
  1. 当她来到杨彦工作室时,她才惊喜地发现原来自己的丈夫是位画家。

    She was surprised to discover her husband was a painter when she saw his studio .

  2. 杨彦认为,正是画中的那份朴实与纯粹令她的作品出类拔萃。

    What stands out in her work , Yang Yan believes , is its innocence and purity .

  3. 爱达•杨和杨彦经由朋友介绍相识,尽管语言不通,但仍然无法阻止他们迅速坠入爱河。

    Yang and Yang Yan met through friends and soon fell for each other , even though they did not speak a common language .

  4. 对于55岁的杨彦来说,这是一段等了20年的恋情。20年前,一座非洲女孩的雕塑深深印在他的脑海中;

    For the 55-year-old Yang Yan , it was a romance he 'd been waiting for 20 years after seeing a sculpture of an African girl .

  5. 对于55岁的杨彦来说,这是一段等了20年的恋情。

    For the 55-year-old Yang Yan , it was a romance he ` d been waiting for 20 years after seeing a sculpture of an African girl .

  6. 杨彦说:中国人喜欢梅花,它象征着中华文明所崇尚的正直和高贵;而芒果则象征着非洲。这个创意非常新颖。

    Chinese people like plum blossom , which symbolizes integrity and nobility , characteristics that are admired in Chinese culture , while mango symbolizes Africa . This creative idea is very refreshing , Yang Yan says .

  7. 很多人来中国寻找异国情调,但对爱达•杨而言,她与中国结缘却始于一段恋情。2011年四月,她与赴非旅游的中国山水画家杨彦相识相恋,最终来到中国。

    Many people come to China in search of the exotic , but for Yang it was a relationship with Chinese landscape painter Yang Yan , who visited Africa in April 2011 , that brought her to the country .

  8. 当杨彦离开画桌后,爱达杨便拿起画笔,开始画自己家乡随处可见的芒果树。她用不同的颜色和画笔来展现出芒果树各个生长阶段。

    When Yang Yan left his desk , Yang picked up the brushes and began to paint mango trees - common in her hometown - using different colors and brush strokes to show how they looked at various stages of growth .