用脊波核函数构建极速学习网络。

    First of all is to construct a ELM network by ridgelet kernel function .

  25. 首先,极速滑雪者可以在最好的雪地上滑雪。

    First of all , extreme skiers get to ski on the best snow around .

  26. 湛江组沉积相特征相序检测的极速算法

    Sedimentary facies of the Zhanjiang Formation . A hyper-speed calculating method for detecting phase sequence

  27. 极速闪电再次发出了,打中了鸟身上,它那巨大的身躯才倒下了。

    Extreme lightning out again , hit the bird , its huge body to fall .

  28. 我总说我的生活就是四分之一英里的极速竞赛

    I used to say I lived my life a quarter mile at a time .

  29. 极速铁路总会有迎来成功的一天。

    Ultra-fast railways will have their day .

  30. 运动真人秀《极速前进》和《真心英雄》也会很快回归。

    Sporty reality TV shows The Amazing Race and Real Hero are also coming soon .