
  1. 2015年4月,杨华从鞍钢(AnshanSteel)副董事长职位调到这家位于大连的钢铁企业。

    Mr Yang joined the Dalian-based steelmaker in April 2015 from his role as deputy chairman of Anshan Steel .

  2. 53岁的杨华生前兼任东北特钢(DongbeiSpecialSteel)党委书记。3月25日,公司网站确认了他的死讯。之前一天,警方接到了他在家中上吊身亡的报告。

    Yang Hua , 53 , who also acted as the Communist party secretary of Dongbei Special Steel , was confirmed dead on March 25 by the company 's website , a day after police received reports that he had hanged himself at his home .

  3. 中海油总裁杨华昨天表示,Bridas拥有世界级的油气资产组合,对我们进军拉丁美洲而言,是一个很好的开端。

    Yang Hua , CNOOC president , said yesterday that Bridas had world-class oil and gas assets and was a good beachhead for us to enter Latin America .

  4. 像杨华这样的快递员每天约投送100个包裹。

    Individual couriers like Mr Yang hand-deliver about 100 packages a day .

  5. 中海油副董事长杨华将接替王宜林的职位。

    Cnooc vice-chairman Yang Hua will replace Mr Wang .

  6. 杨华说,他见证了多年来的巨大变化。

    Yang Hua says he has witnessed great changes over the years . ,

  7. 杨华是名快递员,在中国一家最忙碌的快递公司从事长时间倒班制工作。

    Mr Yang is a delivery man , working long shifts for one of China 's busiest courier companies .

  8. 幸运的是,杨华和母亲的白细胞抗原体吻合,这是实现移植的必要条件。

    Fortunately , the human leukocyte antigen of mother and daughter matched , which was necessary for a transplant .

  9. 在等待移植时,杨华已经结婚了,她丈夫全力支持她进行这个手术。

    While waiting for the transplant , Yang got married , and her husband fully supported her having the operation .

  10. 她说,60年前,她的爷爷带着她爸爸杨华从南京搬到了阿拉尔定居。

    She says her father Yang Hua relocated from Nanjing with her grandpa to settle in Alaer 60 years ago .

  11. 杨华的母亲,43岁,听到医生的建议,毅然决定将自己的子宫移植给女儿。

    Yang 's 43-year-old mother , after learning from doctors that she could help her daughter , decided to donate her uterus .

  12. 杨华是中国迅猛发展的快递业的一线工人,该行业的服务对象是众多网购迷恋者。

    Yang is a front-line worker servicing China 's booming courier industry - a sector that has emerged to service China 's obsession with online shopping .

  13. 除了住在农村老家的妻子和母亲,杨华还有两个女儿&一个20岁,另一个5岁。

    In addition to his wife and mother living in his rural village , Mr Yang has two daughters - one is 20 and one is five .

  14. 中海油首席财务官杨华表示:我从报纸上读到,中国2007年使用的石油,有大约60%是国产的,大约30%至40%是进口的。

    I read from newspapers that about 60 per cent of oil used in China in 2007 was produced locally . About 30 per cent to 40 per cent was imported .

  15. 本文通过描写杨华到任两年间的管理历程,揭示了管理者的领导风格与管理情境相互作用时的不同反应&相互矛盾时会造成管理瘫痪,彼此匹配时会相得益彰。

    The story depicts the two-year journey of Yang 's management , reveals the laws of interplay between Manager 's managing style and down-to-earth situations , as weu as the different results brought out - to set off Management to a halt when in contradiction ;