
jí dà zhí
  • maximum value;maximal value
极大值 [jí dà zhí]
  • (1) [maximum]

  • (2) 有限数集中一个不小于任何其它数的数

  • (3) 具有一个或一个以上独立变量的数学函数的这样一个值,当其中任何一个独立变量增加或减少一个足够小的量时,都将导致函数值的减小

极大值[jí dà zhí]
  1. 在模糊C均值集群分类的基础上,构造模糊能量项,能够较好地处理心脏MRI图像中的弱边界、局部梯度极大值区域、伪影等现象。

    A fuzzy energy term is added to the model for dealing with weak edges , local gradient maximum region and artifacts in the MRI .

  2. 磁光谱表明,θk极大值对应的频率随Nd的掺入量增加而移向低频端。

    The magneto-optical profile shows that the frequency corresponding to the maximum θ _k shifts to low frequency as Nd component increases .

  3. 应用小波变换模极大值检测ECG特征点

    ECG characteristics detection based on wavelet transform modulus maxima

  4. 基于小波模极大值理论的HVDC输电线路行波故障定位方法的研究

    Research of HVDC transmission line traveling-wave fault location method based on wavelet modulus maxima theory

  5. 基于Hermite插值的小波模极大值重构滤波的肌电信号消噪方法

    Hermite Interpolation-Based Wavelet Transform Modulus Maxima Reconstruction Algorithm 's Application to EMG De-noising

  6. 基于小波变换模极大值的SPD故障诊断技术

    Fault Diagnosis for SPD Based on Wavelet Transform Modulus Maximum

  7. 概率疲劳设计S-N曲线的极大值模型及应用

    Extreme Maximum Model and Application for the Probabilistic Fatigue S-N Relations

  8. 分别应用mexh小波和db小波为母小波对二者做小波变换,进行多尺度分析,通过小波系数模极大值位置识别出梁内的裂缝。

    The location of crack of the beam is identified by the maximum of wavelet coefficients based on multi-scale wavelet analysis .

  9. 燃烧波速度在Fe为10wt%时出现极大值,反映SHS过程中Fe液相的作用。

    The velocity of combustion wave is highest at 10wt % Fe , which reflect the effect of liquid Fe in SHS Processes .

  10. 指出了X~2(n)密度函数的极大值的性质,及不同参数所对应的概率密度曲线之间的关系。

    Points out the properties of maximum value of X ~ 2 distributed density function , and the relation of different X ~ 2 distributed density function according to different parameters .

  11. 基于PT在线注入信号及神经网络跟踪小波变换模极大值变化的配电网故障定位方法

    Distribution network fault location method based on PT injecting signal and neural network fault diagnosis system tracking the character of wavelet transform modulus maxima

  12. 反极大值比较原理和二阶Neumann边值问题解的唯一性

    Anti - maximum Comparison Principle and the Uniqueness Conditions for Second Order Neumann Boundary Value Problems

  13. 极大值复合函数Clarke广义梯度计算的一个新方法

    A new approach to computing a Clarke generalized gradient for a smooth composition of max-type functions

  14. 在第四章,我们结合算子T存在正的特征值与特征函数的性质,再次利用极坐标证明了一个H型群中无界域上的极大值原理;

    In Chapter 4 , making use of the polar coordinates and the property that T has positive eigenvalue and eigenfunction , we establish a Maximum Principle on unbounded domains contained in H-type group ;

  15. 研究结果表明,(1)三种单晶中都没有观察到金属Sn纳米晶的表面等离子共振吸收带,这是因为金属Sn的复介电常数无法获得吸收极大值。

    ( 1 ) There is no SPR absorption of metallic Sn nanoparticles in the three as-implanted crystals due to dielectric function of metallic Sn .

  16. 文中提出了基于adhoc算法的模极大值漂移抑制方法,数值结果表明这是一种寻找小波变换对数模极大线的有效算法。

    It raises a new technique to restrain drifting of modulus maxima based on ad hoc algorithm . The numeric result shows it gains good effect in searching modulus maxima lines .

  17. 成胶时间随AN、RE及HPAM浓度的增加而减小,弱凝胶强度(模量G′)随HPAM浓度的增加而增大,随RE和AN浓度的增加通过极大值。

    The gel strength ( G ′ value ) increases with increasing HPAM concentration and goes through a maximum with increasing RE or AN concentrations .

  18. 进一步的分析计算还发现,震害损失和地震预警(报)系统减少人员伤亡率Pi的极大值均不在高烈度区和低烈度区,而是在中等烈度区。

    It is found that the maximum of the seismic hazard and value are in the middle intensity area , and not in the higher and the lower intensity areas .

  19. 最后,使用Pontryagin极大值原理推导出最优控制以及描述最优控制的最优系统。

    Finally , we derive the optimal control and the optimality system .

  20. 对于极限环,一个主周期内Ai,Bi(i=1,2)的极大值出现次数有成简单比例现象。

    With respect to the limit cycle , the number of times for the maxima of Ai and Bi to appear in a main period is in simple proportion .

  21. 另外,我们还给出了拉普拉斯方程和一般方程的Pinching-估计以及Hamilton张量极大值原理的一个应用。

    Furthermore , we shall give Pinching-estimate for general equation and the proof of n-dimensional for the Laplace equation and an application of Hamilton tensor maximum principle .

  22. 提出了基于小波变换的生理信号预处理算法,并采用本文预处理算法对真实采集到的生理信号进行了预处理,提出了自适应小波变换模极大值的R波提取算法。

    We proposed a physiological signal preprocessing algorithm based on wavelet transform . Preprocessing the acquired physiological signal with our algorithm , we propose an algorithm of R wave extraction by self-adaptive wavelet transform for the subsequent analysis .

  23. 互穿网络拉伸强度随PDMS及二氧化硅含量的增加出现一个极大值,该值大于纯DGEBA的拉伸强度。

    The tensile strength of the IPN exhibited a maximum as the fraction of PDMS network and e-silica increased .

  24. 具体说来,在分块样本极大值理论模型和阀顶点(PeaksOverThreshold,POT)理论模型的两大框架下,文章侧重于模型参数的估计。

    Concretely , under the two frames of the theories model of the block sample maximum and POT ( peaks over threshold ), the article is laid emphasis in the estimate of the model parameter .

  25. 在数学形态学基础上,结合心电图自身特点提出了一种顺序极大值筛选法来提取R波峰;最后选择径向基(Radialbasisfunction)支持向量机进行识别分类。

    The algorithm was mainly on the basis of mathematical morphology , combined with ECG own characteristics to propose a sequential screening method for maximum value to extract the R-peaks ; and finally classified beat types by selecting Radial Basis Function for Support Vector Machine .

  26. 提出了使得该系统达到指数稳定的动态输出反馈控制器的设计方法。利用遗传算法获得了NCS的事件衰减率的局部极大值。

    The design of dynamic output feedback controller to make the system exponential stability is given and the partly largest value of the decay rate using genetic algorithm is obtained .

  27. 由于小波模极大值去噪方法在强背景噪声的情况下提取碰摩信号的能力变弱甚至失效,在本文中提出应用独立分量分析(ICA)方法对碰摩信号进行特征提取。

    As Wavelet modules maximum de-noising methods weaken or fail in the intensive noises environment , a method based on independent component analysis feature extraction was applied for rub-impact signals in this paper .

  28. 以燃耗最优为指标,利用Pontryagin极大值原理,得到了发动机推力开关曲线和推力方向角的最优控制律。

    To realize the minimal fuel strategy , an optimal control law was proposed based on the maximum principle .

  29. 因此利用这个模型,可以通过探测电流的极大值点来确定系统具有最大纠缠和量子discord的时刻。

    In this model , the time points of when the system gets to its maximal entanglement states can be deter-mined by the summits of the current .

  30. Dz半年变化的相位在3-4月(或9-10月),即极大值出现在分季;

    The phase of semiannual variation of Dz is in March - April ( or September-October ), so the maximum of Dz appears in Equinox .