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bǎn zi
  • board;plank;bamboo or birch for corporal punishment
板子 [bǎn zi]
  • (1) [board]∶以木、竹等物制成的片状物

  • (2) [bamboo or birch for corporal punishment]∶用作刑罚工具的木板或竹板,形容严厉的责罚

  • 再完不成定额先打车间主任的板子

板子[bǎn zi]
  1. 把板子坡着放。

    Put the board on a slant .

  2. 这块板子刨得溜平。

    This board has been planed smooth .

  3. 无论是按国法,还是按党纪,他都逃不了挨板子。

    Whether tried according to the law of the state or the Party discipline , he cannot escape the caning he deserves .

  4. 完不成工作,就打板子。

    Whoever fails to finish the work will be punished .

  5. 这块板子是方的。

    This is a square board .

  6. 又想挨板子了是吧?

    Want your ass kicked again ?

  7. 视频片段显示,有个男人捡到了20美元的钞票并把它钉到了板子上。

    The video clip shows one man who had found a $ 20 bill pinning it to the board .

  8. “我们甚至让一个穿着婚纱的新娘到板子上来拿几块钱。”

    We even had a bride in her wedding dress come up to the board and take a few dollars .

  9. 当丝带被拿走时,她们惊讶地发现彼此之间隔着一块巨大的板子。

    When the ribbons were taken away , they were surprised to see a huge board between them .

  10. 就在威伯饱餐之际,鲁维取了把锤子和一些八分长的钉子来,把那块板子钉了回去。

    While Wilbur ate , Lurvy fetched a hammer and some 8-penny nails and nailed the board in place .

  11. 一种基于DSP控制的动车组防滑控制器其他的滑雪板发明者制作了各种样式的板子。

    An Anti-slip Controller of EMUs Based on DSP Other snowboard inventors made different kinds of boards .

  12. 下一步将转移到2D原理图,在2D原理图中板子上不同元件之间的联系用图象征性地表示出来了。

    Next the design moves on to a2D schematic , where the connections between the different board components are symbolically shown .

  13. 其中包括板子的总体设计,原理图设计、电路板设计,电路板焊装与调试。2.采用FPGA器件,并利用VHDL语言完成各部分逻辑接口的设计和对数据采集的控制。

    By using FPGA and the VHDL hardware descriptive language , the interface logic between the analog signal acquisition module and the interface of SHARC is designed and realized .

  14. 记录具体故障和失败发生时板子的状态和其它的系统变量就和清楚加载了哪个FPGA版本一样重要。

    Keeping track of the state of the board and other system variables can be just as important as knowing what version of the FPGA was loaded at the time of a specific fault or failure .

  15. (板子)找Yolanda要了电话号码

    Asked Yolanda fo her phone number

  16. 当然,他们不能真地跳起来。可是Parsons提供了一块板子。在上面他们能迈出一些舞步。

    Of course , they couldn 't actually tango , but he did provide a board on which they could do some of the steps .

  17. 我也不知道到底这个占卜是真的,或者只是cynthia为了吓我自己在板子上移动着指针。

    Anyhow , whether this part was real or it was just Cynthia moving the cursor around on her own trying to freak me out , I 'd never know .

  18. Dickason先生建议我们不要把钱花在太阳能板子上,而用来买一台节能电冰箱,荧光灯泡,和其它具有环保意识的产品来”救赎我们的良心“。

    Mr Dickason advised us to spend our money not on solar panels , but on an energy-efficient refrigerator , fluorescent light bulbs and other conservation-minded items to salve our consciences .

  19. 地板中松了的板子应该用钉子钉牢。

    The loose board in the floor should be nailed down .

  20. 我们第一步应该做的是,把板子放在这。

    What we do first , we have our board here .

  21. 别的客人也需要板子,莎曼珊。

    There are other peopie here who need boards , samantha .

  22. 车辆顶部用来放雪撬的板子。

    A carrier for holding skis on top of a vehicle .

  23. 为什么这块板子不在梯子上呢?

    Why would the board stay put , not the ladder ?

  24. 你帮我把这板子安置进去好吗?

    Will you help me to work this board into place ?

  25. 写下你的名字并把它放在这个树形的板子上。

    Write your name and put it on this tree board .

  26. 一种平滑的板子,我们可以把纸放在上面画画。

    A smooth board on which paper is placed for making drawings .

  27. 但是接下来,指针开始在板子上顺时针方向地转起了圈。

    But the cursor started going clockwise in circles around the board .

  28. 那我想我们的屁股上都该挨板子。

    Then I guess we both deserve to get our bottoms spanked .

  29. 板子上已经画好了方格,可以开始下棋了。

    The board is squared off ready for the game .

  30. 他们正对着一座用板子钉起来的建筑物投掷石块。

    And they were just throwing rocks up at a boarded building .