
  • 网络polar;Polar coordinate system;Polar Coordinate
  1. 我不认为可以通过求R或θ的平均值,从而在极坐标系下找到重心。

    No , I don 't think we could actually find the center of mass in polar coordinates by finding the average of R or the average of theta .

  2. 接下来有个坏消息就是,不仅要会在xy坐标系里做,还要会在极坐标系里做。

    So , the bad news is we have to be able to do it not only in xy coordinates , but also in polar coordinates .

  3. 极坐标系下谱元方法求解不可压缩Navier-Stokes方程

    Spectral element method in polar coordinate for incompressible Navier-Stokes equations

  4. 图像获取模块的主要功能是从DSP中获得极坐标系下的雷达扫描数据,图像处理模块主要集成了一系列的图像处理算法。

    Radar scan data is obtained and shown in Image obtaining module and a series of image processing algorithms are integrated in Image processing module .

  5. 本文针对非完整约束移动机器人纯滚动无滑动这个约束条件,设计了一种在极坐标系下基于Lyapunov函数的全局渐进镇定控制器。

    This dissertation aim at the constraint condition that " pure roll without slippage ", designed an asymptotically stabilizing controller based on Lyapunov function under polar coordinates .

  6. 基于尖角状角点附近的场分布特性,提出了应用极坐标系中的B样条有限元法求解尖角奇异边值问题。

    Based on the distribution characteristic of fields in the neighbourhood of a sharp corner , the B spline finite element method in polar coordinates is exploited for solving the boundary value problems with singularities at the sharp corner .

  7. 在平面上有个极坐标系,不用x,y表示,用r表示到原点的距离,θ表示于x轴的夹角。

    If you have polar coordinates that means in the plane , instead of using x and y , you will use coordinates r , distance to the origin , and theta , the angles from the x-axis .

  8. 当你在极坐标系下积分时,你不仅要建立关于r和θ的界限,而且要用rdrdθ,而不是drdθ来代替。

    When you integrate in polar coordinates , you just set up your bounds in terms of r and theta , dA but you replace dA by r dr d theta , not just dr d theta .

  9. 本文首先设计了一个极坐标系正压涡度方程的半谱模式、一个准地转格点模式对涡旋Rossby波传播和热带气旋强度变化进行了较为系统的研究。

    Firstly , this paper designs a polar coordinate barotropic vorticity equation semi-spectral model and a quasi-geostrophic grid model in order to research the propagation of vortex Rossby waves and tropical cyclone intensity change entirely .

  10. 类似的,如果我们,看这里的极坐标系,我们能看到只要在theta等于,多少的地方就是xy平面。

    And similarly , actually , if we 're looking at our polar coordinates here , what we see is it 's any place where theta is equal to is what 's going to put up on the x-y plane .

  11. 基于Hirs湍流润滑理论,针对端面动压密封(或推力轴承润滑)推导了极坐标系下的湍流计算模型。

    Based on Hirs bulk flow theory , a turbulence model aiming at hydrodynamic face seal ( or thrust bearing ) in the polar coordinates system was presented .

  12. 结合BTT控制的特点,推导了极坐标系下的弹目相对运动方程,建立了BTT导弹制导控制系统的数学模型,在此基础上对BTT比例导引律进行了分析。

    Considering the characteristic of BTT control , the relative motion equation is established in the polar coordinate , based on which the mathematical model of BTT guidance system is obtained . Then BTT PNL is deeply analyzed .

  13. 分别数值计算了非均匀网格上的Poiseuille流动,极坐标系网格上的同轴圆柱面圆周运动,以及柱坐标系网格上的Hagen-Poiseuille流动三个解析解问题。

    Three examples with analytic solutions have been calculated already . They are Poiseuille flow on non-uniform mesh , Circular motion between coaxial cylinders on a polar mesh and Hagen-Poiseuille flow on a cylindrical mesh .

  14. 针对旋流燃烧器数值模拟中回流区伪扩散问题,在极坐标系下提出局部全息格式(LHDS),并运用LHDS对环扇形空腔中顶盖驱动流进行了数值模拟研究,计算结果与文献吻合良好。

    To solve the problem of pseudo diffusion in simulation on recirculating zone of swirling flow burner , a local holographic difference scheme ( LHDS ) in polar coordinate was proposed and used to simulate the driven flow in a polar cavity .

  15. 极坐标系下等离子体模拟的粒子推进算法

    Particle-Moving Algorithm for Particle-in-Cell Simulation of Plasmas in Polar Coordinates System

  16. 把它转换到极坐标系下。

    And I would like to switch that to polar coordinates .

  17. 极坐标系下预计地表移动变形的综合模型

    The Synthetical Model of Surface Displacement due to Mining in Polar Coordinates

  18. 这是极坐标系下的二重积分。

    Anyway , that is double integrals in polar coordinates .

  19. 极坐标系下泊松方程的拟谱方法

    A new pseudo-spectral method for solving Poisson equation in polar coordinate system

  20. 修正极坐标系纯方位跟踪算法分析与改进

    The Analysis and Improvement of Bearings-only Tracking Algorithm in Correction Polar Coordinates

  21. 二维各向同性谐振子在平面极坐标系中的归一化径向波函数

    Radial wave function of a two dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator

  22. 极坐标系中带多普勒量测的雷达目标跟踪

    Radar Target Tracking with Doppler Measurements in Polar Coordinates

  23. 活动极坐标系与平面齿廓

    Movable Polar Coordinate System and Contrate Profiles Bungee Jump Plan for pretty teeth

  24. 极坐标系下的快速等效电流量测变换状态估计方法

    Fast State Estimation Method in Polar Coordinates Based on Equivalent Current Measurement Transformation

  25. 那么,这个圆方程在极坐标系下相当于什么呢?

    Well , what is the equation of this circle in polar coordinates ?

  26. 介绍了极坐标系下的被动跟踪算法及存在的问题,并分析了其原因。

    The traditional passive tracking algorithm under polar coordinates and its deficiencies were analyzed .

  27. 用微分的观点看极坐标系与极坐标变换

    The polar coordinate system and the polar coordinate translation in view of differential geometry

  28. 基于极坐标系的数据插补算法的宏程序的开发及应用

    Development of Macro Programming of Data Interpolation Algorithm under Polar Coordinates and its Application

  29. 极坐标系中的函数作图

    Construction Problem of Function in Polar Coordinate System

  30. 有两种办法,可以得出极坐标系下的方程。

    This guy , you have two different ways of getting its polar coordinate equation .