
  1. 一个EA工具允许这些原则能够运用到企业架构元素中去。译者杨晨对数据库和搜索引擎有深入了解,尤其擅长经典计算机科学理论,对历史学兴趣浓厚。

    An EA-tool allows these principles to be related to the enterprise architecture elements to which they apply .

  2. 大家好,这是杨晨。欢迎到美语咖啡屋。

    Hello everyone ! I 'm Jody ! Welcome to American Cafe .

  3. 我是杨晨。欢迎您到美语咖啡屋。

    J : Hello I ' 'm Jody and welcome to American Cafe !

  4. 杨晨挤进球门区,在禁区内制造了危险的门前混战局面。

    Yang Chen crowed into the goalmouth and created a dangerous scramble in the penalty area .

  5. 杨晨:网页设计师。那她能帮我什么?

    Jody : No , she 's not a psychologist . She 's a web designer .

  6. 杨晨,34岁:这一季最好的灵感是重塑80年代的最爱。

    Yangchen Lhamo , 34 : Many of this season 's best ideas are reinventions of '80s favorites .

  7. 杨晨:真的?跳踢踏舞还可以帮助她们恢复身体健康啊?

    JODY : Well , many of the women have used tap dance to help recover from serious illnesses .

  8. 杨晨:就是吗。当初我就劝你学点简单的东西。

    JODY : Um , I would have to say in a word , simply * YES ! It 's really hard .

  9. 杨晨:没错,没错。对我自己来说,多听音乐,唱歌跳舞都是有益身体健康的活动。

    JODY : And you know , what 's better than music , dancing , singing and laughter ? Those are the best medicines for anybody .

  10. 杨晨:我知道。用五分钟来谈论咖啡文化到底对美国人意味着什么显然是不够的。

    JODY : Really five minutes is not enough time . So , I think everyone should join us again for another program of American Cafe .

  11. 杨晨:不过说到舞台表演,如果是我自己站在舞台上要这样手舞足蹈,而且还要扮演很多人物,我一定会紧张得两条腿直哆嗦。

    Jody : Oh , are you kidding me ? That would be incredibly scary . It 's hard enough to get on stage in front of an audience . It 's even more difficult when you 're alone .