
jí quān
  • polar circle
极圈 [jí quān]
  • [polar circle] 离地球的一极的距离等于黄道斜度(黄赤交角)或约23度27分的两个纬圈之一

  1. 悬在时间中,在极圈和回归线之间。

    Sempiternal though sodden towards sundown , Suspended in time , between pole and tropic .

  2. 近极圈地区的多年生罂粟,开白或黄到橙色或桃红色且带香味的花。

    Subarctic perennial poppy of both hemispheres having fragrant white or yellow to orange or peach flowers .

  3. k>1,相当于极圈外各个纬度。

    When k > 1 , the model may be applicable for the latitudes outside the polar circles .

  4. 当它们到达地球磁场之后,能量便在地球极圈地带转化成可视的光线。

    When they reach the earth 's magnetic field the energy is transferred into visual light around the earth 's Polar Regions .

  5. 期间,我们打破了人类最长人力极圈旅程的记录-比它多了400多英里。

    In the process , we broke the record for the longest human-powered polar journey in history by more than 400 miles .

  6. 我们曾徒步走完了有史以来最长的极圈旅程,这我已梦想了几十年了。

    We 'd made the longest ever polar journey on foot , something I 'd been dreaming of doing for a decade .

  7. 当尼摩船长说完了他这句话的时候,我自己心中说:“极圈吗!这个大胆的人一直要把我们带到极圈中去吗!

    As the captain was finishing his sentence , I said to myself : " The pole ! Is this brazen individual claiming he 'll take us even to that location ? "

  8. 您将在极圈地方看到这种现象所产生的结果,您将了解到,冰冻作用之所以只在水面上才发生,就是由于有远见的大自然的这个规律。”

    At the poles you 'll see the consequences of this phenomenon , and through this law of farseeing nature , you 'll understand why water can freeze only at the surface ! "

  9. 这种情况改变了大气环流的方式。冬天,当大气环流变化散布到低一点的大气中时,自北极圈表层而来的冷空气很容易就能传播到南方,让北欧的大部分国家处于冰冻之中。

    That changed the way the atmosphere circulated , and as those changes spread down into the lower atmosphere they made it easier for cold surface air from the Arctic to come south in winter , freezing chunks of northern Europe .